Alliance Leveling Guide (and Best Alliance Leveling Route)

If you want to quickly reach the maximum level as an Alliance member, WoW classic players need to know the optimal path to follow when searching. The best way to level the Alliance WoW classic it mostly takes place in the eastern kingdoms, but there are also several notable quest centers in the zones of Kalimdor.


WoW Classic: The Best Leveling Dungeons

The best leveling dungeons in World of Warcraft tend to be close to the normal leveling routes in WoW Classic, so players don't have to go too far.

Questing is the fastest way to level up WoW classicalthough it's not a bad idea to rotate some Dungeons in there during your leveling journey – generally just grinding Dungeons is slower than questing, but if you get Quests that take you to Dungeons, they can be great for XP and gear upgrades. . This guide explains the best Alliance leveling route WoW classic players can search for quests suitable for each level.

Alliance – Level 1 to 15 Guide

Complete your starting zone and two secondary zones

WoW Classic Best Alliance Starter Zones Dun Morogh Elwynn Forest Teldrassil

The best way to start balancing WoW classic for both factions is k complete your race's starting zone and your faction's secondary zones. Completing the quests in the starting zone should get you to about level 10 or 11, after which you should progress to the nearest secondary zone.

  • Human: Elwynn Forest to Westfall
  • Gnome and Dwarf: Dun Morogh to Loch Modan
  • Night elf: Teldrassil to Darkshore

After completing the first few sets of quests in your race's appropriate secondary zone, you should be level 15 or 16. At this point, you'll start getting quests that are too high level to handle on your own.

If you have a party, keep questing in your secondary zone until you reach level 16, but if you're playing alone, consider moving to another race's secondary zone to choose level-appropriate quests to get to that point.

The Night Elves start out so far from the rest of the Alliance
you will either have to do a
deathrun through the wetlands
get to Dun Morogh from Menethil Harbor (ship in Auberdine), or get someone to summon you to these distant secondary zones.

Alliance – Level 15 to 30 Guide

Redridge Mountains, Duskwood, Wetlands, Hillsbrad Foothills

Duskwood Darkshire front entrance

At level 16 you can either go to the next level of zoneswhich are usually associated with the secondary quest zones listed above, or continue searching in the secondary zones of another race. If you run out of quests to complete in Westfall before you reach level 20, head to Loch Modan (and vice versa).

Night Elf players who finish in Darkshore can run into Loch Modan for additional level-appropriate quests.


World of Warcraft Classic: The best professions for every class

World of Warcraft Classic players looking to pair their class with the most beneficial profession should use this guide to find the best match.

At around level 20 you should be ready to move on either Redridge Mountains or Duskwood.

  • Redridge Mountains is suitable for level 16 to 24
  • Duskwood is suitable for levels 17 to 26

Alliance players are in luck as Westfall, Redridge Mountains and Duskwood are very close together and have quests that take players through all three areas. The fastest way to get to level 25 is to bring your character to this area (which is also conveniently close to Stormwind) and rotate between the three zones.

Around level 25 you can also start after completing Redridge and Duskwood, take on the Wetlands quests. Towards the end of the 20s you can start pick up quests in Hillsbrad Foothillsthough you'll need to travel through the higher level zone of the Arathi Highlands to get those level-matched quests.

Alliance – Level 30 to 40 Guide

Stranglethorn, Arathi Highlands, Desolation, Dustwallow Marsh


After completing Redridge and Duskwood, keep searching in the Wetlands and Arathi Highlands until early level 30. Around this point you should be able to start collecting quests v Arathi Highlands and feared Stranglethorn Vale.

Start with Arathi Highlands since it's so close to Hillsbrad Foothills, then head all the way south to Stranglethorn Vale to start your jungle rumble.

Stranglethorn remains a relevant leveling zone in WoW classic up to the mid-40s, so be prepared to spend a lot of time here. Enter from southern Duskwood and pick up Hemet Nesingwary's quests before heading to Booty Bay for most of the remaining Stranglethorn quests in this level.

Mid to late 30s is the best place to level as an Alliance player Desolation. Getting here can be a real pain though, as you have to go through Horde territory to get there. However, once you get a Flight Point at Nigel's Point, you can fly here from Darnassus/Ashenvale.

Take the boat from Booty Bay to Ratchet, then head west through the Barrens to reach the Stonetalon Mountains. Continue northwest through this zone until you're about halfway through the FP – the path goes south through a small forest to Desolation, right next to Nigel's Point.


WoW Classic: Should You Choose Horde or Alliance?

Horde and Alliance are very different in their lore and leveling experience, and it can be hard to choose between the two WoW factions.

Leveling in Stranglethorn and Desolation can be annoying in this level, but you can speed things up by setting Hearthstone to Ratchet. From there you can fly to Nigel's Point via FP in Ashenvale and Azshara and take a boat to Booty Bay for Stranglethorn quests.

Alliance – Level 40 to 50 Guide

Stranglethorn, Feralas, Badlands, Tanaris, Hinterlands, Searing Gorge

WoW SoD Stage 4 What to do first Blackrock Mountain Searing Gorge Burning Steppes

After spending some time in Desolation, a after completing most of the lower level quests in Stranglethornyou should be around level 40. From there the best alliance quest zones to go to next is Feralas and Badlands.

You can get to Feralas by going far south of Desolation, which leads to the main Alliance stronghold in the area. Grab the FP to get back up easily and proceed to early level 40 in this zone.

Head back to Stranglethorn Vale around level 42where you can complete the remaining STV quests for a few more levels in the low 40s. Once you start running low on quests, head to the southern edge of Loch Modan and enter Badlands. There aren't as many alliance quests as there are for the Horde, but it should still get you into the mid-40s.

For the second half of level 40, Alliance leveling will expand greatly. Tanaris is the best place to start as you can go from Feralas through the Thousand Needles to Gadgetzan, the real quest hub. On the other side of the world though Inland provides some good mid to late 40s quests and Burning Ravine takes you to level 50.

  • To get to the Hinterlands, head north from the Hillsbrad Foothills towards Durnholde Keep, where you'll find a mountain pass that leads directly to Aerie Peak.
  • To reach Searing Gorge, head west through the Badlands to the mountain pass just below Kargath, the Horde stronghold in the region. There is no flight path for Alliance players in the Badlands, so you'll have to escape from Loch Modan or pick up the Searing Gorge FP while searching in the Badlands.


WoW Classic: The best profession for Hardcore Mode

The secondary professions have much more use in WoW Hardcore, but only a handful of the main professions will help you survive.

Alliance – Level 50 to 60 Guide

Felwood, Blasted Lands, Un'Goro, Both Plaguelands, Winterspring

World of Warcraft Hardcore Alliance Leveling Guide 1 60 Route WoW Ungoro Blasted Lands Felwood Burning Steppes Silithus Plaguelands

From level 50 to 60, WoW leveling methods become much harsher. This is because at these late levels the amount of XP needed to level up increases significantly – what used to take about 8 or 9 quests to complete will now take about 20 quests to get enough XP to advancement to a higher level.

For this reason in the last ten levels before WoW classic max level 60, you must rotate between almost all available quest zones.

Start at Felwood from the late 40s and start taking turns in the quests Un'Goro Crater in the early 1950s. After completing everything you can do in Felwood, focus on completion quests in Un'Goro up to level 53. Then it's time to spend some time in the Eastern Kingdoms.

You can also start leveling in Silithus once you reach max level, but most of the content in this zone is at the beginning
WoW classic
is locked behind the opening of Ahn'Quiraj.

From mid-level 50 to max level, you'll spend almost all of your time in Blasted Lands, Eastern and Western Plaguelands, and Winterspring.

Start with Blasted Lands and start searching in Eastern Plaguelands at the same time – you may have to learn a few flight paths between these two distant locations to travel back and forth in the mid-50s. Once you reach level 56, you can continue to Western Plaguelands.

In the last levels before reaching 60, you will spend most of your time searching in both Plaguelands, but Winter spring also has some quests for Alliance players on the other side of the world. To get to Winterspring, you need to go through Felwood via Furbolg Cave in the far northeast.

After completing most of the quests in Blasted Lands, Plaguelands and Winterspring, you should be at max level – if you run out of quests, consider doing a few runs in Blackrock Depths or Spire dungeon to get to level 60.

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