Who is next in line to become emperor?

This article contains minor spoilers for the Final Saga of One Piece


  • Emperors in One Piece are not immune to defeat, leading to new characters like Luffy and Buggy taking their positions.

  • Shanks and Blackbeard may be defeated before the end of the series, making room for new emperors.

  • Katakuri and Law are strong candidates to become future emperors, but the emperor system may not exist at the end of One Piece.

Although One piece has a diverse cast of incredibly strong characters, the series has proven time and time again that no character is absolutely immune to defeat. Often, despite having set systems, including Warlords, Admirals, and Emperors, characters holding positions in these groups are often defeated and replaced by new members, giving a chance to an entirely new character. Although it is sad to see the tragic death or defeat of an amazing character in One pieceseeing a new character fill a position is always at least a little bit exciting.

Finally, after defeating Big Mom and Kaido, One piece fans got the chance to meet the two newest Emperors of the Sea, Luffy and Buggy. With the exciting introduction of these two new emperors, it's interesting to think about which characters will eventually join the ranks of the emperors in the future. One piece. Additionally, with many fans predicting that the time of some of the current emperors may be limited in the series, it may not be too far-fetched to see the roster change.


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The Emperors may lose two members before the conclusion of One Piece

Shanks and Blackbeard will probably be defeated before one piece ends

IN One piecethe Emperor of the Sea system is a way of classifying the four most powerful and famous pirates in the world. These pirates are currently Shanks, Blackbeard, Buggy and of course Luffy. These pirates in addition to being a general threat One Piece's The World Government seems to own some large territory in the New World, controlling the landscape of the other half of the Great Line.

This is what they call the Four Emperors now!

However, as many fans predict, two of these captains may not be around for long One piece. First, many fans predict that Blackbeard, one of the main antagonists of the series, will eventually be defeated, most likely by Luffy himself. Additionally, since Shanks is Luffy's mentor and has quite a dark side, fans are also predicting that Shanks may die before the end One pieceespecially due to the simultaneous revelation of Shanks' mysterious apparition on Elbafa. With this, two slots can be opened for two new emperors.

Katakuri and Law would make excellent emperors

Each of them has the ambition and power to change the world

Katakuri One Piece

  • Katkuri has ambitions and crew to become emperor

  • Law has drive and power

First, a huge potential candidate for the new emperor v One piece is the first commander of the Big Mom Pirates, Katakuri. As the potential new leader after Big Mom's defeat, Katakuri would have an incredible fleet of pirates under his command right after taking control of the pirate group. Whole Cake Island and its surroundings, which would most likely fall under Katakuri's command, are ideal territory for the Emperor. Coupled with Katakuri's ambitions, which at times seem to exceed Big Mom's, Katakuri can become the ideal sea emperor.


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Another pirate who would make an excellent future sea emperor would be One piece character, Law, Luffy's longtime ally. Although the captain of the Heart Pirates was recently defeated by Blackbeard, it won't be long before the popular character returns in the year One piece. Although Law doesn't have the territory or fleet that many emperors have, in his own right, thanks to the raw power of the Op-Op Fruit, Law could definitely become a big enough threat to the world government to warrant emperor status.

The Imperial system may not exist until the end of one piece

If a pirate becomes a pirate king, there may be no need for an emperor

Gol D. Roger laughs after finding One Piece in Laugh Tale.

However, despite the potential of these two candidates to become future emperors One piecethe system itself can be dismantled by the end of the series. Similar to One Piece's The Warrior System, after one of the Emperors is officially crowned as the Pirate King, there may no longer be a need to have an Emperor, with one person being the de facto “King”. At the same time, if the World Government itself is destroyed, many of the systems the group created would likely go with it.

The one who is most free is the Pirate King! – Luffy

In the end, Katakuri and Law would make great candidates for Emperor in the future One piece. However, by the end of the series, the Emperor system may no longer exist as the audience knows it. Potentially to the end One piecethere may be a whole new system of power in the Grand Line, aimed solely at the whims of the Pirate King.


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