Best Duo Team Ups, Rated


  • The synergy of Hawkeye & Black Widow in Marvel Rivals provides tactical precision and coordination.

  • Hulk & Wolverine offers explosive action in Marvel Rivals with the ability to hurl Wolverine at enemies.

  • Invisible Woman & Mr. Fantastic provide durability and support in Marvel Rivals, improving defense and healing abilities.

Marvel Rivals quickly established itself in the gaming world with its fast mechanics and strategic depth. The game's rapid popularity upon release has made it a standout in the competitive PVP shooter genre, offering players the chance to experience dynamic matchmaking of heroes with distinct abilities and legendary Marvel stories.

With the rise of such games offering many types of playable characters from Duelists to Tanks, Marvel Rivals takes over and offers an engaging mix of familiar faces and fun gameplay. These are some of the most iconic pairings in the game and how their synergy enhances the experience.


The 12 Best Duelists in Marvel Rivals, Ranked

These Duelists stand out from the rest as the best heroes in Marvel Rivals to ensure that players always dominate the competition.


Allied agents

Hawkeye & Black Widow

Marvel Rivals players feel Hawkeye is overpowered and want him nerfed.

  • Hawkeye shares his ultimate ability, Hunter's Sight, with Black Widow.

  • For players who like precision, coordination and tactical team energy.

Hawkeye and Black Window are an experienced tactical duo Marvel Rivals. Based on the combined experiences of elite SHIELD agents and members of the Avengers, Hawkey and Black Widow are no strangers to intense battles.

Their gameplay is enhanced by Hawkeye's ultimate ability, Hunter's Sight. She shares this ability with Black Widow, the queen of sniper shooting, allowing her to track and target enemies with pinpoint accuracy. This gives teams a strategic advantage as they can coordinate play with deadly precision.


ESU graduate

Squirrel Girl & Spider-Man

Marvel Rivals Squirrel Girl Comparison

  • Squirrel Girl becomes a webslinger thanks to Spider-Man, giving her the ability to wrap players in webbing.

  • For players who appreciate strong impact and team dynamics.

Squirrel Girl and Spider-Man have been iconic teammates in the Marvel Universe thanks to their effective team dynamic. Both former ESU students, their bond is built on respect, humor and loyalty. The duo brings a friendly, familiar dynamic to the game for gamers who love Marvel Comics.

When ESU Alumnus activates, Squirrel Girl is gifted with a web bomb that she can fire at her enemies. Exploding on impact and webbing her enemies, this duo gives Squirrel Girl a much-needed buff. The Web Bomb is powerful and boasts 80 damage. Spider-Man also takes +10% damage when Squirrel Girl is by his side.


Quick special

Hulk and Wolverine

fight club prodigy rivals 1v1

  • Hulk can throw Wolverine at enemies.

  • For players who like raw power and explosive action.

Players always appreciate pure, chaotic fun. When the legendary Bruce Banner, aka the Hulk, teams up with Wolverine, they become an unstoppable force – literally. Hulk gains the exciting ability to hurl Wolverine at enemies and launch the beast at high speed for high damage.

This interaction is unforgettable. Imagine the laughter that fills the lobby as Wolverine is shot across the map (20m) at enemies. The dynamic duo is perfect for players looking to add a little extra action to their game.


Fantastic power

Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Woman

Amazing rivals suffered an embarrassing defeat while playing as Mr. Fantastic

  • Invisible Woman gives you fantastic damage resistance

  • For players who appreciate support and durability.

The Fantastic Four arrived at the games hot and heavy. Invisible Woman and Mr. Fantastic are shaking up the game (in a good way). Invisible Woman takes her powers to the next level with Fantastic Power and channels Psionic Power to turn the tide of the game. This improves Mr. Fantastic by giving him increased damage resistance, allowing him to last longer in the game.

This duo allows for high healing and high damage output, allowing the team to generate bonus health over time and regenerate lost health. This defense and healing make him a durable and tough duo to fight with, perfect for players who value sustainability in teamfights.

Scarlet Witch & Magneto

Marvel Rivals' Season 1 Event missions are a big hit with fans

  • Scarlet Witch empowers Magneto's sword with Chaos Magic.

  • For players who appreciate swordplay and magic.

A couple of pairs Marvel Rivals generated as much excitement as Scarlet Witch and Magento. With their long history and complex relationship in the comics, their inclusion in the game allowed players to experience the full range of their abilities together.


Marvel Rivals: 14 Characters With the Most Health, Ranked

Those looking to stay alive in Marvel Rivals should give these characters a try as they come with some of the biggest sources of health in the game.

Metallic Chaos enchants Magneto's sword. Scarlet Witch shares her powers with the magnetic Magneto, allowing for intense sword battles. The enchantment boasts a short cooldown, increased range, and 55 damage that wipes out enemies with quick, swift strikes. Magic aside, the 10% damage boost alone makes this team worth checking out for all playstyles.


Atlas Bond

Iron Fist & Luna Snow


  • Luna Snow gains an active ability, causing an explosive circle of ice to damage enemies around her.

  • For players who like versatile battles and high damage output.

Iron Fist and Luna Snow make an interesting duo in Atlas Bond, combining martial arts and high-tech ice powers. Iron Fist brings unmatched fighting skills and focus Marvel Rivals, while Luna Snow's ice abilities allow her to strategically freeze enemies and control the game from a distance.

Atlas Bond makes Luna Snow even more deadly than she already is. Players will enjoy the boost Iron Fist gives her as she gains the ability to attack with an icy ring composed of Chi, dealing damage and knocking enemies back. The ring heals allies and Iron Fist gains a +15% damage boost for pairing in this deadly duo. Together, this team uses their powers to fight, solving challenges that combine magic, technology and martial arts to win any match.

Marvel Rivals Tag Page Cover Art


PlayStation-1 Xbox-1


December 6, 2024


NetEase Games

OpenCritic rating


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