The Elder Scrolls Online Update Adding new dungeons and improving starting zones


  • An upcoming update for Elder Scrolls Online adds additional dungeons and revamps starting zones.

  • Despite its initial lukewarm reception, ESO remains popular and receives frequent updates.

  • The Fallen Banners DLC introduces two new dungeons along with Update 45 on March 10.

A new update is coming The Elder Scrolls Online is set to add new dungeons and rework the starting zones of the game. Coming The Elder Scrolls Online update will be the first major content drop this year.

against the odds The Elder Scrolls Online remains one of the most popular MMORPGs on the market. Upon its release, it was met with a lukewarm reception from players, which can often be a death sentence in the MMO space. However, ZeniMax Online Studios has remained committed to improving the game and major DLC has been released every year since launch. This has transformed The Elder Scrolls Online to one of the best titles in the MMO space. At the end of 2024, the developer confirmed a new seasonal change of the system for a new one The Elder Scrolls Online content in 2025, which would mean more frequent updates for players in the future.


Elder Scrolls Online: Best DPS odds, rated

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In a post on Steam, ZeniMax Online Studios provided details on The Elder Scrolls Online'with Fallen banners DLC that will see the arrival of two new four-player dungeons for players to explore. The first is Exiled Redoubt, where players must “join Lucille in infiltrating the stronghold of the once-proud House Albus and discover a conspiracy that threatens to condemn the people of Cyrodiil to endless war.” The second is Lep Seclusa, where “You and your allies must defend the Moth Priests and their precious relic from the sinister Orpheon the Tactician and his army of deserters.” These new The Elder Scrolls Online dungeons “feature their own unique stories, characters, challenges (including unique boss battles) and secrets,” with exclusive rewards for completing them.

But that's not all. Release next door Fallen banners is update 45 that comes with a lot of changes and general improvements to the popular MMORPG. The most interesting addition is the Starter Zone Refresh, which provides all the starter zones in The Elder Scrolls Online conversion. According to ZeniMax Online Studios, it is “visually more in tune with the details ACErecent additions such as the West Weald or the Telvanni Peninsula.” Both Fallen banners and Update 45 will launch on March 10 on PC and March 25 on Xbox and PlayStation consoles. While Update 45 is free to all players, ESO Plus membership is required to play Fallen banners.

Although it is more than ten years old, The Elder Scrolls Online remains one of the best ways for players to get theirs The Elder Scrolls ​​​​​​​repair in 2025. With development The Elder Scrolls 6 dragging on, it may still be a long time before a new main title in the series comes out, so it's a good thing, isn't it ACE is as well supported as it is.

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