Overwatch: Classic – The best original tanks to choose from

Many players may be interested in trying tanks in Overwatch 2Classic Mode, a limited-time comeback special that will be active until December 3rd, 2024. For those who don't know, it brought back the original Heroes to the playable roster, allowing players to relive the highs and lows of version 1.0. .

Several heroes have seen significant gear changes over the yearsas is natural for a live service game. For example against Roadhog Overwatch 2 is difficult because it has been redesigned to help it adapt to current standards. Winston, on the other hand, has received minor tweaks so that most old-school fans will feel comfortable using his modern form. he said that tanks in Overwatch 2Classic mode requires a suitable combination to win the 6v6 match format.

While creating this list of the best tanks in Overwatch: Classic, factors such as fun playsets, ability usefulness, overall team suitability, and more were taken into consideration.


Overwatch 2: Overwatch Classic, explained

Overwatch Classic is a limited-time game mode in Overwatch 2 that brings back many nostalgic memories for long-time Overwatch players and fans.

5 Two

A clunky tank with boosters

Best Original Tanks in Overwatch 2 Classic Mode - D.Va

Set of D.Va Overwatch 2Classic mode includes:

  • Fusion Canons: A short range shotgun that also slows D.Va's movement while they are active.
  • Defense matrix: A forward-facing aiming field that absorbs incoming projectiles.
  • Boosters: Moss flies into the air and flies for a short time.
  • Micro rockets: Small rocket fire.
  • Eject: Ejects moss when destroyed.
  • Self-destruction: The reactor on the mech explodes, dealing massive damage.

D.Va found her place in Overwatch 2's meta, but it wasn't nearly as strong in its early days. Now that classic mode has returned her kit back to its default state, players can point out some of her glaring flaws. to begin with The 70% movement speed penalty from primary fire makes her the clumsiest tank to use. Yes, Reinhardt suffers a similar penalty, but only with the shield on. Boosters allow D.Va to be used in some Dive tracks, but the ability's 5s cooldown is a steep trade-off. This is especially true when she's surrounded by enemies, as she can't do much without the help of her teammates.

He can't use his primary fire when using the jets, which is a drawback to keep in mind before diving. D.Va's Defense Matrix in Overwatch 2Classic mode has a 10s cooldownunlike the standard version of the ability that uses a resource meter. This means that players can no longer soak up damage as effectively. with a longer cooldown on her Ultimate that kills her as wellbecame the most skippable tank in Overwatch: Classic.

4 Reinhardt

A classic tank with incredible stopping power

Best Original Tanks in Overwatch 2 Classic Mode - Reinhardt

  • Persistent: Resistant to the effects of recoil.
  • Rocket Hammer: The hammer swings in a wide arc.
  • Barrier field: A large mobile energy barrier.
  • Charge: Charge enemies in a straight line.
  • Fire strike: Fires a fire projectile that deals damage.
  • Earthshatter: Slams the hammer on the ground to stun enemies.

Reinhardt is widely used in various team compositions Overwatch 2Classic mode for good reason. He is a large hero who swings hammers at targets and can defend his territory with a gigantic shield. Barrier Field now has 2000 HP, making it a huge obstacle for even the strongest heroes. His kit basically contains all the useful tools a Tank needs to excel on the battlefield.


Overwatch: Classic – All Healer Ratings

Players can choose from four healers in Overwatch 2's classic mode. This gives less freedom of choice, but makes the game a bit easier.

However, there is a learning curve to using it effectively given that it lacks ranged abilities aside from Fire Strike. In Overwatch: Classic, Reinhardt holds a single Fire Strike chargeas opposed to two in the standard version. Although his damage is generally low, he can stop the opponent's aggression with his strong shield and second tank in the team. Reinhardt can also use his Ultimate, Earthshatter, to stun multiple enemies and shift the tide of battle. He deserves a higher spot on the list, but specialists like Roadhog and Winston are more desirable.

3 Zarya

Protect allies and yourself to boost attacks

Best Original Tanks in Overwatch 2 Classic Mode - Zarya

  • Particle cannon: An energy weapon that fires a short-range beam and an explosive charge.
  • Particle barrier: Personal shield.
  • Projected barrier: Shields allies.
  • Energy: Absorbed damage increases by Particle Cannon.
  • Graviton surge: A gravity bomb that traps enemies.

Zarya inside Overwatch 2 it has many similarities to its classic mode counterpart. Therefore, he continues to dominate opponents with his arsenal of offensive and defensive skills. Both her Projected Barrier and Particle Barrier absorb a significant amount of incoming damage just to charge up the Particle Cannon. Therefore, the longer it is alive, the more damage it can deal to primary and secondary fires.

In Overwatch: Classic, Zarya's shields have individual countdowns, so players must be extra careful when using them. Additionally, he only has 400 HP, so playing around the barrier cooldown is critical to survival. Her Ultimate, Graviton Surge, pulls in targets without silencing them. However, enemies can easily escape Zaryi's Ultimate using their movement abilities – easier in Overwatch: Classic than in the current game. Because of this, players may not get as much value as they would have hoped for. Regardless, Zarya is a strong secondary tank capable of dealing a lot of damage. As such, it is ranked third in this list of the best original tanks in the Overwatch 2Classic mode.

2 Roadhog

Wipes out heroes with a hook

The best original tanks in Overwatch 2 classic mode - Roadhog

  • Scrap gun: A shotgun with two firing modes.
  • Chain hook: Throws a chain at an enemy and pulls them towards him.
  • Take A Breather: Self-healing.
  • The whole pig: Scrap Gun rapidly fires at enemies.

Blizzard has thoroughly redesigned the modern Roadhog to be more suited to the solo Tank role. With the addition Overwatch 2In classic mode, fans can try out the old Wastelander set with the scrapyard. After all, he is an aggressive tank capable of blasting targets with its chain hook and primary

fire combo.


Why Overwatch Classic Isn't Exactly “Overwatch Classic”

Overwatch Classic is getting quite a bit of attention as the newest arcade mode in Overwatch 2 Season 13, but it's not quite “Overwatch Classic.”

At a distance, Roadhog can fire a Shrapnel Ball with his alternate fire that deals massive damage on impact. While his Ultimate, Whole Hog, appears to have been nerfed, he can still use it to push enemies away and deal quite a bit of damage. Although the Roadhog's sustainability is stronger in Overwatch 2In standard play, than in classic mode, he still sticks with the next tank in the team. For those asking Take A Breather provides a straight 300 health before going on cooldown. The recovery effect should be enough to survive mortal wounds, considering that DPS characters have no anti-heal passive in classic mode. All in all, Roadhog is a threat to play against and a worthy candidate for the second place of the best tanks in this special mode.

1 Winston

Easy jumping on enemies

Best Original Tanks in Overwatch 2 Classic Mode - Winston

  • Tesla Cannon: Fires a short-range electric fire.
  • Jump Pack: Jumps through the air and damages enemies on land.
  • Barrier projector: A protective energy bubble that absorbs damage.
  • Primal Rage: Unleashes primal fury with increased health, increased melee damage, and frequent jump packs.

Winston in Overwatch 2 it has seen almost no changes from previous iterations, so players will feel right at home using it in classic mode. The hero's real power lies in the jump pack, as it helps him jump towards the enemy and prevents him from running away. The ability has a short cooldown, so he can jump in and out of combat, creating space for the whole team to jump on the target. Almost every team Overwatch 2Classic mode can use Winston if he commits to diving into combat with him.

They can pair him with Lucio to benefit from the extra movement speed as he beams his Tesla Beam at opponents. The weapon lacks a ranged secondary fire in game mode, but Winston is least bothered by ranged combat when he can be assisted by another Tank in the arena. After he loses HP, he can just poke Primal Rage for extra health and improved melee damage, which may tip the odds in his favor. Additionally, it has a barrier that can block damage from all angles, even Ultimate. Simply put, Winston has all the necessary tools to shine as a tank and take the top spot in this list of the best tanks in Overwatch 2Classic mode.

Overwatch 2 poster


October 4, 2022

OpenCritic rating

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