Square Enix releases new updates for Final Fantasy 7 Remake and Rebirth


  • Final Fantasy 7 Remake and Rebirth received updates.

  • Both games received patches fixing DualSense vibration issues.

Square Enix has rolled out updates for both Final Fantasy 7 Remake and Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Both Final Fantasy VII the games received recent updates before this one and this one fixes the issue that some players did recently.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake and RebirthRecent updates added the ability to fast forward through cutscenes, but they also had some differences. For Final Fantasy 7 Rebirthversion 1.070 fixed some character display issues in PlayStation 5 Pro enhanced mode Final Fantasy 7 Remake added Head Start feature that gives players bonus money and advanced levels, gear and material.


Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Developer Comment on Cloud, Aerith, Tifa Love Triangle

Two of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's lead developers discuss the iconic love triangle between Cloud, Aerith, and Tifa and how players perceive it.

Now, Final Fantasy 7 Remake received an update for PS5 and PC that pushes the game to versions 1.003 and 1.005 respectively. Rebirth is now in update 1.080. Both games received the same fix, a small patch addressing the issue of the DualSense wireless controllers' vibration not working properly. Some players have been experiencing issues with their controllers not providing haptic feedback after some recent updates, so this seems to have changed that issue.

Final Fantasy 7 players want more problems solved

The news that the update had launched was met with a mixed response at best. One player lamented that such a small patch caused their game to restart when paused in combat overnight, resetting their progress. However, several players on social media have taken issue with the issues that are still being reported Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth on PS5. The main complaint was that Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth it still looks blurry on the original PS5 when using performance mode. While the graphics have previously received a patch, some gamers still want to see more improvements, though the development team is likely focusing on the upcoming PC port.

While this new patch fixes a minor issue with both games, it's nice to see that Square Enix quickly fixed it. With any luck, the company may resolve any remaining issues before then Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth will run on the PC. Gamers have high expectations for the game after waiting for the PS5 exclusivity to end. While the reported issues with blurry graphics are unlikely to be a problem for high-end PC users, some gamers are still annoyed by the way the port FF7 remake has been processed. Players noted at launch that fewer graphical options were available than other games, making it more difficult to fine-tune the experience. Unlike games that are already optimized for console capabilities, PC gamers use more refined controls to balance performance and visuals with the exact specs of their systems. With any luck, these complaints will be heeded FF7 Rebirth.

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