- Quiet survivors have a huge advantage in Dead by Daylight for outwitting killers and escaping trials stealthily.
- Unique perks like Urban Evasion and Off The Record can help players remain silent and avoid detection by killers.
- Some survivors like Jonah, Nea, and Carlos are naturally quieter, making them great choices for stealthy gameplay.
In Dead by Daylight, being able to stay quiet and stealthy is one of the best ways for players to ensure their survival against the ruthless Killer they’ll be up against. Whether that’s being able to slip away during a chase, or managing to avoid one altogether, being sneaky is incredibly important for players looking to escape the trial.
There are certain perks that players can use to help them stay quiet, such as Iron Will and Off The Record. However, some Survivors are so naturally quiet, they don’t really need to waste a perk slot to keep stealthy. This provides players with a huge gameplay advantage, and they should consider trying some of these Dead by Daylight Survivors out.

Games to Play If You Like Dead by Daylight
Fans of Dead By Daylight’s asymmetrical gameplay and horror setting should try these other games for a similar experience.
Updated December 29, 2024, by Mara Cowley: Dead by Daylight pits four survivors against one Killer, each tasked with different objectives that are the key to securing their victory. Survivors are in the most danger, as the Killers can physically harm, snatch, hook, and even kill them with their own hands or monstrous limbs. Survivors need to be quick on their feet if they wish to outwit and lose them so they can get back to the generators. In order to do that, Survivors need a touch of stealth to succeed. Not all Survivors are equal, and there are those who are more adept at stealth than others, whether in terms of audio or perks. More of the quietest survivors in DBD have been added to this list in its most recent updates, so players know who to choose for more stealth-oriented gameplay.
Meg Thomas
Base Game
Meg Thomas is one of the original quartet of survivors that came with the base game. She remains one of the more popular picks, even among veteran players. Her perks are decent enough, especially for players just starting out. Adrenaline gives a health and speed boost after the final generator is completed, while Sprint Burst gives them haste when they most need it.
Her best perk, though, is Quick and Quiet. As the name suggests, this perk offers stealth to players when they are fast vaulting, or enter or exit a locker while sprinting. This perk is essential to hide from killers while in chase. As it is a perk, it allows other survivors to share in the stealth once they have leveled up enough.
Alan Wake
Alan Wake
One of the most surprising yet welcome crossovers was that of Alan Wake, introducing the famed fictional writer and FBI agent Saga Anderson from Alan Wake 2. As someone who has seen his fair share of horrors across his career, this might be the secret behind Alan Wake’s subdued noise, as he may not be so easily shakeable as other characters in the game.
Though not as stealthy as other characters who are practically silent, Alan Wake does not need to rely on perks to keep quiet, as it is part of his base kit. This frees up those slots up for other types of perks, giving him the best of both worlds.
Jake Park
Base Game
Players don’t need to shell out for all the countless DLCs and crossovers to benefit from stealthy survivor perks. Some of the game’s base perks are quiet by nature, or base characters offer perks to make them more quiet.

Dead By Daylight: All Free Survivors, Ranked
There are many survivors to choose from in Dead by Daylight, and these are all the ones that can be played for free.
This is the case with Jake Park, who has a stealth-vital perk known as Iron Will. This is a clutch perk for survivors who are injured, and trying not to get downed and hooked, especially when they are on their final hook state. This perk reduces players’ grunts of pain by up to 100% if they have it ranked out fully, rendering them undetectable by sound.
Jonah Vasquez
Portrait Of A Murder
Portrait of a Murder saw Killer The Artist and Survivor Jonah joining the fog, bringing with them new perks that have have uses in many situations. One thing players should take advantage of when picking creating a Survivor for a stealth build is the sounds a Survivor makes when they are injured, as Killers can use these to pinpoint Survivors if they lose them in a chase.
Jonah is one of the more naturally quiet ones, which will aid Survivors if they are trying to sneak around Killers that might have lost sight of them in buildings or around loops. One of Jonah’s perks, Overcome, gives players a burst of speed when injured, which they can use to throw Killers off of their tail.
Detective Tapp
One of Dead by Daylight’s crossovers introduced the gory horror movie franchise Saw to the game, adding Detective Tapp to the fog, despite him not surviving Jigsaws’s machinations in the film. One of his unique perks, Tenacity, is especially useful for keeping quiet.
Along with downed Survivors crawling faster, their grunts of pain are reduced by 75%, which will make most Survivors completely silent to Killers.
Sheva Alomar
Resident Evil
Despite being a legendary cosmetic for Jill Valentine, and sharing all of her perks, Sheva does have a few tricks of her own that make her stand apart.

Resident Evil: Best Female Characters, Ranked
The Resident Evil franchise utilizes both male and female characters accordingly. However, which female characters in the series stand out the most?
She is one of the quietest survivors in the game, both in terms of breathing, injured or healthy, and her footfalls. This allows players using Sheva to stealth around Killers and completely avoid their detection, whether the Killer has already injured them or not. When it comes to stealth builds, Sheva is hard to beat.
The Last Breath
Nea’s relatively simple Unique Perk, ‘Urban Evasion’ is great for players looking to be a bit more sneaky in their games. The perk increases the player’s Crouching movement speed by 100%, making it incredibly easy for the player to sneak around structures whilst the Killer is looking for them.
Nea is very quiet whilst she’s Healthy, which can make it even easier to pull off these plays, although she’s a bit louder than some quieter Survivors when Injured, so this might not work as well whilst she’s more vulnerable.
Base Game
Dwight’s players often have a bit of stigma attached to them, being viewed as one of the more cowardly characters in the game. They’re often associated with being found hiding in a locker somewhere, although this strategy technically does work out for poor Dwight. He’s one of the quieter Survivors in the game, and therefore can make better use of his precious lockers.
His perks don’t really support a stealthy build, and are more about finding teammates and collaborating to achieve their goals quicker. However, it’s never a bad thing being quieter, and can help the player out no matter what they’re trying to achieve.
Shattered Bloodline
Adam is one of the quieter male Survivors in Dead by Daylight, making very little noise when he’s Healthy, but he’s a bit louder than some of the quieter Survivors when Injured. Despite this, he’s much quieter than a lot of the cast, and has a certain Unique Perk that can allow him to make some cheeky plays to throw the Killer off his trail.

Dead By Daylight: The Best Survivor Perks, Ranked
Dead By Daylight offers some great perks for survivors, but you have to know which ones are going to serve you best!
Once the player has been within the Killer’s Terror Radius for 30 seconds, whilst not being chased, Diversion will activate. The player will then be able to press the Active Ability button, whilst they’re crouched, to throw a pebble 20 meters from their location. This should serve as a distraction for the Killer, as the pebble will cause a Loud Noise Notification, alerting the Killer to that location, and it also leaves behind some fake Scratch Marks to further confuse them. With this perk, and his quieter sounds, Adam is a great pick for player’s wanting to pull off some fun, stealthy plays.
Thalita Lyra
Tools Of Torment
Thalita is one of the quietest female Survivors in Dead by Daylight – she’s pretty quiet when she’s Healthy, making little noise when performing actions, breathing, and running. The real bonus to Thalita though is that she is also very quiet when she’s Injured. This combines really well with her Unique Perk, ‘Cut Loose’.
The perk activates when the player performs a rushed vault whilst they’re in a Chase. The perk stays active for 6 seconds, and it will suppress any Loud Noise Notifications, and the sound effects, that are triggered when a Survivor rushes a vault. Combining this perk with her quiet disposition means players can make a cheeky getaway from their pursuer with ease.
Kate Denson
Curtain Call
Kate is the perfect escape artist. Her Grunts of Pain are comparably quiet to other Survivors, although her passive noises, such as breathing, when healthy are a bit louder than some. However, her Unique Perk ‘Dance With Me’ is excellent for making a stealthy escape, and combines with her quiet injured noises very well.
Whenever the player performs a rushed action, such as vaulting a pallet or window, or quickly leaving a locker, they won’t leave any Scratch Marks for the next 3 seconds. This will allow them to reposition themselves out of the Killer’s sight and find somewhere safe. If all works well, the Killer should be less likely to find Kate than some of the louder Survivors because she’s so quiet.
Carlos Oliveira
Resident Evil
Carlos technically isn’t actually a unique Survivor, he’s a Legendary re-skin Outfit for Leon Kennedy. However, he’s much quieter than his RPD counterpart, with some pretty quiet passive Healthy noises, and he also makes very little noises whilst Injured. Carlos also has access to Leon’s perks, with ‘Bite The Bullet’ in particular being great at keeping fellow Survivors quiet.

Dead by Daylight Crossover Tier List
Dead by Daylight has been home to almost 20 crossovers over the last 8 years, and while all are fun to see in the game, they’re certainly not equal.
The Perk activates when the player is healing themselves or another Survivor, and suppressing all Grunts of Pain and any noises correlated to the Healing Action. It also prevents a Loud Noise Notification from triggering is the player fails a Healing Skill Check. Additionally, the Regression penalty will only be 1%. Combined with his already quiet disposition, Carlos is an overall great pick for players looking to stay quiet.
Cheryl Mason
Silent Hill
Cheryl first arrived in Dead by Daylight as part of the Silent Hill Chapter, and it’s clear she’s taken some notes on staying stealthy from her own game, Silent Hill 3. Her Grunts of Pain are much quieter than most Survivors, and is pretty much silent when she’s in the Healthy state.
Her Unique Perks unfortunately don’t really combine well with a stealthy play style, and more so revolve around planning her objectives, and getting certain bonuses when she’s Injured or in the Dying state. These perks work a bit better with Cheryl, as she doesn’t have to worry as much about being injured, as she’s so quiet. This means she can make better use of these perks than some of the other Survivors could.
Zarina Kassir
Chains Of Hate
Zarina is perfect for players looking for stealthy gameplay. Her Grunts of Pain when she’s injured are relatively quiet, and she also makes very little passive noise when she’s healthy too. Her Unique Perk ‘Off The Record’ is also great for players wanting to keep themselves hidden. Once the player has been unhooked, the perk will activate for the next 80 seconds.
During this time, their Aura won’t be shown to the Killer, their Grunts of Pain are reduced by 100%, and they receive the Endurance Status Effect until the perk expires, or they perform a Conspicuous Action. The perk will always deactivate once the Exit Gates are powered. This is an extremely powerful perk, and combined with Zarina’s already stealthy nature, she’s a great pick for players wanting to hide out of the Killer’s sight.
Ada Wong
Project W
Ada joined Dead by Daylight in the Resident Evil: Project W Chapter, and has clearly learned from her time as an agent, as she is the quietest female Survivor in Dead by Daylight. She has incredibly quiet Grunts of Pain, and makes very little passive noise when she’s healthy, too. Ada’s Unique Perks are all about self-preservation, and combine well with her stealthy nature. ‘Low Profile’ in particular is all about knowing how to disappear.

Resident Evil: Best Versions Of Ada Wong, Ranked
Ada Wong is one of the Resident Evil franchise’s most recognizable characters. These are some of her best iterations.
The Perk will activate when the player is the only remaining Survivor in the Trial. Once activated, the perk will suppress the player’s Pools of Blood, their Scratch Marks, and their Grunts of Pain for the next 90 seconds, giving them ample time to find the Hatch and escape.
Ace Visconti
Of Flesh And Mud
Ace is the quietest Survivor in Dead by Daylight, and is the king of stealth. When he’s injured, he’s so quiet that he essentially has Iron Will built in. Unfortunately, his Unique Perks aren’t particularly useful in most gameplay styles, never mind stealth gameplay, as they’re more so focused on collecting items in Chests.
Although, players who are looking to farm for items could certainly take advantage of his quiet noises and sneak around looking for Chests. Players who aren’t exactly interested in that play style can always make use of other Survivors’ Teachable Perks, and run the ultimate stealthy build on Ace.

Dead by Daylight
- Released
June 14, 2016
- Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer