A solution of the whim of the tape in the infinity of the nikki

Fireworks season brought a lot of excitement a lot Infinity nikkiIncluding various new events that significantly reward players, and WHIM TANGRAM is one of them. This is a limited event that will take the rest of the current update that should end around 25 February 2025.

Fortunately, the event does not require running or collecting specific materials Infinity nikki. You simply have to talk to the NPC called Qiao on on the White Nefrit to start the event and start playing the first phase. During the whim of the tantram, the skills of changing stylists will be tested, but the rewards are definitely worth it.


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Infinity Nikki WHIM TANGRAM EVENT Solution Guide - Qiao on Location

During the Whim Tantram event Infinity nikkiPlayers get a certain shape outline and several geometric pieces such as triangles and SQAures. The aim is Mount all available pieces in the outline and create a given shape. The puzzle of the event starts easily, but it will be more difficult to unlock more levels. In total, there are four phases and complete each reward of stylists with different rewards such as diamonds and bling. Keep in mind that there is more than one way to solve puzzles.

If you want to play on any scene, head to the white jade and talk to the Qiao, which stands near the cabin entrance. It will explain the rules and invite you to play several rounds. Players may apparently refuse and return later because the event will take several weeks. Below, players will find one of many ways to use to complete shapes.

TANGRAM SOLUTION 1 – WHIM ENGINE Event in Infinity Nikki

The first shape is a small ship with a sail. If you want to solve this puzzle, make sure the two biggest triangles are inside the outline of the sail that leaves the ship. Then place two triangles in the left corner and square next to them. Mix and compare the rest of the pieces and complete the shape.


The second shape is certainly interesting. First place the square on top of your obvious place and continue. Directly below it should be a small triangle, which is connected to one of the corners of a much larger triangle. Place the medium -sized triangle under the previous piece and place the second large triangle under it. Finally, the remaining pieces are placed in the remaining corner of the shape.

TANGRAM 3 Solution – Whim Tantram event in Infinity Nikki (early)


The third phase is currently locked and unlocked after a few days.

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