Every monster of Haki from the old era

This article contains spoilers from Elbaf One Piece.


  • Rayleigh was a haki monster with great power, and was also afraid of four emperors in his main condition.

  • Sengoku and Whitebeard were also impressive Haki users, and they also competed by the pirate king Roger in strength.

  • Garp and Joy Boy showed exceptional Haki abilities, and Haki Joy Boy even exceeded Shanks.

The One piece The world has changed significantly over the years, especially because the Pirate King Gol D Roger has launched a great pirate era. This great pirate era has lasted since then, and after the war with the peak, the world has entered what many individuals call a new age. The new age is exciting and has its own pioneers, but fans know that the age of the Pirates was also very exciting.


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Specifically, in this era there were some monstrous powerful individuals who ruled the sea with absolute dominance. Among these pirates were some very powerful users of Haki, who can also be described as Haki monsters. Of course, not everyone qualifies as a monster of Haki, but there were certainly several individuals whose mere presence laid fear of the spine of enemies.


The right hand of the pirate king

Silvers Rayleigh has a drink in the Saboada archipelago in one piece.

Rayleigh is obviously one of the most adept Haki users One piece. Since it is not a user of devilish fruit, there is still a powerful threat to anyone, it is a clear sign that his Haki is incredibly powerful. Rayleigh was Haki on the day of the monster, and that is obvious.

Even in his old age, Garp compared his threat directly with the four Emperor of the Sea, which means that on his main days his control over his Haki and his advanced abilities in general at a completely different level.


Former Admiral Fleet

Sengoku Yonko Level One Piece
Sengoku of Marines One Piece

Sengoku and one of the only two marines who are known to control Haki. Roger directly confirmed that Sengoku was a good opponent for him, and fans also know that there was a rivalry between him and Whitebeard in the past.

Sengoku is a very powerful individual who also has Great Haki. Being an individual who is close to the level of similar Roger and Whitebeard, and he also earned respect, his strength in this department must be absolutely huge.


The Captain of the WhiteBeard Pirates

WhiteBeard to create shocks with a tremor-trremor fruit in a marinephor in one piece

Whitebeard is another horribly powerful user of Haki, who existed in the old era. He was the strongest man in the world, and it was up to him as Gura Gura no mi, whose forces could allow him to destroy the whole world. In addition, Whitebeard also had Haki of all three types. His Haki, of course, was not as refined as Roger, but it was certainly very strong.

Whitebeard existed as a monstrous powerful individual even in his old age, which causes him to wonder what his true level of strength would be when he came to his first -class.


Hero Marines

Known as Marine of Legends, Garp exists as a mythical individual for many pirates in One piece world. Like Rayleigh, Garp has no ability of devilish fruit, yet he exists as one of the strongest he has ever lived.


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Garp relies only on Haki in the fight and has been very much chasing his skill over the years. Garp's use of Haki's conquer Haki was seen in the final saga when he attacked the pirate island and caused great destruction. In fact, Garp was disappointed with the performance of his strength because of his aging body, which only makes one wonder what his skill level in his main condition. Obviously, Garp's Haki is one of the most powerful seen in one piece and that is absolutely not a denial.

Gol D. Roger

The late pirate king

Pirate King Gol D. Roger owned the most powerful Haki in the old era. Fans know him that he is a very strong individual, and since he had no devilish fruit, Rogers Haki must have absolutely top.

Among all Haki monsters, Roger was probably one of the strongest, and that is obvious. He managed to combine WhiteBeard in the battle, without even having devilish fruit, which means that his Haki was at least superior to the strongest man.

Rocks D. Xebec

Mysterious Captain Pirates Rocks


Rocks D. Xebec is a bag of mysteries in One piece world. Fans do not know his full abilities, or whether he controlled the power of the devilish fruit or not. But what the fans know is that every individual with the performance level must be a monster of Haki.

The rocks probably had all three forms of Haki, and this is not an assumption that should confuse every fan. Given that it took Roger and Garpa to defeat him and the fact that Roger once defeated in the fight, his Haki had to be very strong.

Joy Boy

A mysterious character from an invalid century

Njoy boy and emet

By far the strongest user of Haki in which the fans saw One piece He's Joy Boy. Although it cannot be from the previous era, strictly, it is from an ancient era One piece. The fans saw his Haki through EMET in the final saga, and this Haki was so strong that he managed to divide the sky himself, to go all more admirals, cancel the powers of five older and sent them back to Marijoa.

This Haki even sent trembling on the immune spine and let the individual call in pain. Haki Joy Boy even pulled a comparison directly with Shanks, which means that his Haki was absolutely the highest order, competing with only a few individuals in one piece, such as Shanks himself.


One piece

Release date

October 20, 1999


Fuji TV


Hiroaki Miyamoto, Konosuke uda, Junji Shimizu, Satoshi Itō, Munehisa Sakai, Katsumi Tokoro, Yutaka Nakajima, Yoshihiro Ueda, Kenichihi Iro Tanabe, Yukihiko Nakao, Keisuke onishi, Junich Fujise, Hiroyuki Satou


Jin Tanaka, Akiko Inoue, Junki Takegami, Shinzo Fujita, Shhouji Yonemura, Yoshiyuki Suga, Atsuhiro Tomioka, Hirohiko Uesaka, Michiru Shimada, Isao, Isao, Takuya Masuoto, Joichi, Momoka, Momoka, Momoka, Momood, Momood, Momooda, Momooda, Momooda, Momooda, Momooda.


  • Cast of a surrogate symbol

    Mayumi tanaka

    Monkey D. Luffy (Voice)

  • Cast of a surrogate symbol

    Kazuya nakai

    Roronoa zoro (voice)

  • Cast of a surrogate symbol


    Nami (voice)

  • Cast of a surrogate symbol

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