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Watermelon soap from cosmetics company Lush will support the mental health of Palestinian children

LONDON: British cosmetics retailer Lush has launched a watermelon soap, the proceeds of which will fund essential mental health support and trauma counseling for children in Gaza and the West Bank.

Watermelons have become a symbol of solidarity with Palestine because they contain the colors of the Palestinian flag.

Lush soap is made from natural ingredients and safe synthetics such as canola, coconut, watermelon, bergamot and rose.

In 2011, the British Medical Journal published a review study that found high rates of PTSD in Palestinian children. New research by Save the Children says feelings of depression, hyperactivity, a preference to be alone and aggression are now reported by 95 percent of children in Gaza.

Lush support is nothing new. The company sources extra virgin olive oil from the Palestinian permaculture farm Marda, which is dedicated to social and ecological regeneration. The farm promotes sustainable agricultural practices and offers economic opportunities to local communities.

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