How to complete a harrowing quest in Dragon Age: Origins

The Harrowing is the very first side quest for anyone who chooses the Mage class Dragon Age: Origins. During this quest you must enter the Fade and face the unthinkable. Harrowing is a mental puzzle where mages must remain stoic and prove to the templars that they can control their magic.


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Mages must take care not to become possessed or victimized by Fade demons. This quest will show players how easy it is to get killed by a demon in an unruly Fade if you don't keep your wits about you.

Find some ghosts

Mage talking to Mouse in the Fade in Dragon Age Origins.

When you first enter the Fade, you can find an interactive vase in the starting area that contains some Glittering ball of lighta magic item that replenishes health and can only be used within a Fade and disappears once you exit. Further ahead you will encounter a character called Mouse, a lost spirit who claims to be a forgotten mage he failed his Harrowing test and wants to help you pass yours.

Interact with the statue near the vase unlock the codex input.

While traversing the area, you will find small enemies called Wisp Wraiths; they're orbs of light that do ranged damage magic, but one use of any beginner spell should kill them in one or two attacks. To the right is an arena with a Lyrium deposit that will replenish you Moll.

If you continue along the linear path, you'll start to see some hills and statues in front of you, and the Mouse will note that there's a ghost in front of you. Before you visit this ghost, be sure to turn right and go up a small hill. Here you will find another vase with more Shimmering Orbs of Light and more as well statue which will unlock the codex.

How to convince the Spirit of Valor to help you

A mage talking to the Spirit of Valor in Fade in Dragon Age Origins.

The next spirit you will encounter is the Spirit of Valor. The goal is to convince him to help you defeat the demon that will allow you to complete your Harrowing test, and there are two ways to convince this ghost to help you. You can either defeat him in fair combat or use your wits to do so convince him to give you help without a fight.

Spirit of Valor

Fight with Valor

If you fight him, the Mouse will attack with you. Let the mouse take the lead while you step back.

Convince Valor

With high willpower, you can persuade him to help you.


Regardless of which option you choose, the reward will be that one Valor's Staff.

Valor Staff Overview


Iron (Level 1)



Armor penetration




The power of magic


After defeating the demon and completing The Harrowing, this the staff disappears from your inventory.

After obtaining Valor's Staff, Spirit Wolves he will appear behind you and attack; keep in mind that your basic starter spells should kill the Spirit Wolves in two hits, and to distract them you should be able to pick them off one by one if you let the Mouse aggro. More Spirit Wolves spawn further down the path.


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How to convince a sloth demon to help you

A mage before a sloth in Fade in Dragon Age Origins.

The next ghost you meet is called Sloth. He's supposed to be the most dangerous thing in the area, but he's too tired to care, so instead he teaches Mouse how to to transform into the bear. This will allow the mouse to cause more damage when he helps you defeat the demon.

There are two ways to get laziness to help you; either defeat him or answer his riddles correctly. If you choose to fight Sloth, he will take three separate forms every time he is defeated.

Sloth Demon Riddle Answers

“I have seas without water, shores without sand, cities without people, mountains without land. What am I?”


“I am seldom touched, but often held. If you have wit, you will make good use of me. What am I?”

My language.

“Oft I'll tell a tale, I'll never charge a fee. I'll keep you entertained for an evening, but unfortunately you won't remember me. What am I?”


If you answer one of the puzzles wrong, you will be forced to fight a sloth demon.

After answering all the questions correctly, the mouse turns into a bear. There will be more Spirit Wolves and Wisp Wraiths along the way, allowing you to gain XP, and you'll need to turn around and revisit the area where Mouse says the last demon will appear, at the end of the map.

How to defeat the demon of rage

A mage faces a lava demon in Fade in Dragon Age Origins.

When you get to the arena, a Rage Demon will appear. during the fight three Wisp Wraiths surround you and the mouse; make sure you get very far and take out the Wispy first so that the fight with the demon is not more difficult. A mouse can disperse demon while quickly taking on the Wisps.

It's the best standing near the Lyrium Vein so you'll have quick access to more mana. No ice or frost damage will do the most damage because the demon is made of fire so fire based magic won't do as much damage.

The mouse becomes a party companion after he turns into a bear. You can have him consume Shimmering Orbs of Light heal him in battle.

After defeating the Rage Demon, Mouse reveals that he was the one you should have been wary of all along. He will teach you a life lesson that you are constantly being tested and should always be on your guard, and your character will then wake up back in the Round Tower.


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