Every B-Side Location In Celeste

fast connections

  • Celestial Resort: Elevator Shaft
  • Core: The heart of the mountain

CelesteThe mix of challenging old-school platforming with a strong emotional story has earned it a high rating among critics, currently holding a score of 91 on Metacritic. Many video games have begun to break the taboo around mental health, and Celeste beautifully uses its steep difficulty curve to tell a nuanced story of struggle and perseverance.

Related: Things You Wish You Knew Before Playing Celeste

Climbing Mount Celeste requires more than ever-so-precise platforming, as its story encourages you to overcome challenges that at first seem beyond your abilities. For those who complete the game and want to overcome more obstacles, the game contains collectible B-sides: hidden tapes that unlock harder versions of the levels. While you may encounter some on your first playthrough, B-sides are best sought after you’ve completed the main story and mastered the game mechanics.


Updated on 13 April 2023 by Rebecca Phillips: We’ve updated this guide to improve its design and make the information as easy to access as possible, so you can easily find all the Celeste B-sides.

Abandoned City: The Abyss

Abandoned City by Celeste B

Begins at the Chasm part of the Forsaken City, jump and bounce to the platform directly above you, then launch the conveyor belt platform which allows you to exit in the upper left corner of the screen.

In the next room, use the conveyor belt platform to propel you up towards the exit. You’ll come across a conveyor belt platform directly above you that, when activated, blocks a secret screen.

Once you’re on this screen, the path to Side B should be pretty clear. Watch the time to the platform between the pink and blue alternating platforms along the bottom of the screen to the pink block at the top left, in front using a conveyor belt platform and a timely jump to take you to page B.

Old site: Get started

Celeste B-side Old Site Start

Starting in the camp at the beginning of the chapter, exit to the right and proceed to the lower right exit next screen. Fall down the hole straight to the right away from you and fall all the way to the floor of the next screen.

You should notice that the brick wall on the right is a bit worn and a dash will send you through it. The next section is pretty linear – just progress through until you’re back in the room with the wall you just broke through. Through the dream block on the floor to find the room on the B side of this stage.

This B side is also pretty simple and mostly requires you to keep an eye on time. Travel on alternating platforms and rush through the dream blocks to request a B-side of this degree.

Celestial Resort: Elevator Shaft

Celeste B-Sides Celestial Resort Elevator Shaft

Starting at the lift shaft at the Celestial Resort, head up and then left. Advance left until you get to the key you need access to the room Mr. Oshiro desperately wants you to stay in.

Once you reach the key, it will damaged part of the wall on the left, which will take you to the B-side of Celestial Resort.

Rush to the blue toggle block and set it up so you can go through the block and land when it becomes solid. Jump forward between the nearest pink block and the blue one before landing on the small pink block above you.

Now you want to dash by going through the pink block on your left just as it becomes transparent and grab a wall covered in water. Drop down onto the pink block below you (once solid) and jump to claim your prize.

Golden Ridge: Start

Celeste B-Sides Golden Ridge

Beginning at the beginning of the Golden Ridge, progressing as usual. Eventually, you’ll run into an Old Woman, but only just keep advancing to the right as usual through the stage.

Eventually you will come across a relatively open section with three white clouds rising upper right screen. You’re fighting your instincts here jump from the second cloud to the upper left screen, using the wind and drift to your advantage. Exit the next room to the left.

That takes something more accurate platforming. There is a skull-shaped scope above you that shows this The B-side is located directly to your left. You will have to platform between (and through) alternating blocks to reach it.

Your grasping ability is quite important here, but the most important thing is to keep it simple persevere and get used to challenging times.

Mirror Temple: The Depths

Mirror Temple Celeste B-Sides

For the easiest way to side B, start at the depths and head through the door on your right (the switch is located above the mirror) before taking way up the narrow corridor.

In the next room, look for the vertical moving platform on the right to reach the exit in the upper right corner of the room. In the next room you will have to maneuver around the daring platform.

Once in the next room, head down until you see a red orb, which you can use to exit this room directly to the right. The next room contains switch in the upper right corner and the door directly below it on the floor.

Hitting the switch above you in the middle of the next room can be a bit tricky, but once you open the door you can exit through it to the right and find yourself in a room with a weakened section of wall at the end. Go through it to reach the B side.

Reflection: Cavities

Celeste B Sides Reflection Hollows

You start at the Hollows, go up and left towards the Angry Platform, which you can use to break the partially breakable wall below.

When you are next to the pen on your right, it is a secret path behind another semi-breakable wall to your left. Use the same Angry Platform to beat this.

If you want to reach that B side on the far left, you’ll have to be sparing with your dash and take advantage of gems to fill up your dashboard in the air.

Peak: 1500m

Celeste B Sides The Summit 1500M

Starting at 1,500 meters of your final summit climb, progress through the Celestial Resort as normal until you reach a small room with an exit blocked by a platform with a shield (the one that sounds like a doorbell when turned on).

After clearing this room, at the top of the next level you will notice the entrance to the screen on side B. After jumping over the ledge, to the high platform, side B located through the hole in the ceiling to your left.

The most challenging obstacle here is Z-shaped platform which requires a complex maneuver grab on one side until the block becomes transparentthen dodge through the platform to land on it as it solidifies again. Clear that and you’re home free.

Core: The heart of the mountain

Celeste B-side The Core

To access the kernel, you will have to beat the game, as good as collected four crystal hearts. Side B can be found in the ultimate back section of this level, in the Heart of the Mountain.

As you make your way through the core and avoid the rising lava, you will eventually reach a dead end. At this point, it’s the only way forward through the secret destructible wall on the right leading to the most challenging platforming sequence in the entire game. Good luck and the B-side is yours.

Next: Celeste: How to get every strawberry

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