Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, like past generations of the franchise, have added a wide range of new Pokemon for trainers to capture and evolve while adventuring through the Paldea region. In addition to the more common types such as Fire and Water, players may also be interested in rarer types, such as the infamous Ghost-types that lurk around the most haunted areas of the island.

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet – Indigo Disk DLC: Best Pokemon To Synchronize With
With The Indigo Disk DLC, Pokemon Scarlet & Violet players can now play as their Pokemon; here are the best ones to synchronize with.
In the ninth generation with Scarlet and Violet, new Ghost-types can be found by players to add to their ever-growing team of creatures. These are the best Ghost types that can be found and caught while exploring both editions of the game.
Updated February 3, 2025 by Stephen LaGioia: With several awesome and ominous varieties to choose from, it can be tough to pinpoint which Ghost-type Pokemon are the best in Scarlet & Violet. With the release of the DLC, The Indigo Disk, a number of new Pokemon, as well as returning Pokemon, have been added, making the task of gathering the best Ghost-types even tougher. With this in mind, these are the strongest and most effective Ghost-types for players to have on their team in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet — including not only those from Paldea but also others that appeared later on.
EV Yield: 3 Special Attack
HP |
Attack |
Defense |
Special Attack |
Special Defense |
Speed |
Total |
55 |
115 |
70 |
80 |
70 |
90 |
480 |
One of the few Ghost-types to debut with the original 151 Pokemon, Gengar has largely held its own over the decades. It boasts some impressive total base stats, and a sky-high Special Attack in particular. This makes the already dangerous Special moves like Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, and Dream Eater absolutely lethal.
Coupled with its few elemental weaknesses, makes Gengar a tough out. Add some decent raw Attack power and Speed to this, and the purple Pokemon has much to grin about. Players can trade Pincurchin for Haunter (which then evolves into Gengar) in Levincia, or hit the Mossfell Confluence in the Hidden Treasure of Area Zero to obtain one.
EV Yield: 1 Defense, 1 Special Defense
HP |
Attack |
Defense |
Special Attack |
Special Defense |
Speed |
Total |
50 |
92 |
108 |
92 |
108 |
35 |
485 |
This distinct meshing of Ghost/Dark-types features no evolution, though given its power and effectiveness, it doesn’t really need it. Given its elemental types and its tank-like nature, Spiritomb can be tough to eliminate in battle, even with its more average HP stat.

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: 10 Best Dark Types In The Game
Dark-type Pokemon are sinister and powerful, and these new additions to the Gen 9 games are the best of the bunch.
The Pokemon boasts a nice blend of strong, (mostly) 100% accurate Special Attacks and status moves, with a sprinkling of potent physical moves as well. This mischievous, ghostly stone formation of spirits should be a draw for Ghost-type fans. It’s found at Glaseado Mountain as well as Casseroya Lake in the northern regions of Paldea.
EV Yield: 2 Special Attack
HP |
Attack |
Defense |
Special Attack |
Special Defense |
Speed |
Total |
71 |
60 |
106 |
121 |
80 |
70 |
508 |
A newcomer to the massive Pokemon lineup which now exceeds a whopping 1,000 monsters, this bizarre tea-inspired Pokemon was introduced was part of the Teal Mask expansion. Sinistcha is an evolution of Poltchageist — and comes in either ‘Unremarkable’ or ‘Masterpiece Form’.
While it may look a bit silly and not terribly intimidating, Sinistcha has some notable offensive strengths in particular. The unique Grass-Ghost hybrid can obliterate opponents with Leaf Storm, while wearing down foes with status moves like Strength Sap.
Its potent signature move, Matcha Gotcha, can currently only be learned by this Pokemon. The move deals ample damage and restores the user’s HP equal to up to half the damage dealt, with a small chance of burning the target as well.
EV Yield: 2 Attack
HP |
Attack |
Defense |
Special Attack |
Special Defense |
Speed |
Total |
55 |
115 |
70 |
80 |
70 |
90 |
480 |
Brambleghast may be the weakest Ghost-type Pokemon on this list; however, it still deserves a mention due to it being a new addition to Pokemon‘s ninth generation. As its appearance may suggest, this Grass/Ghost-type is a tumbleweed with a sinister method of catching its prey.
Players will first need to evolve Brambleghast by allowing its pre-evolution, Bramblin, to walk 1000 steps using the Let’s Go feature. This allows a Pokemon to roam freely at their trainer’s side and attack at will. To let a Pokemon out to walk, players can simply place it in the first position in the party and press the ZR button.
EV Yield: 2 Defense
HP |
Attack |
Defense |
Special Attack |
Special Defense |
Speed |
Total |
85 |
75 |
110 |
100 |
75 |
35 |
480 |
Palossand is the sand castle Pokemon that players got to meet for the first time in Pokemon Sun and Moon. It returned once more for Scarlet and Violet. This Ghost/Ground Pokemon seems to have possessed the sand on the beach. At first, it can be found as Sandygast, which can be seen as a heap of sand with a shovel in its head.
Palossand and its pre-evolution are the only Pokemon that can learn Shore Up. This great signature move allows this sand mound creature to heal a percentage of its health, depending on the weather. Find this sandy Pokemon in Area Two of the West Province, or Casseroya Lake in the North Province.
EV Yield: 2 Attack
HP |
Attack |
Defense |
Special Attack |
Special Defense |
Speed |
Total |
89 |
124 |
80 |
55 |
80 |
55 |
483 |
The Indigo Disk introduces many classic Ghost-type Pokemon to Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. This includes adorable pocket monsters like Golurk, the dual-type Ground and Ghost-type Pokemon that evolves from Golett. Once the player has reached level 43, the possessed rock evolves into this larger version of itself.

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Strongest Paldea Pokemon, Ranked
Here are Paldea’s very best Pokemon that have appeared so far in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet.
Although made of stone, which may make some players believe that Golurk would make an excellent defense unit, this Ghost-type is actually better suited for basic attacks with only a moderate score in both its regular and special defense. Find this monster in the Canyon Biome, Chargestone Cavern, or Polar Biome (The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero).
EV Yield: 2 Attack
HP |
Attack |
Defense |
Special Attack |
Special Defense |
Speed |
Total |
72 |
101 |
100 |
50 |
97 |
68 |
488 |
Pure Ghost-types can be just as good as any dual-type Pokemon. Singular typings limit what can do super effective damage to pure Ghost-type Pokemon like Houndstone. This ancient ghost dog may look ominous, but at heart, it is still the adorable Greavard it once was.
While not only being a worthy battling companion, the story of Houndstone’s creation is rather touching. Its Pokedex entry in Violet says it is the reincarnation of a most loved Pokemon, meaning it may live once more in its new ghostly form.
EV Yield: 2 Attack
HP |
Attack |
Defense |
Special Attack |
Special Defense |
Speed |
Total |
75 |
125 |
80 |
60 |
100 |
85 |
525 |
Filled with resentment and grudges, this sneaky suit of armor Pokemon combines its once-fiery skills with that of its now dual-type ghostly abilities. Ceruledge is the only Pokemon capable of learning the move Bitter Blade, which not only damages a Pokemon but also heals its user.
Unfortunately, those that have Pokemon Scarlet will not be able to unlock this Fire/Ghost-type unless it is traded to them, as it is a Pokemon Violet exclusive evolution. Players will instead evolve their Charcadet into Armarouge, a Fire/Psychic-type Pokemon.
EV Yield: 3 Special Attack
HP |
Attack |
Defense |
Special Attack |
Special Defense |
Speed |
Total |
104 |
75 |
100 |
110 |
75 |
66 |
530 |
Players who choose Fuecoco as their starter already have a powerful Fire/Ghost-type Pokemon in their hands. When evolving this tiny red crocodile to its final evolution from Crocalor at level 36, Skeledirge isn’t only a singing Pokemon, but it is also a ginormous fiery crocodile with a bird spirit that follows it on every adventure.

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: 24 Best Fighting-Types In The Game
With Pokemon Scarlet and Violet comes new Fighting-type Pokemon, leaving fans wondering which ones are the best in the game now.
It may be surprising to some trainers that this does in fact class as a Ghost-type. This new secondary typing opens up avenues to further expand its moveset. Skeledirge is also the only Pokemon that can learn the move Torch Song, which does damage and increases its Special Attack.
EV Yield: 3 Attack
HP |
Attack |
Defense |
Special Attack |
Special Defense |
Speed |
Total |
110 |
115 |
80 |
50 |
90 |
90 |
535 |
With Gen 9, Game Freak also included new evolutions for already existing Pokemon, such as the newest evolution for Primeape: Annihilape. This Fighting/Ghost-type cannot be evolved simply by leveling up. Instead, the player must use the move Rage Fist twenty times to cause the evolution.
As Primeape’s power through rage grew, its body could no longer hold onto it all. As such, it evolved into Annihilape, a rage-filled monkey, the only other Pokemon that can use Rage Fist. The Pokemon can be found roaming in the Kitakami Wilds or Timeless Woods (The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero).
EV Yield: 2 Special Attack
HP |
Attack |
Defense |
Special Attack |
Special Defense |
Speed |
Total |
87 |
60 |
95 |
133 |
91 |
84 |
550 |
Made up entirely of coins, this peculiar Steel/Ghost-type Pokemon may not look like the franchise’s typical Ghost-type creature. Even its pre-evolution, the pure Ghost-type Gimmighoul, doesn’t quite appear that ghostly. It can only be evolved into Gholdengo once 999 Gimmighoul coins have been collected.
Gholdengo continues the money theme with its signature move, Make It Rain. This move not only damages the enemy and lowers their Special Attack, but when the battle is over, the player also gets to keep the money that was dropped.
Flutter Mane
EV Yield: 1 Special Attack, 1 Special Defense, & 1 Speed
HP |
Attack |
Defense |
Special Attack |
Special Defense |
Speed |
Total |
55 |
55 |
55 |
135 |
135 |
135 |
570 |
While Misdreavus is exclusive to Pokemon Violet, those who bought Pokemon Scarlet instead have exclusive access to Flutter Mane. This ancient ancestor of Ghost-type Pokemon acts exactly like Misdreavus, just with a slightly altered design.

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Best Gen 9 Normal-Types, Ranked
There are a lot of new Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, and these are the best new generation 9 Normal-type Pokemon.
As a paradox Pokemon, it is also incredibly rare while being solely a Ghost-type. This, therefore, makes it a great addition to any team. It isn’t weak to as many types as a dual-type Pokemon may be (especially since Ghost-types have few weaknesses to begin with) and is also incredibly powerful against other ghosts. It can be found in Area Zero (Scarlet) and Union Circle (Violet).
EV Yield: 3 Special Attack
HP |
Attack |
Defense |
Special Attack |
Special Defense |
Speed |
Total |
80 |
110 |
60 |
150 |
130 |
70 |
600 |
Any fans of the franchise will recognize that Hoopa isn’t a new Pokemon. This mischievous spirit was first added to the franchise in Gen 6. However, players can also find this incredibly powerful Pokemon while exploring Paldea.
Hoopa has two forms: confined and unbound. While in its confined form, it has the dual-typing of Psychic/Ghost, which is arguably just as powerful as when it is unbound, where it takes on a Psychic/Dark typing instead. Although it may not be new, it is still a great Pokemon for players to consider catching.
EV Yield: 3 Defense
HP |
Attack |
Defense |
Special Attack |
Special Defense |
Speed |
Total |
88 |
88 |
160 |
88 |
88 |
88 |
600 |
With the introduction of The Indigo Disk, a new mythical Pokemon known as Pecharunt was introduced. This awesome Ghost-type is a dual-type of Ghost with Poison, making it a brilliant tiny monster for players who are hoping to deal a gradual amount of damage over time.
However, its stats are quite balanced (almost entirely outside its solid defense), making it appear quite weak when dealing any sort of damage, though this Ghost type has a high resistance and defense to stay in the battle and protect others. Find this monster in Loyalty Plaza in The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero (requires Mythical Pecha Berry)
EV Yield: 3 Speed
HP |
Attack |
Defense |
Special Attack |
Special Defense |
Speed |
Total |
88 |
120 |
75 |
100 |
75 |
142 |
600 |
Dragapult is a Dragon/Ghost-type Pokemon introduced in Gen 8 with Pokemon Sword and Shield. In the newer generation, those who wish to find Dreepy and evolve it into Dragapult will only be able to do so in Pokemon Violet. Those who own Pokemon Scarlet will only be able to get their hands on this creature through trade.

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: 8 Moves That Are Dominating The Competitive Meta
The following moves from Pokemon Scarlet & Violet are great for the competitive scene.
Due to its three-evolution stage and powerful Dragon-type, many fans of the franchise consider this powerful Ghost-type to be one of the best. It is also a pseudo-legendary, meaning that its combined stat total is a whopping 600.
EV Yield: 3 Special Attack
HP |
Attack |
Defense |
Special Attack |
Special Defense |
Speed |
Total |
137 |
113 |
89 |
137 |
107 |
97 |
680 |
Besides the regular Pokemon that were added to Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, there have also been many past legendaries of the franchise added to the game. This included the most powerful Ghost-type Pokemon of all and the mascot of Pokemon Moon, Lunala.
There are few stats that Lunala is low in, with the Pokemon making a great special defender while also being able to pack a punch. While it may take some work to earn Lunala, it is by far the best Pokemon a player should have on their team when using a Ghost. Get this rare legendary monster at Casseroya Lake (Area Zero) upon receiving the Lunala Treat from Snacksworth.

- Released
November 18, 2022