Fortnite: NPC map places

Players find different characters on Fortnite Battle Royale Island and everyone adds something unique to the game. There are two types of NPC FortniteFriendly characters who provide useful services and enemy characters that will shoot in sight. Although players may feel inclined to approach a friendly people on the island, both types can be essential to win Royale victory.


Fortnite: Chapter 6 Battle Pass Season 1 (all Leather, Cosmetics)

Fortnite returns with Chapter 6 Season 1 with its hunter season and Battle Pass contains several original goodies among its titanium collages.

Whether it is a powerful villain or a friendly face trying to watch players in the battle, this guide shows them where they can go to find every non -votable character on the map of the season 1 Chapter 6.

Friendly locations and services of characters in Fortnite

Friendly NPCs can provide services to save life and sell useful items. Here are all friendly NPCs Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 and what has to offer:

Collection number



Available services



Night shift

  • Sells Fury Assault Rifle (200 gold bars)

  • Sells the potions of the shields of 50 gold bars)

  • Item Requirements



South Demon's dojo

  • Available for rent as a heavy specialist (250 gold bars)

  • Sells Twinfire Auto Shotgun (200 gold bars)



Masked meadows

  • Sells an offensive rifle of Holo Twister (200 gold bars)

  • Sells the HUG splash (120 gold bars)


Durrr Taisho

Seaport City

  • Activates rift on GO (300 gold bars)

  • Sells Surgefire SMG (200 gold bars)

  • Sells Medkit (120 gold bars)



Crossing the canyon

  • Available for rent as a medical specialist (250 gold bars)

  • Sells veiled Precision SMG (200 gold bars)

  • Provides service (100 gold bars)



Masked meadows

  • A duel for a chance to get wood and Assault Rifle Holo Twister




  • Sells a hunting rifle (600 gold bars)

  • Sells the legendary hunting rifle (repetition required)

  • Sells a grenade shockwave (100 gold bars)




  • Available for rent as a supply specialist (250 gold bars)

  • Sells Sentinel Pump shotgun (200 gold bars)

  • Sells an offensive rifle of Holo Twister (200 gold bars)



Crossing the canyon

  • Sells the legendary emptiness of the mask they and the fire masks (required by repetition)



Sakura punge landmark

  • Sells Typhoon Blade (Repeat Required)

  • Sells they shotgun (200 gold bars)


I am fishing

Near the giant turtle

  • Sells they shotgun (200 gold bars)

  • Sells the legendary shotgun they (required repetition)


Shadow Blade Hope


  • Activates rift on GO (300 gold bars)

  • Sells Fury Assault Rifle (200 gold bars)

  • Sells the legendary assault rifle of Fury (Repetition Required)


The night has grown

Demon's dojo

  • Provides service (100 gold bars)

  • Sells Fury Assault Rifle (200 gold bars)


Vengeance Jonesy


  • Sells Surgefire SMG (200 gold bars)

  • Sells the legendary surgefire SMG (Repetition required)



Northeast Masked meadows

  • Available for rent as a scout specialist (250 gold bars)

  • Sells Surgefire SMG (200 gold bars)

  • Sells Shockwave Grenades (100 Gold Rods)

There are also hostile NPCs on the island, but that doesn't mean you should avoid them completely, because most of them have a valuable reward that can affect the rest of the match.

Places of Medallion of Bosses in Fortnite

Once the players start the match, the marks will be displayed on each player's map. These markers indicate the presence of the head of the medallion, who has not yet been fully defeated. There are two medallions on the map and each provides a unique ability that can only bring its carrier.

Shogun x

Shogun X is a roaming boss, which means he doesn't have a fixed place of friction. Fortunately, its location appears on the maps of the players.

Players can beat the initial phase of Shogun X to get a shotgun of a mythical sentinel pump. However, they must survive long enough Visit the Floatig Island and fully eliminate Shogun X to secure your medallion, mythical fire on the mask and the mythical type of typehoon. The Shogun X medallion gives players endless stamina and gives them an invisible tire during sprint.

Rose Night

Night Rose can be found in Demon's Dojo. Players can beat her by shooting masks and avoiding the upcoming damage. As soon as she dealt with her, Night Rose drops the medallion, a mythical veiled SMG and the mythical emptiness of the masks. Medallon Night Rose will make the player's weapons load automatically.

The prognosis of the tower guard in Fortnite

There are four forecast towers at the address Fortnite map:

  • East of Burd

  • Northwest of Shining span

  • Southwest Lake

  • North of Brutal box

However, only two of them emerge on the game. Before the second circle of the storm begins to close, three hostile NPCs emerge near the forecast of the towers.

Players can take them out so that Collect an attacker or a furious rifle from an epic rarity mini-chief Holo Twister and receive a key card to get a prognosisIt gives them access to the placement of another storm circle before it is unveiled.

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