2025 is shaping up to be an extremely busy year for the games industry, so it's easy to overlook smaller titles like South of midnightespecially compared to giants like GTA 6. But South of midnight it really shouldn't be dusted off, as its sparse gameplay footage suggests it's going to be a passionate, gritty, pulpy action-adventure title, and it's definitely among the most exciting releases Xbox has lined up in its portfolio.
It comes from Compulsion Games, the developers behind it Contrast and lately We are happy little. We are happy little is a complicated game to discuss because it garnered quite a bit of hype during its marketing due to its unique setting and unique narrative premise, but also for a more predictable reason: it resembled another big, well-established franchise. Really, We are happy littleparallels with BioShock was hard to ignore as the former seemed to use the same retro-futuristic concepts and dystopian plot foundations as the latter, with countless similarities in terms of aesthetics and tone. But this failed We are happy littlepřížen, a.s BioShock is an incredibly high bar. South of midnight This problem seems to be bypassing expectations.

South of Midnight is benefiting from the big hit of the moment
South of Midnight was revealed during the Xbox Games Showcase, and while no gameplay was shown, the art style it carries is strikingly familiar.
A south of midnight singular premise could help it stand out
We Happy Few may have looked like BioShock, but South of Midnight doesn't look like anything else
Call We are happy little a bad game would be grossly unfair. Its narrative is actually quite spectacular and emotionally gripping, and ultimately has little in common with its ilk BioShock; its merits are unfortunately overlooked. At the same time, soon BioShock comparison failed We are happy little any favors, as its gameplay turned out to be disappointingly shallow – nothing at all like thoughtful and multi-faceted sandboxes BioShock franchise. Whether Compulsion Games intended to follow BioShockthe user's lead is irrelevant: the comparisons were made early and We are happy little he suffered because of them.
But look South of midnightit's hard to draw the same kinds of connections. The Southern Gothic framework, infused with a healthy dose of magical realism and absurdity, is instantly engaging. More importantly, this aesthetic and world building is like nothing else on the market, at least not in the mainstream. Based on the information available, it could best be described as a Studio Ghibli film set in the American South, with a bit of cynical humor. That's an elevator pitch that just doesn't apply to any other game, and that uniqueness could be South of midnight in a league of its own.
South of Midnight still needs to prove itself through gameplay
Having said all that, it's still worth pointing out South of midnight will need to trim more than just graphics. One possible complaint that could be leveled against the game at this early stage is that its gameplay, both in terms of combat and traversal, feels more derivative of other modern action-adventure titles. The game could easily be compared to other mainstream action games like the new one God of War items or the myriad of soulslites in the market.
But South of midnight it still manages to impress with its gameplay – it just doesn't look nearly as unique as its visual style at first glance. Even if Compulsion Games doesn't reinvent the wheel with its interactive elements, it will always have its stunning visuals, and at least that's worth something.