Build Baldur's Gate 3 Gloomstalker Assassin

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  • The Gloomstalker Assassin build excels in physical damage and combat versatility.

  • Dexterity is key for Rangers and Rogues; Wisdom is essential to the Guardians' magical abilities.

  • Choose racial abilities, backgrounds, and equipment that increase Dexterity, Wisdom, or Constitution.

Multiclassing in Baldur's Gate 3 it's part of the fun players have in creating unique, customized characters. The Ranger and Rogue combo is already a popular combo, and it's even better when the Gloomstalker and Assassin subclasses are also integrated into one deadly package.

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Each of these classes rely on Dexterity for their main ability and have basic skills related to stealth, lockpicking, and disarming traps to fill more than one party role. Guardians have additional weapon skills and support spells, while Rogues have some devastating melee skills and their Stealth abilities are impressive.

Updated December 24, 2024 by Kristy Ambrose: Larian Studios will not be making any DLC or sequels for BG3, but Patch 8 will be released in 2025, which includes the addition of several new subclasses. This means new options for players who still enjoy creative and possibly broken characters. For Rangers and Rogues, Dexterity is an important ability score, but there's also Wisdom to consider when it comes to a Ranger's magical abilities, and each class must choose other details such as Background, Feats, weapons, and Equipment.

Gloomstalker Assassin Build

Wild and subtle damage in any environment

Melian and Drider's Baldur's Gate 3

  • A dedicated hunter and a vicious killer combine to become a deadly survivalist and a hardened mercenary.

The Gloomstalker Assassin is either melee or ranged physical damage, and another parallel between Rogues and Rangers is that they are just as effective at range as they are at melee damage. Whether they fight melee or ranged depends on the exact build the player chooses, which also includes their skills, abilities, and gear selection.

Stealth, Sleight of Hand, and Dexterity skill are just some of the details that Rogues and Rangers share, making them a natural choice for a multiclass build.

Guardians have some support spells on hand, and some races have Cantrips available, so depending on those choices during character creation, it's also possible to incorporate some limited spellcasting abilities into this build.

Ability score

Dexterity for wanderers, wisdom for Rangers

Baldur's Gate 3 Drow as a Ranger at character creation

  • Focus on physical damage and resistance over casting abilities, but don't abandon spells entirely.

Ranger and Rogue both share Dexterity as their most important stat. This would also be a spell modifier if it weren't for the Guardian using Wisdom instead.

  • Dexterity: Both classes rely on Dexterity for their agility, stealth-related abilities, and weapon skills.
  • Wisdom: Great for perception checks, and if the Guardians are also casting off-heal or de-curse, they need high Wisdom to cast accurately.
  • Constitution: Higher constitution means more hit points, and this is a combat class, so it's a medium priority.
  • Strength: One of the less important skill scores depending on the build. If this character is more of a melee DPS fighter, it can go up a few points.
  • Intelligence: “Dump stat”, neither Rangers nor Rogues have much use for Intelligence as it is linked to arcane throwing power.
  • Charisma: Another less important stat for this build as Rangers and Rogues are often found in the shadows or wilderness, but a creative player can make it work.


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Both drow subraces have the same abilities associated with their race, such as Superior Darkvision, Drow Weapon Training, and Fey Ancestry, along with practical spells such as Faerie Fire and Darkness. The biggest difference here is in moral alignment. The Lloth-Sworn are dedicated to the Drow's dark spider goddess and are usually evil.



Wood elf

One of the best options for this multiclass, Wood Elves have improved Stealth Abilities and better movement speed along with elven weapon training, Darkvision and Fey Ancestry.

A half-elf

Drow Half-Elf

Drow and human benefits include better weapon and armor proficiency due to the Civil Militia ability. This option has more weapon options and retains some elven throwing abilities.

Wood Half-Elf

This race has elven weapon training along with civilian militia, giving them even more power when it comes to gear selection and party roles.



The Civil Militia Feat comes from this racial choice. Humans also have increased movement speed and carrying capacity than other races.



An excellent choice for a Rogue or Ranger, Githyanki have improved movement speed along with access to spells like Enhanced Leap and Misty Step that can take them anywhere on the battlefield. Martial Prodigy gives them proficiency in Medium Armor, Short, Long, and Great Swords.

A halfling


In addition to the Brave and Halfling Luck passives, you also have advantage on Stealth checks.



These Gnomes lean more towards the Ranger side with their unique skills that they include Talk to animals
and improved Stealth abilities.


Deep elves have Superior Darkvision and the Stone Camofalgue ability, giving them advantage on Stealth checks.


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The Ranger Rogue Connection

Baldur's Gate 3 collage with a tiefling aiming a bow and Astarion's thinking gesture

  • A mix of the outdoors, love of animals and life on the fringes of society.





Athletics, survival

An obvious choice for a Ranger, this character was raised in the isolated outdoors and still often travels the wild.


Fraud, trickery

A version of the upper class criminal, but with more charm and guile than violence or intimidation.


Athletics, intimidation

The soldier-turned-smuggler trope would work for this build, which combines the discipline of a Ranger with the patience of a Rogue.

People's hero

Animal handling, survival

Rogues and Rangers are often heroes in legends, they are brave Rogues or Rangers who save the day despite their gruff appearance.


Cleverness, stealth

For Rogues, common means that they started their thieving career at an early age.


Athletics, intimidation

Perhaps this Ranger or Rogue was once part of the military or local militia where they also learned their survival skills.


Deception, concealment

Common to a Rogue, it can also work with a Ranger who works in an urban setting.


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The finer details of the unique construction

A picture of Scratch the dog and the baby Owlbear from Baldur's Gate 3

There are several ways players can choose to split their multiclass options. Rangers and Rogues choose their subclass at 3rd level, so make sure you get at least three levels in each. One option is 10th level Ranger and then at least 3rd level in Rogue.



Ability score improvement

Increase one ability score by 2 or 2 by 1, which is a nice way to improve both Dexterity and Wisdom.


This trait prevents the character from being Surprised and gives him a +5 bonus on initiative rolls.


Increase Dexterity or Strength by +1, reduce prone recovery time, and increase jump distance.

Crossbow expert

This is essential for ranged builds, removes the disadvantage to melee attacks, and makes Gaping Wounds twice as long.

Dual Wielder

Use two weapons at the same time as long as they are not heavy and get +1 to AC while doing so.

Initiate of Magic: Cleric

Give the Guardian a few more useful support or healing spells by giving them a few choices from the cleric spellbook.


Movement speed is increased by 10, is not slowed by Difficult Terrain when using the Dash ability, and does not trigger Attacks of Opportunity in melee combat.


Increase any ability by one and gain proficiency on that ability's saving throws.

Spell Sniper

For greater melee or ranged spellcasting ability, you can choose from several cantrips that use the character's Wisdom or Dexterity as a casting modifier.


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Recommendations for gearboxes

Anything that boosts Dexterity, Wisdom, or Constitution

remedial potion melian bg3

  • Assassin Gloomstalkers can use a wide variety of gear, from regular clothing to medium armor depending on the build.

Rogues in BG3 can only wear clothes and use certain weapons, but there's practically nothing a Ranger can't wear or equip.

Baldur's Gate 3 Cover Art Label Pages

Baldur's Gate 3


August 3, 2023

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