How to defeat the chaos basilisk in the fantasy neo dimension

After defeating Vama v Fantasian Neo Dimensionyou are introduced to the realm of chaos and its only remaining inhabitant – Valrika. Vam ravaged her realm in an attempt to stop Jas's ascension, but as it turns out, it's a bit more complicated than that.


Fantasian Neo Dimension Review – Diorama-gnificent, mostly

Fantasian is back, just as you remember it.

He left you a final message for Valrika. That if she dies, she should travel to the Chaos Caverns to find something waiting for her. Now it's your job to get her there safely. And there are a lot of complications along the way.

How to unlock The Survivor Of Chaos Quest

Valrika in the company of the realm of chaos during a story sequence in the fantasy neo dimension.

While Valrika joins the party immediately, you have to make some progress in Act 2 before she actually opens up to you enough to give you her quest. After you complete a few more story questssuch as rescuing your companions, it will offer you.

You can't miss this one, so don't worry too much. It will come sooner or later. She will inform you about Vama's last wish for her and ask you to do so escort her to the Chaos Cave. This is located just beyond the Chaos Lakes area, which was previously inaccessible.

Upon entering the Chaos Cavern, the first thing you'll notice is that it's a significantly different color palette compared to everything out there. The red has been replaced with a dark blue, with bleached rock surrounding your every move.

It's pretty hard to get lost here, and there aren't too many new enemies to contend with either. Instead, focus on searching many items hidden in this area how are you going The camera swings a lot here, so it's pretty easy to turn.

Here it is where to find each item spread over several rooms of the Chaos Cavern:



Talisman 3x

After crossing the river, there will be a chest on the right.


At the next transition, go left to find this chest in the corner.

SP capsules

After crossing the next river, follow the edge north until you reach this chest.

Soma stone

Behind the last chest, this one is nestled in a corner between some blue trees.

Order Motes

Before heading up the white slope, enter a small corner on the left covered by the slope itself.


Find this chest shortly after climbing the slope.

Chaos Clay

After defeating the Chaos Basilisk, find this chest in the corner from the left exit of the boss arena.


After exiting the arena towards the next area, take the first left to find this chest.

Mossy quartz

After exiting the arena towards the next area, find this chest on the left.

Shipping box

After exiting the arena towards the next area, find this chest to the left and slightly below.


Before entering the large blue field, find it in the chest to the right.

Order Motes x2

Before you enter the big blue field, find it in the chest on the left.

Morganite L

After exiting the arena towards the next area, find this chest on the left.

By the time you reach Whetstonethe boss will be right next to it in the center of an area that looks ominously like a boss arena. There will be a save point right in front of him, so make sure you heal up before heading straight ahead into the fight.

In fact, there is no particular item that is not valuable, though Morganite L can be very useful for certain builds, while Shipping box unlocks some nodes on the growth map. Don't miss it Soma stone either if you're still looking for a new weapon for Valrika.

Defeating the Chaos Basilisk

While it might not be what you'd expect from Vam's last wish, it's the being of Chaos that you end up fighting here, basilisk of chaos. It's a creature of death in its own right, and will spend most of the fight trying to whittle you down bit by bit.

Valrika is required for this fight, so give her some powerful gems to get her started. He doesn't have his Divine Artifact yet, so there isn't much in the way of build variety. Make sure you equip her with a Phantom Quartz though, like any other companions you choose to bring. This will be undo the curse.

The Chaos Basilisk doesn't have any particular weaknesses to exploit here, so just hit them with your strongest moves. When we attempted a battle without lifting the curse, we switched parties a lot, although a recommended party would be Leo and Ez next to Valrika for enthusiasts and strong attacks.

At first, the boss will attack you physically and with help a move that slows and poisons you. This is not the most damaging attack, but the move Tail Breaker is. Make sure you have Defense Up active as much as possible, and have Prickle cast Barrier All when there is also an opportunity.

Once the boss gets low on HP, he will use the so-called move The world of death which casts an aura on the entire battlefield that inflicts a curse every round. The curse cannot be healed by skills and will still be cast again the next turn. So make sure you use Phantom Quartz.

A core part of this battle that will nullify many of the boss's moves is Mist. Both Petrifying and Death Stare cannot work at all if Mist was cast on them, so make sure Valrika casts Enchanting Mist as often as she can. With this and Phantom Quartz, World of Death does not pose any extra threat at all.

After the boss has been defeated, you can explore again. Continue to the large blue field ahead for Valrika to witness the reality of Vama's actions. He left behind the essence of her people to allow them to do so flourish in a prosperous realm of chaos in the future.

With this revelation out of the way, she is granted her Divine Artifact, finally unlock her growth map.


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