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How to unlock Containment Bay S1T7
Instructions for fighting Sephiroth
Containment Bay S1T7 is Trial Level 60 Final Fantasy 14and the first of the Warring Triad series of trials. Originally a group of bosses in Final Fantasy 6, the Warring Triad returned in Final Fantasy 14 as the Primals, who were imprisoned by the Allagan Empire in ancient history.

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As the Warring Triad threaten to break free from their ancient imprisonment, it's up to you to venture into their Containment Bays and stop them. The first of the Triad is Sephirot, The Fiend. Below, we'll take a look at everything you need to know about this fight, including how to unlock it and how to beat Sephiroth.
How to unlock Containment Bay S1T7
Before you can unlock Containment Bay S1T7, you will need to complete level 60 MSQ 'Heavensward', which will allow you to start the opening quest. “Gods of the Eld” speaking to The Torsefers in Pillars (X:11.7, Y:11.5). However, before you can continue with this quest line, you will need to clear the MSQ up to 'As the light goes, so goes the darkness'.
At this point you will be able to accept “When the Branch Wakes” from Unukalhai in The Rising Stones (X:6.1, Y:5.2). Follow this quest until Duty is unlocked. Containment Bay S1T7 has an item level requirement of 190.
Instructions for fighting Sephiroth
This fight is divided into two distinct phases, with another transition phase in between. for the most part Sephiroth's attacks are non-telegraphicwhich means it will no AoE indicator when the attack comes. You will have to learn the animations and narration of each attack so you can avoid them accordingly.
Phase 1
The first phase will start with a normal sized Sephiroth using the following attacks.
The name of the attack |
Type |
Details |
Triple Trial |
Conal AoE |
Sephiroth will take his hands off before punching forward deals va damage conal AoE to his front. The tank should Sephirot's face away from the rest of the party not to hit them with this attack. |
Tiferet |
AoE for the whole room |
Deals damage to all party members. Recover with AoE healing. |
Devilish rage |
Stack Marker |
One player will be marked with a Stack Marker; group at their position spread the damage of this attack. |
Chesed |
Tankbuster |
Sephiroth will pull his hands off and they start to glowthen strikes forward and deals high damage to his main target. This attack is headed longer than the Triple Trialso Tank will have to learn the difference in these animations and use defensive cooldowns when Chesed is used to reduce the damage of this attack. |
Ratzon |
AoE markers |
Sephirot marks multiple players with an AoE Marker; spread so that these do not overlap. |
One |
AoE |
Sephiroth will face a random player before he pulled all his hands backthen shoot forward with a wave of damage it also causes Vulnerability Up. When Sephirot turns to face a non-Tank player, everyone should do it run after the boss to avoid this attack. |
Sephirot will repeat these attacks until he is nearby 60 percent health leftwhen will the second phase begin.
Phase 2
Sephirot becomes untargetable and starts charging Ein Sof Ohrthen summon two waves of Binah and Cochma enemies. The faster you deal with these enemies, the reduce the damage of Sephirot's ultimateso work fast and take them all out.
After Sephirot casts Ein Sof Ohr and deals damage to the entire party, a fight ensues transition to the third phase.
Phase 3
In the third phase, Sephirot will remain with north side of the arena and use the following attacks.
During this phase you can fall off the edge of the arena. Stand carefully to avoid this!
The name of the attack |
Type |
Details |
Pillar of Mercy |
AoE/Knockback |
Sephirot hits the arena, which is marked by a blue AoEcausing damage and knock the player back. Standing right in the blue AoE will one-shot you, but standing outside of it knocks you back out of the AoE. Position yourself so that they are not knocked off the edge of the arena. This attack will he repeated twice more in different locations. |
Earth Shaker |
AoE |
Sephiroth focuses two players with special AoE iconsthen cause damage large cone AoE in their direction. Two targeted players should run to opposite sides of the arenawhile the rest of the party should stay in the centerso conal AoE will only hit targeted players. |
Malkuth |
Knockback |
Sephiroth will to crouchthen deals damage to all players and knock them back from the north side of the arena. Move closer to Sephiroth to avoid being knocked off the southern edge of the arena. |
Storm of words |
Summon/Special |
AND Storm of words an enemy will appear along with two Binah. Wordstorm casting begins Revelationwhich will be knock a player out of position. Instead, you will have to destroy the Storm of Words prevent it from casting Revelation, which it will leave a wind cloud behind which you will need to use later. |
Yes |
AoE |
Players will randomly targeted with AoE which causes damage in the marked area. Move out of AoE to avoid damage. |
Influence Hours |
AoE |
Sephiroth will strike the arm downthen drag her across the arenawhich dealt 99,999 damage. To avoid this, cluster in a Storm of Words wind cloud that has a Stack Marker. Just before Sephiroth waves his hand, a wind cloud knocks you up and over his armto avoid damage. |
Da'at |
AoE |
offers AoE damage to random players. Spread out to avoid overlapping them once Sephirot starts using this ability. |
Spirit |
AoE for the whole room |
Sephirot channels two orbs of power and then deals out damage to all party members. Despite the flashy animation there there is nothing special about this attack; use AoE healing to restore the party. |
A devilish howl |
pillars |
Summons two pillars that Tanks will have to line up to absorb. If no one is standing in the column, it explodes and distributes itself damage to the entire page and cause Vulnerability Up. |
Sephirot will repeat these mechanics until he is defeated. Certainly yes destroy the Storm of Words as quickly as possible create a wind cloud and avoid Impact of Hod as it would otherwise destroy the party.
Due to the limited number of telegraph attacks in this fight, expect to hit with one or two. Healers will have their hands full during this fight, especially when they recover from Da'at, Spirit, and Earth Shaker, all of which deal unavoidable damage. For other attacks, try to avoid them to reduce the burden on the healers.
If you fail to defeat Sephiroth earlier the third use of Impact of HodPUSH there won't be a storm of words to help youwhich means Impact of Hod deals unavoidable lethal damage to the party. You will need to manage your DPS accordingly defeat Sephirot before that happens.

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