In an often changing world Pokemon Goeach new season that comes and goes brings a new wave of content for trainers to explore and participate in. This includes new opportunities to encounter and obtain Pokémon through various methods, such as wild spawns during seasonal events, Raid Boss and Max Battles, rewards for completing field research tasks and collecting challenges, and more. One of the many ways players can get new Pokemon to add to their collection is by hatching eggs.
By placing the egg in the incubator and simply continue to browse and explore your Pokemon Go map, Eggs will gain progress and eventually a new Pokémon will hatch into your collection. With each new season of the game, there are usually different Pokemon available that can hatch from eggs obtained during that particular season, and Dual Destiny is no different – offering many specimens for trainers to try out and obtain through Eggs. To help you get an idea and plan ahead, a complete breakdown of all Pokemon available via egg hatches in Dual Destiny is included below, including their maximum CP ranges and egg type.

Pokemon GO: Genesect Chill Drive Raid Guide | Best counters, weaknesses and more
This guide details the best Genesect Chill Drive Raid counters in Pokemon GO, taking into account her weaknesses and resisatcnes.
All Destiny Egg Double Hatches and Max CP Ranges in Pokémon GO
Hatching Eggs can be a useful way to get some extra Pokemon here and there during your adventures. Because of this, it will be useful to make sure you have an incubator or two set aside, as this is the only way to hatch eggs, and each egg you wish to hatch will require its own incubator.
Here is the complete list of all Pokemon that can hatch from eggs during the Dual Destiny season, which runs between December 3, 2024 and March 4, 2025.:
2 km eggs
Pokemon |
Shiny odds? |
CP range |
Psyduck |
Yes |
585-632 |
Litleo |
Yes |
761-814 |
Cleff |
Yes |
346-383 |
Swabl |
Yes |
429-470 |
Wynaut |
Yes |
268-305 |
Larvest |
Yes |
800-855 |
Bonsly |
Yes |
693-744 |
Wimpod |
Yes |
255-286 |
5 km eggs
Pokemon |
Shiny odds? |
CP range |
Clamperl |
Yes |
675-726 |
Blitz |
Yes |
461-504 |
Inkay |
Yes |
486-529 |
Komala |
Yes |
1403-1475 |
Grookey |
No |
574-620 |
Larvest |
Yes |
800-855 |
Sobble |
No |
579-627 |
Scorbunny |
No |
579-627 |
Mime. Jr |
Yes |
578-626 |
5km Adventure Sync Reward Egg Spawns
Pokemon |
Shiny odds? |
CP range |
Munchlax |
Yes |
1017-1081 |
Tyrunt |
Yes |
877-934 |
Riola |
Yes |
522-567 |
Skarmory |
Yes |
1139-1204 |
Mantyke |
No |
662-713 |
Amaura |
Yes |
726-779 |
7 km eggs
Pokemon |
A shiny chance? |
CP range |
Alolan Meowth |
Yes |
416-455 |
Galarian Meowth |
Yes |
546-591 |
Alolan Grimer |
Yes |
731-785 |
Hisuian Voltorb |
Yes |
532-577 |
Hisuian Qwilfish |
Yes |
1155-1220 |
Galarian Corsola |
Yes |
800-855 |
Red striped Basculin |
Yes |
1129-1194 |
Blue striped Basculin |
Yes |
1129-1194 |
Galarian Darumaka |
Yes |
768-823 |
7 Km Route Gift Egg Spawns
Pokemon |
A shiny chance? |
CP range |
Hisuian Growlithe |
Yes |
703-755 |
Galarian Farfetch'd |
Yes |
898-956 |
Hisuian Sneasel |
Yes |
1107-1172 |
Pancham |
Yes |
796-850 |
Galarian Corsola |
Yes |
800-855 |
Red striped Basculin |
Yes |
1129-1194 |
Blue striped Basculin |
Yes |
1129-1194 |
White striped Basculin |
Yes |
1129-1194 |
10 km eggs
Pokemon |
A shiny chance? |
CP range |
Druddigon |
Yes |
1487-1561 |
Larvest |
Yes |
800-855 |
Carbin |
No |
780-838 |
Goomy |
Yes |
514-557 |
Jangmo-o |
Yes |
510-553 |
Frightening |
No |
398-438 |
Charcadet |
No |
380-418 |
Frigibax |
No |
662-712 |
10km Adventure Sync Egg Spawns
Pokemon |
Shiny odds? |
CP range |
Dratini |
Yes |
529-574 |
Espurr |
Yes |
669-719 |
Goomy |
Yes |
514-557 |
Turtonator |
Yes |
1203-1270 |
Jangmo-o |
Yes |
510-553 |
Charcadet |
No |
380-418 |
Frigibax |
No |
662-712 |
12 km eggs
Pokemon |
A shiny chance? |
CP range |
Larvitar |
Yes |
548-594 |
Sandil |
Yes |
546-592 |
Pawnshop |
Yes |
765-819 |
Vullaby |
Yes |
675-726 |
Deina |
Yes |
560-606 |
Pancham |
Yes |
796-850 |
Salandit |
No |
593-641 |
I'm sorry |
No |
603-650 |