How To Complete The Proving Grounds: Lights Out Shrine In The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom

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  • Where to find Simosiwak Shrine
  • Simosiwak Shrine (Proving Grounds: Lights Out) Guide

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Realm is home to some of the most creative and stunning shrines that will have you banging your head against the walls for what seems like forever as you try everything you can to save them. However, several other shrines will test your worth in other ways and throw you for a loop.

RELATED: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Realm – Taki-ihaban Shrine Guide

An example of this is Simosiwak Shrine he tries to test your resolve by throwing you at him dark room, to have you find and destroy training constructs to complete it and receive your rewards. Fortunately, a few tricks will help make this a lot less stressful.


Where to find Simosiwak Shrine

Link attempts the Ring Challenge on Bravery Island to unlock Simosiwak Shrine in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Unlike the vast majority of other shrines in the Tears of the Realm, it is Simosiwak Shrine can only which you can access when you complete the challenge located at island of courage sky island found nearby North Hyrule Sky Archipelago.

Location of Bravery Island

As stated above, Island of Valor is located nearby North Hyrule Sky Archipelago. It is Sky Island which rests on at the bottom of the spiral rock structure which will definitely catch your eye when you first launch yourself out of Lookout Landing Skyview Tower.

You can reach Bravery Island as many ways as you can cast Remember a piece of debris falling from the sky to the ground below and ride back.

Or you can use the catapult near the Mayamat shrine (Rauru’s blessing) on nearby Sky Island to run towards it and glide the rest of the way down on Bravery Island. Which way to the Island you decide is up to you, but we prefer this way!

Bravery Island: Steward Construct

Link to the Steward Construct speech on Bravery Island in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Once you touch Bravery Island, search Steward Construct near a dilapidated stone structure and talk to him to learn about the Ring Challenge. The first challenge is temporary, but it will still prove difficult, so be prepared!

Bravery Island: Ring Challenge

After accepting the Ring Challenge, you will coiled on top of a spiral rock structure and he will have to jump off it and through the ring to start the challenge. As you descend, you have to through a series of rings and land in the pool of water below.

Missing just one of these rings will redirect you back to the Steward Construct, allowing you to re-enter the challenge if you so choose.

One tip we have for this challenge is the rings will rotate clockwise and counter-clockwise alternately, therefore make your adjustments for the next one as you go through one, allowing you to get a head start on your positioning to make things much more manageable.

Island of Valor: Simosiwak Shrine

Simosiwak Shrine, which is built after Link completes the Bravery Island Ring Challenge in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

If you succeed through each ring on your way back to Bravery Island you will be rewarded with construction of a new sanctuary. This shrine is mentioned above Simosiwak Shrine! The shrine will be made on Bravery Island, so don’t jump off it and go anywhere else!

Simosiwak Shrine (Proving Grounds: Lights Out) Guide

Link standing outside Simosiwak Shrine in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

with Simosiwak Shrine If you’re built, you can head inside or try the limited-time version of the Ring Challenge to earn extra goodies. It’s just a shrine less puzzle and more challenge, to have you tackle the constructs in the dark sanctuaries.

They exist a total of three structures inside the sanctuary, everything at various problems take over, especially without clothing or equipment. Luckily, there’s a way to improve them all, which we’ve outlined below!

Simosiwak Shrine: Lighting the Way

Before entering Simosiwak Shrine, we recommend eating food which gives you Glow effect, allowing A connection that glows in the dark sanctuaries. If you don’t have the means to do that, that’s okay. You’ll be at a bit of a disadvantage, but nothing major!

Simosiwak Shrine: Rules

Simosiwak Shrine rules stating that you cannot use external items while inside the shrine in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Upon entering the sanctuary, you will met with a message you will have an explanation all your gear off while inside the sanctuary which means you cannot bring outside objects or weapons.

But don’t panic, your stuff will be returned to you if you leave the shrine or complete it, so don’t worry about losing your stuff forever. It’s only valid as long as you’re in the shrine.

Furthermore any buffs you have applied yourself will remain intact upon entry sanctuary. This means if you have eaten a food with a glowing effect we encouraged you to do so earlier, would remain active even after it takes everything from you!

Simosiwak Shrine: The first training construct

When you first enter Simosiwak Shrine, you will immediately to the left look for two light shields and a wooden staff at the bottom of the entrance ramp. pick up all then head left. You’ll see isolated structure wandering around the area in front of you.

Sneak up to the Construct and defeat him with his wooden stick. If you can land a Stealth Attack, go for it. Otherwise, be prepared for him to fight with his own wooden stick. this Construct doesn’t have much health, but the encounter should be simple.

Simosiwak Shrine: Another training construct

Correlation of destroying a construct with a stick and light shield and browsing his flamethrower club at Simosiwak Shrine in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

The the second construct it is found slightly before the first but it is much more demanding fall, so be careful. This construct has a lot more health like the previous and has a flame emitter attached to a wooden stick, making it extremely dangerous.

Sneak up to the Construct as you did the previous and performs a Stealth Attack to that remove most of your health, then finish with wooden sticks you collected.

If the construct spots you, use your light shield and get hits whenever possible. After defeat, pick up his flamethrower/wooden stick, then go ahead!

Simosiwak Shrine: The third training construct

with Flame Emitter/Wooden Stick in your possession go to the right and find the third and final construct sitting on raised platform surrounded by Rubies.

You will be behind the construct, so we I strongly advise you to take your time and sneak up on him to performs a Stealth Attack, which will you probably take him out in one hit or leave him very close to death later.

Again, if you are spotted, prepare for a general fight, but this construct is slightly weaker than the previous one, and your new flame emitter/wooden stick will chip away at your health like nothing.

Defeat this construct will warn you that you are successfully completed Simosiwak Shrine and returned all your items to you on the spot and opening the exit. While most things will disappear, you can still collect rubies, so do this before proceeding!

Simosiwak Shrine: Rewards

Link to open Simosiwak Shrine treasure chest and receive Bright Elixir in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Finally, now that the exit is open, you can make your way through the open door find a Treasure chest waiting for you right in front of the statues. Open the chest to receive bright elixir, which grants you a High gloss effect for nine minutes and ten seconds. From there you can grab yours The light of blessing and leave Simosiwak Shrine!

NEXT: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Realm – Jonsau Shrines Guide

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