The Best Holobytes In Hyper Light Breaker, Ranked


  • Holobytes are tools in Hyper Light Breaker that buff stats and grant players additional abilities on their runs through the Overgrowth.
  • Some Holobytes increase Critical Hit chance and can be synergized with other Holobytes to restore HP.
  • Other Holobytes grant players temporary abilities like reflecting projectiles or buffing their Amps.

Creating the perfect build is essential to Hyper Light Breaker, and that means having the right Holobytes in your arsenal. Holobytes offer tons of different perks and rewards. These range from stat increases, special abilities, or even the ability to heal yourself.


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But, with so many different options to choose from, you might be wondering which Holobytes are actually the best. Of course, this depends on the type of Breaker and Sycom build you’re trying to run in the Overgrowth. But, there are some general Holobyte options that work best. Here are some of the best Holobyte options in Hyper Light Breaker.

Hyper Light Breaker is currently in Early Access. The information in this list is subject to change with the release of the full game.


Amp Charger

The Amp Charger Holobyte selection screen in Hyper Light Breaker.


Key Benefit

  • 140 Brightblood
  • Four Materials

Plus one Amp charge.

The Amp Charger has a simple but powerful effect on your build. With this Holobyte equipped, you gain one extra Amp charge. This means you can use your amps twice as often throughout your run. Though there’s not much else to this Holobyte, it’s an effective tool out in the Overgrowth.

You should definitely try to equip this Holobyte if you have an Amp that buffs your stats, rather than an Amp that assists you in battle. These tend to have slightly shorter cooldowns, meaning you’ll be maximizing the effect of this Holobyte.


Piercing Shot

A breaker finds a Holobyte in the Overgrowth in Hyper Light Breaker.


Key Benefit

  • 90 Brightblood
  • Two Materials

Rail shots pierce plus an increase in damage.

If you’re a player who relies on Rails, or ranged weapons, this next Holobyte is the one for you. The Piercing Shot Holobyte gives Rail shots the ability to pierce through enemies. This piercing effect ascribed to this Holobyte also adds ten percent extra damage to a pierced target.

This is a great Holobyte for long-range Rails, so it’s best to equip it with Rails that can be used at a greater distance. That’s not to say it’s not also helpful for close-quarters Rails. However, being able to nearly one-shot enemies with a piercing shot from a great distance is especially helpful during boss battles.


Marathon Pin

The Marathon Pin selection screen in Hyper Light Breaker.


Key Benefit

  • 90 Brightblood
  • Two Materials

Increase in Critical Hit chance.

The Marathon Pin Holobyte’s effect may seem minimal, but it’s actually supremely helpful when stacked correctly. This Holobyte increases your Critical Hit chance by two percent after each kill (for a max of ten percent). However, if you take damage, the accrued bonus is reduced by two percent.


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If you’re good at avoiding damage though, this means you can keep a ten percent Critical Hit chance up pretty consistently. If you’re playing a Breaker and Sycom build that already has a decent bonus to Critical Hit chances, you might find yourself cleaving through enemies in no time at all.


Recursive Bind

A breaker finds the Recursive Bind Holobyte in Hyper Light Breaker.


Key Benefit

  • 90 Brightblood
  • Two Materials

Temporary invincibility.

This Holobyte also has a relatively simple effect, but for players who are early on in their campaign through the Overgrowth, it may just prove invaluable. After you take damage from an enemy, you’ll have about two seconds of invincibility. There’s no limit to how many uses this Holobyte has.

This means that beginners just starting out in Hyper Light Breaker can give themselves a lot of extra forgivenessby having this Holobyte equipped. That’s not to say it’s not also helpful for more advanced players. Just don’t let this one take priority over some of the better, more offensive Holobytes.


Blitz Battery

A breaker finds the Blitz Battery Holobyte in the Overgrowth in Hyper Light Breaker.


Key Benefit

  • 140 Brightblood
  • Four Materials

Increase in Battery Capacity.

This Holobyte is a high-risk, high-reward buff. When you have this Holobyte equipped, your Battery capacity, or overall ammunition charge, will go up by 200 percent. For players who prefer a ranged attack playstyle and find themselves using their Rails more often than not, this is incredibly helpful.

However, there is a debuff to this Holobyte as well. Your overall HP pool will be reduced by about 35 percent. If you have a particularly tanky build, this might not be much of a problem. But, if you find yourself dying quite a bit, this might not prove the best Holobyte for you, especially if you prefer melee combat anyway.


Critical Cuffs

The Critical Cuffs selection screen in Hyper Light Breaker.


Key Benefit

  • 220 Brightblood
  • Seven Materials

Critical Hits restore HP.

Critical Hit based Holobytes offer some of the best bonuses in the game. The Critical Cuffs Holobyte allows you to restore missing HP whenever you achieve a critical hit. While you don’t necessarily have a lot of control over Critical Hits, this does mean you’ll often find yourself getting some clutch healing without the need for Medkits.


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The only trick here is that the healing occurs when the HP is fully missing. Red HP, which basically functions as recently lost HP, won’t recover when using this Holobyte. However, if you have the extra slot for it, there’s really no harm in having this rare Holobyte equipped.


Rarity Chip

The Rarity Chip Holobyte selection screen in Hyper Light Breaker.


Key Benefit

  • 220 Brightblood
  • Seven Materials

Increase in damage based on Holobyte rarity.

The Rarity Chip is an absolutely superb Holobyte, but it’s also entirely situational. Essentially, this Holobyte offers you higher damage depending on the rarity of each other Holobyte you have equipped. This effect can stack, meaning your increased damage could be extremely significant depending on your build.

Of course, if your other Holobytes are not super rare, this Holobyte is basically useless. Luckily, when you go to equip this Holobyte, there’s a little percentage indicator that shows you how much your damage will increase should you choose to equip it.


Honed Edge

The Honed Edge Holobyte in Hyper Light Breaker.


Key Benefit

  • 140 Brightblood
  • Four Materials

Increased Critical Hit Chance.

Simple, yet powerful, the Honed Edge Holobyte increases your Critical Hit chance by five percent. This is a great Holobyte to have equipped with Breakers and Sycoms that already have a good Critical Hit chance. While it can also be helpful for low Critical Hit builds, stacking effects for a broken build is often better than creating a well-rounded one.

Plus, if you couple a Holobyte like Honed Edge with a Holobyte that grants healing on Critical Hits, you’ll be doing five percent more healing than you would normally. Hyper Light Breaker has a lot of combat, so this means you’ll be healing a lot more often than not in the Overgrowth.


Critical Ring

The Critical Ring selection screen in Hyper Light Breaker.


Key Benefit

  • 140 Brightblood
  • Four Materials

Critical Hits restore red HP.

The Critical Ring Holobyte is another option that restores healing on Critical Hits. However, this one has a slight tweak to its effect. The Critical Ring Holobyte restores red HP on a Critical Hit. Red HP is recently lost HP, meaning you can recover quickly in the heat of combat and take no damage at all, depending on how you play your cards.


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For best results, combine this Holobyte with another Critical Hit Holobyte, either another version that heals or something that increases your Critical Hit chance. Critical Hits, overall, are a powerful weapon in your arsenal in Hyper Light Breaker.


Flash Reflector

A breaker finds the Flash Reflector Holobyte in the Overgrowth in Hyper Light Breaker.


Key Benefit

  • 50 Brightblood
  • One Material

Flashtep reflects projectiles.

This straightforward Holobyte offers players a great ability early on. The Flash Reflector Holobyte allows your Flashstep ability to reflect projectiles. While this simple effect is great for beginner players, it also has a high level of skill expression for more advanced players.

If you time your Flashsteps correctly, you can use this Holobyte’s ability in lieu of your Rail. This is helpful for taking down long-range or flying enemies that tend to fire projectiles. Also, if you’re not so good with the parry ability, you can use this instead.

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