Best Dark Souls Armor Sets


  • Armor choice in Dark Souls depends on one’s playstyle and build, so mix and match for the best benefits.
  • Some armor sets, like Ornstein’s or Havel’s, offer great defense but can weigh players down, affecting mobility.
  • Unique sets like Xanthous or Catarina may not have the best stats, but they add style and character to one’s look.

If players were to ask the Dark Souls community which set of armor they should slap onto their Chosen Undead, chances are the vast majority of responses will end up being some variant of “it doesn’t matter.” And that’s half right. What set of armor will work to a player’s advantage will largely revolve around their build and play style. In fact, a lot of players can get by just fine with no armor at all if they’re skilled enough.



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If players want to maximize the benefits of every piece of equipment, then it’s likely that their best armor setup isn’t going to consist of a singular matched set of armor at all, but rather a mixture of different pieces from different sets. But that’s usually ugly, and some players prefer wearing the best armor in Dark Souls for style points. Of course, some armor sets are worth wearing for the stats they provide, letting players tackle numerous enemies and nullify their offense as much as possible.

Updated on January 29, 2025, by Gerardo Molina: While the original Dark Souls does not have as many armor sets as the third installment, those available are great for protection and many also have wonderful aesthetic designs that make them look intimidating and appealing. Armor in Dark Souls is divided into three main categories: Light armor, Medium armor, and Heavy armor. The latter is better suited for players who want to try a Strength build with enough Poise to withstand their enemies’ attacks as they’re swinging their gargantuan weapons. Some of the armor sets on this list come equipped by default with certain classes in the game, whereas others will require players to defeat formidable bosses to obtain them.


Dingy Set

A Great Drop By Anastacia Of Astora

Dark Souls - Dingy Set

Physical Protection


Magic Protection


Fire Protection


Lightning Protection




The Dingy Set in the original Dark Souls is great, as it has decent physical protection, bleed and curse resistance, and it isn’t as heavy as other sets in the game. It can be upgraded by using regular and large Titanite Shards, as well as Titanite Chunks and a single Titanite Slab.

The Dingy Set is dropped by Anastacia of Astora after players ring both Bells of Awakening or pick up the two Fire Keeper Souls in the Undead Parrish and Blighttown. On top of the great protection this set offers, it also has a great look that makes it attractive to wear.


Wanderer Set

A Default Armor Worn By The Wanderer Class

Dark Souls - Wanderer's Set

Physical Protection


Magic Protection


Fire Protection


Lightning Protection




Since it comes with the Wanderer class, the Wanderer Set is often disregarded as anything but a common object by many players who are starting out on their Dark Souls journey. And while there are better armor choices throughout the game, especially in the mid-to-late stages, the Wanderer Set is still a formidable choice that can easily get players through most challenges.

It has decent physical damage protection, as well as okay Bleed resistance. The one downside of this armor set is that, while it’s not the heaviest out there, with a weight of almost 10, it does use up a chunk of players’ Max Equipment Load.


Balder Set

Rare Drop From Balder Knights Or Purchased From The Crestfallen Merchant

Balder Set in Dark Souls

Physical Protection


Magic Protection


Fire Protection


Lightning Protection




The Balder Set is certainly one of the goofiest-looking armors in the game. It looks quite impractical, with multiple places being exposed. Even after upgrading this set to the max, the defenses may not seem all that high, but this armor set is still great in the right hands. Players who don’t mind rocking a unique look that looks protective yet vulnerable at the same time will find the Balder Set to be right up their alley.

Upgrading this armor enhances its defenses and possibly turns it into one of the best armor in Dark Souls fans can get their hands on. Trying to get a Balder Knight to drop it is a royal pain, especially since the grind to obtain the Balder Side Sword is bad enough as is. Instead, the Crestfallen Merchant is a way better option for players who don’t want to kill numerous Balder Knights with no reward to speak of.


Chester’s Set

Dropped By Marvelous Chester

chester with his arms crossed

Physical Protection


Magic Protection


Fire Protection


Lightning Protection




Players who want to look like a character straight out of Bloodborne will love what the Chester Set brings to the table. It’s a piece of clothing that may look completely out of place in the dark fantasy aesthetic of Dark Souls, but this is precisely what makes this unique-looking piece of armor something that most players covet in the game.

This outfit is dropped by a character who hints at time travel, making many people assume that Marvelous Chester is a time traveler who hails from the realm of Bloodborne. If this is true, then Miyazaki is a genius for thinking about Bloodborne years before this amazing game would even grace a player’s PlayStation 4.


Painting Guardian Set

Found In The Painted World Of Ariamis

Painting Guardian Set in Dark Souls

Physical Protection


Magic Protection


Fire Protection


Lightning Protection




The Painting Guardian Set is certainly one of the coolest-looking armor sets in the game and is worn by certain enemies in the Painted World of Ariamis. Suffice it to say, players who want to look like these unique enemies should explore the Painted World to collect a set of this light armor that they can use to dodge with great efficiency before unleashing a world of hurt on their enemies.


Most Divisive Mechanics In The Dark Souls Games

These mechanics helped the Dark Souls series stand out, but not without some controversy among fans.

Keep in mind that this armor set doesn’t boast great physical protection, and players should make it a priority to dodge as many hard-hitting attacks as possible. Magical protection is pretty great, although lightning-powered attacks can be a pain to deal with. Still, most players won’t mind as long as their evading skills are on point and they boast some great DPS that can be used to take out their enemies in style.


Eastern Set

Located On A Cliff Around The Sealed Door In Darkroot Garden

Eastern Set in Dark Souls

Physical Protection


Magic Protection


Fire Protection


Lightning Protection




Players who want to seek out one of the most unique armor sets in the game will find the Eastern Set to be right up their alley. Finding the Twinkling Titanite players need to upgrade this armor set can be a royal pain, but people willing to put in the effort will turn the Eastern Set into the best armor in Dark Souls they can wear to look amazing while beating foes into a pulp.

This armor is teetering on the edge of a cliff, so players should be careful about getting this armor without falling to their death. It’s a small risk to take for a cool-looking piece of armor that doesn’t get enough love in the Dark Souls fandom. It may not be the best damage-absorbing garb players can wear, but players won’t mind as long as their version of the Chosen Undead looks amazing as they traverse a dying world.


Lord’s Blade Set

Dropped By Lord’s Blade Ciaran, Who Spawns In The Artorias Boss Fight Arena

Lord's Blade Set in Dark Souls

Physical Protection


Magic Protection


Fire Protection


Lightning Protection




The story of Artorias is one of the most tragic tales in Dark Souls. In a bid to fight against the Abyss and save Lordran, this valiant knight lost his way after numerous battles and eventually succumbed to the Abyss. The version of Artorias the Chosen Undead fights has been corrupted to the point where he’s a shadow of his former self, with his wild moves making him appear more beast-like than human.

Defeating this boss and returning to the boss arena leads to an encounter with the Lord’s Blade Ciaran, a fascinating NPC who happens to wear one of the best armor in Dark Souls. It’s a shame that players have to kill this character to acquire the armor set, but it’s worth it if players want to look awe-inspiring as they make their way to Manus to give him the beating he deserves.


Ornstein’s Set

Obtained After Defeating Super Ornstein

Dark Souls - Ornstein's Set

Physical Protection


Magic Protection


Fire Protection


Lightning Protection




The dual boss fight of Ornstein and Smough makes for one of the hardest boss fights in video game history. Players must put their skills to the test against a duo that takes no prisoners, with both characters complementing each others’ movesets to make for an incredible showdown. Players who decided to focus on Ornstein and take his lightning-quick attacks into account will find themselves in for a rude awakening when Smough comes out of nowhere to wreak havoc. Similarly, trying to whittle down the health of the brute first will lead to Ornstein ravaging the Chosen Undead in no time.


The Hardest Boss Fights In Dark Souls History, Ranked

The Dark Souls trilogy, developed by From Software, harbors some of the most dangerous and aggressive boss fights in history.

If players like how awesome Ornstein looks, then they must defeat Smough first to trigger the fight against Super Ornstein. This is the harder variant of the two, which is why players must be wary during this battle and not get greedy. Successfully defeating the souped-up version of Ornstein will help players unlock his set, which certainly looks amazing. Some people find it inferior to Smough’s armor, but the fact that it doesn’t weigh a ton certainly helps things.


Artorias’ Set

Purchased From Domhnall Of Zena After Defeating Artorias The Abysswalker


Physical Protection


Magic Protection


Fire Protection


Lightning Protection




FromSoftware has made a name for itself when it comes to crafting quality pieces of DLC content, and this reputation was established with the release of the Artorias of the Abyss DLC. It’s a huge spike in difficulty, and players will become more than aware of just how tough this piece of additional content is when they decide to tackle the first boss of this DLC, who happens to be none other than Artorias himself.

The Abysswalker is no joke, with his aggressive moveset and quick attacks making it imperative to dodge and move around as quickly as possible to evade his damaging attacks. To make things worse, Artorias buffs himself over and over again during this battle, reaching a point where a single hit from his blade can one-shot the Chosen Undead. It’s not a battle for the faint of heart, which is why so many players will relish beating this boss. As a reward, players can acquire Artorias’ Set, making them look similar to this tragic knight whose story will make players weep.


Xanthous Set

Found In The Painted World Of Ariamis

Dark Souls - Xanthous Set

Physical Protection


Magic Protection


Fire Protection


Lightning Protection




Based on stats alone, the Xanthous Set isn’t anything to write home about. It’s an above-average set at best, and players pursuing the best stats would prefer better gear. However, when it comes to looking as unique as possible, the set has no equal.

The helm is so ridiculously large that some players will find the screen blocked by this massive headgear, which is oddly hilarious. There’s a reason why multiplayer vets love this set because of how endearing the entire look is.


Steel Set

Purchase From Crestfallen Merchant And Also A Rare Drop From Berenike Knights

Dark Souls Steel Armor Set

Physical Protection


Magic Protection


Fire Protection


Lightning Protection




Heavy armor is the safest route that players can take in Dark Souls, with these sets boasting great defenses and poise to help players power through blows and counterattack in style. However, players must ensure that their equip load isn’t too high since going overboard will lead to their rolls being essentially useless.



The Dark Souls Trilogy: How Long To Beat Each Game

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Players with a high equip load can use the Steel armor set, which is pretty hardy and boasts excellent physical protection if players level it up. It’s a safe and reliable option that players can go for if they want an effective armor set that isn’t too fancy. The weight of this armor isn’t so high that players are left stranded if they need to dodge, which is a pretty great bonus.


Warrior Set

Default Equipment For The Warrior Class And Also Found In The Depths Just Before The Gaping Dragon Boss Fight

Warrior Set in Dark Souls

Physical Protection


Magic Protection


Fire Protection


Lightning Protection




While most people may argue that the starting class in Dark Souls doesn’t really matter, this statement mostly applies to a character’s stat allocation. If players look solely at the equipment that players start with, then there’s no real reason why they shouldn’t start with the Warrior class if they haven’t played a Soulsborne game yet.

The Warrior set is a great suit of armor with amazing stats across the board that can save a player’s hide in the early stages of the game. Sure, players may opt for better sets that are more suited to their build as the game progresses, but there’s something about the Warrior armor set that makes it such a blast to use. If players wish, they can power through the game till the end if they use this armor set, even if they may struggle a bit along the way.


Iron Golem Set

Purchase From Domhnall Of Zena After Defeating The Iron Golem

Dark Souls - Golem Set

Physical Protection


Magic Protection


Fire Protection


Lightning Protection




The Iron Golem is a boss that stands in the way of the player and the glorious castle of Anor Londo. The fight itself is pretty trivial, with players having to knock down the Iron Golem by swinging at its feet before either making it topple to its doom or placing it in a vulnerable position where players could wail on it until the boss’ health bar is decimated.

Defeating this boss allows players to purchase and wear the Iron Golem suit, which looks pretty cool, barring the weird-looking helm. However, the armor’s effectiveness is hindered by its equip weight. Most people would just opt for Havel’s Armor instead if they wanted to strike a balance between good defenses and evasion.


Silver Knight Set

Found In Anor Londo

Dark Souls Series Enemies To Avoid Silver Knight

Physical Protection


Magic Protection


Fire Protection


Lightning Protection




The Silver Knights are some of the toughest enemies in the game, and players will need to figure out a proper strategy to deal with them by the time they reach the legendary Anor Londo. The melee enemies are imposing as is, and the archers who try to hit players on the rooftops are especially notorious.


Dark Souls: Best Dexterity Weapons, Ranked

If strength and magic aren’t your bag in Dark Souls, these are the best weapons for your dexterity build. But don’t tell anyone you leveled that up.

That being said, their armor looks pretty neat and is worth taking for players who want to look like a proper knight. It’s not the best set in the game, but players can still wear the armor and take on most baddies without breaking a sweat if they’re skillful enough.


Smough’s Set

Purchase From Domhnall Of Zena After Defeating Super Smough

Executioner_Smough in dark souls photo

Physical Protection


Magic Protection


Fire Protection


Lightning Protection




Smough is one of the two legendary bosses whom players have to face off against in the legendary castle of Anor Londo. Even reaching this boss is a pain in itself. Trying to fight this duo without taking on some serious damage is one of the toughest things players can accomplish in the game.

However, if players manage to defeat Ornstein first and then tackle the super-powered version of Smough, they’ll be able to acquire this executioner’s armor set. While it boasts excellent defenses, the equip load of the set is so high that most people don’t consider it to be worthwhile, unless players don’t mind fat-rolling to kingdom come.


Black Knight Set

A Rare Drop From Black Knights; Also Found On A Corpse In The Kiln Of The First Flame

DS3 Black Knight

Physical Protection


Magic Protection


Fire Protection


Lightning Protection




The Black Knights are some of the toughest and most fear-inducing enemies in Dark Souls. They hit like a truck and boast some of the best equipment in the game. It’s easy to see why most players would prefer to just avoid this enemy, especially in encounters where they don’t need to risk their lives to tackle this imposing foe.

However, players who want to obtain great equipment early should farm these enemies, especially if they have the skills to take them out. These enemies have a chance of dropping rare armor and completing the set this early will net a piece of armor that can carry players to the end. The only other way to obtain a full set is to loot it in the Kiln of the First Flame, which is the final area of Dark Souls.


Elite Knight’s Set

Near The Sealed Door Of Darkroot Garden, Guarded By Two Stone Knights And Four Ents

Dark Souls Elite Knight Set

Physical Protection


Magic Protection


Fire Protection


Lightning Protection




The Elite Knight’s set isn’t the best armor in Dark Souls, but a lot of factors contribute to it being more desirable than many other options. It’s easily accessible, offers considerable poise, and has one of the better weight-to-defense ratios in the game.


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It isn’t exactly light in the weight department, but it is easily surmountable for those who want to maintain their mobility without sinking too much investment into it. Its well-rounded statistics, modest requirements, and relatively early appearance in the game make it a remarkably solid go-to for newcomers.


Paladin Set

Kill Paladin Leeroy And Find His Corpse In The Gravelord Nito Boss Room

Dark Souls Paladin Set

Physical Protection


Magic Protection


Fire Protection


Lightning Protection




The Paladin set is one of the heavier “medium” armor sets in the game, but it offers a lot to make up for its somewhat unwieldy amount of heft. It boasts high defensive statistics and a little more poise than the comparable Elite Knight’s set. Most importantly, it has excellent curse resistance, which can save quite a bit of a headache when facing enemies capable of inflicting it.

The player will need to defeat the red phantom of Paladin Leeroy to get their hands on it, which can be a little tricky as this encounter is triggered in the Tomb of Giants, after having placed the Lord Vessel. This means obtaining it early is usually not going to be in the cards, but it’s well worth the wait and the effort.


Black Iron Set

On A Corpse Near The World Of Ariamis Painting In Anor Londo

Dark Souls Black Iron Set

Physical Protection


Magic Protection


Fire Protection


Lightning Protection




The Black Iron set is the most well-rounded of the big boy armor sets, offering a wide variety of extra benefits in addition to a surprisingly accessible weight value. It features solid poise, good physical defenses, the highest fire resistance of any armor set in Dark Souls, and a smidgen of curse resistance for good measure.

It is also one of only two heavy armor sets that can be upgraded through reinforcement. Once upgraded fully, it offers some of the highest physical defenses in the game, exceeded only by the upgraded Giant’s set. It can be located just outside the painting and provides transportation to the Painted World of Ariamis, within Anor Londo.


Catarina Set

Purchase From Crestfallen Merchant

Siegmeyer of Catarina (1)

Physical Protection


Magic Protection


Fire Protection


Lightning Protection




Despite having great resistances across the board, most players would be surprised to learn that the Catarina Set doesn’t weigh all that much. This makes it great for players who want to wear heavy armor without being weighed down and forced to fat roll. It helps that the unique design of this armor makes it a must-have for players invested in having the most fashionable character around.


Dark Souls: The Best Strength Weapons, Ranked

One of the best aspects of Dark Souls is the combat. If you are looking into a strength build, consider these hard-hitting weapons.

This armor set is worn by Siegmeyer of Catarina, one of the most beloved characters in Dark Souls history. Players who want to become besties with this character will love twinning with him in the game.

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