All DLC Start Locations & Level Requirements

Although there is a lot to love about the base version Fallout New VegasDLC for the game transforms it from a great post-apocalyptic RPG to a legendary one. New perks, new skills, new items, and tons of other new content are automatically added to the Ultimate Edition of the game after starting a new save. But to really experience these DLCs, you'll need to find their default locations.


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There are a total of four story DLCs available New Vegas: Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, Dead Money and Lonesome Road. Each has a different recommended starting level and a different place for the Courier to start each new story, usually set in completely unique Mojave locations.

Updated on December 6, 2024 by Erik Petrovic: In Fallout: New Vegas, DLC levels vary from level 10 to level 25, but you can start any New Vegas DLC without having to meet the minimum suggested level. And for good reason – each Fallout: New Vegas DLC contains a variety of unique weapons and equipment not found in the base game, weapons that can significantly boost low-level players if they meet the requirements. This list of all Fallout: New Vegas DLC and level requirements has been updated to include a brief list of the unique New Vegas DLC weapons and gear that each expansion contains. However, if you decide to head into DLC before the recommended level, be careful not to get stuck in a situation you can't escape without loading an extremely old save.

1 Honest hearts

fallout honest hearts dlc

Joshua Graham has disappeared.

And in its place came the legends of the Burnt Man who roamed the wastelands.

Probably just a tribal ghost story.

But New Canaan remained silent for a long time.

The Honest hearts The DLC takes the Courier from the Mojave Desert to Zion National Park in neighboring Utah. This DLC gets off to a quick start when the player is ambushed and forced to make their way back to the Wasteland.

Honest hearts it offers some of the most interesting extensions of the base game's lore and has all the craziness of the original setting. From drug-induced rituals to a burned man who used to be Caesar's deputy, Honest hearts is a great DLC that players can start relatively early.

How to start an honest heart

To run Honest hearts DLC for Fallout New Vegashead northeast from the Westside West Entrance and onto the road that spans each side of the north side of New Vegas. The Honest hearts the starting point is in the North Passage, a cave you'll find in the hills about halfway through this journey.


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Alternatively, select the “Happy Trails Expedition” quest on your Pip-Boy and watch Honest hearts starting point. This quest should be automatically added to your quest log after creating a new character. Although we recommend getting to level 10 as a minimum level Honest heartsyou can start the DLC earlier if you want a change of pace from the normal starter experience.

Honest Hearts Unique DLC weapons and equipment

  • Shining Light In The Dark: The pistol wielded by Joshua
  • Compliance regulator: A laser gun that can paralyze enemies when it Crits
  • Salt-Upon-Wounds' Power Fist: A power fist that also deals Poison damage
  • She is Embrace: A gauntlet that allows you to claw at enemies with unarmed attacks

2 Old World Blues

Doctor Klein in Old World Blues, Fallout New Vegas DLC

For years, the minds and computers of Big Mountain have been a blaze of trajectories, weapons schematics, and nuclear theories.

Problems began to outpace solutions, first geometrically, then exponentially. As the war escalated, so did the questions.

Old World Blues he takes the courier to a unique place called the Big Empty, a place called the Big Mountain that is cut off from the rest of the wasteland. After essentially being kidnapped by a being called the Think Tank—an amalgamation of the world's greatest scientific minds in one botched robot—the Courier's brain is removed.

In the rest of the DLC, the player tries to reclaim his own brain and all the mad science activities that the adventure might conjure up. Robot scorpions, a mutant granny, and the ability to convince your own brain to go back into your skull make it one of the best New Vegas DLC to experience.

How to start an old world blues

To run Old World Blues DLC for Fallout New Vegasyou need to find the abandoned Mojave Drive-In Theater, southeast of Nelson. The Old World Blues the starting point is the projector, which can only be used at night when the eyeball is playing on the screen. Open it and watch as the courier is taken to this bizarre science environment.

Alternatively, select the 'Midnight Sci-Fi Feature' quest on your Pip-Boy and watch it Old World Blues starting point. This quest should be automatically added to your quest log after creating a new character. Although we recommend getting to level 15 as a minimum level Old World Bluesyou can run DLC on earlier levels.

Old World Blues Unique DLC weapons and equipment

  • FIDO: A minigun that relies on a dog brain in a red tube attached to the front of the gun
  • Elijah's jury-rigged Tesla Cannon: An extremely powerful energy cannon that was created before the war
  • Christine's CoS Silencer Rifle: A silenced sniper rifle with extremely high damage
  • Antenna X-2: A separate radar antenna that can be used as a two-handed weapon

3 Dead money

Dead money bad ending

The opening was supposed to symbolize the way to a brighter future not only for the world, but for all who came to its doors.

A chance for everyone to start over.

Except – the Sierra Madre never opened.

The Dead money The DLC brings players to an extravagant resort that was once supposed to be the greatest wealth – the Sierra Madre Casino. Before its grand opening, bombs exploded and it remained closed forever. Now there is a rumor that there is a great treasure under the Sierra Madre, which attracts the courier to search for it.


Fallout: New Vegas – 15 unmarked quests you shouldn't miss (and how to start them)

Pip-Boy doesn't always have the best quests! Fallout New Vegas has some unmarked quests that every player should try.

Although this DLC is considered by some to be the weakest of the four DLCs in New Vegas, Dead money it still offers unique characters, interesting stories, and great new items and perks to the game. While you'll have to get relatively far in the game to meet its level requirements, it's worth the detour.

How to start with dead money

To run Dead money DLC for Fallout New Vegasstart from Nelson in the far east of the Mojave Wasteland main map and head northeast along the road. The Dead money the starting point is the Abandoned Brotherhood of Steel bunker, just a few minutes' walk northeast of Nelson.

Alternatively, select the “Sierra Madre Grand Opening” quest on your Pip-Boy and watch it Dead money starting point. This quest should be automatically added to your quest log after creating a new character.

Although we recommend getting to level 20 as a minimum level Dead moneyyou can run this DLC earlier if you want a challenge. The difficulty of the enemies in this a A lonely road it goes up a bit compared to the base game and other DLCs, so it's a good idea to level up as much as you can and get some good gear before heading into this area.

Dead Money Unique DLC weapons and equipment

  • Holorifle: An energy sniper rifle that looks like a grenade launcher instantly engages targets with no bullet drop or travel time
  • Bear Fist Trap: A bear trap attached to a rope that you can use as a fist weapon
  • Cosmic Knife: An ultra-sharp blade that deals extra damage to limbs

4 A lonely road

Courier in Fallout: New Vegas DLC Lonesome Road

They say war – war never changes.

But men do, by the paths they walk.

And this journey has come to an end.

While Dead money is a little more divisive add-on for New Vegasthe general consensus is that A lonely road is the best The A lonely road The DLC story sees the conclusion of the Courier's own story, which began before Benny shot them in the head in the opening cutscene.


Fallout New Vegas: Everything you need to know about the Wild Wasteland

Wild Wasteland is an amazing feature that customizes the game in a really interesting way and livens up the secondary game. But what does everything do?

In short, the Courier delivered something that changed the course of history for one man in particular: Odysseus.

In this DLC, players are sent to The Divide, an area characterized by harsh environments (tornadoes, earthquakes, destructive storms, etc.). The lonely road to meeting Ulysses is fraught with strife and hardship—and lots and lots of nuclear warheads—but it's worth going through before you beat the game and head to the Hoover Dam for the final ending.

How to start Lonesome Road

To run A lonely road DLC for Fallout New Vegasstart from Primm and head west, across the road and into the hills. The A lonely road the starting location is the Canyon Wreckage location and like all the other locations it will appear with a warning when you first try to enter the DLC zone.

Alternatively, select “The Reunion” quest on your Pip-Boy and follow it A lonely road starting point. This quest should be automatically added to your quest log after creating a new character. We highly recommend getting to at least level 20, but preferably higher (around level 25) before attempting the next one A lonely road. This is the hardest DLC and the last DLC, so make sure you're good and ready (and consider trying the other DLCs first) before you go.

Lonesome Road Unique DLC weapons and gear

  • Satchel Charge: An explosive mine that can be placed and detonated at the wielder's discretion
  • Shoulder machine gun: An extremely heavy, extremely powerful minigun that requires high strength and weapon control
  • Old glory: A pole with a golden eagle that can be used as a melee weapon
  • Fist of The North Rawr: A severed deathclaw hand that can be wielded as an unarmed melee weapon that requires 100 unarmed to wield

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