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What parts of Cradlecoffin can be customized?
How to increase your Cradlecoffin stats
Synduality: Echo Of Ada You play the game in the Cradlecoffin, the only machine that can actually survive on Earth's surface after a catastrophic rain that kills humanity. In this all-weather mech, your job is to collect AO crystals to build your funds, scavenge for materials, and if life gets a little boring, hunt down other players.

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Dress up as a giant robot and start destroying – these games let you pilot a giant robot and fulfill all your destructive needs.
Cradlecoffin is how you do everything, so you'll never want to neglect it. The depth of customization you're presented with isn't quite what you'd expect in a mecha-centric game, though every decision you make is crucial because you could just as easily lose everything. Here's every piece you can choose with your Cradlecoffin.
What are Cradlecoffins?
That's a rather morbid name, isn't it? Cradlecoffins are an extension of humanity, allowing them to explore the surface without risking their own lives. There is not even a person in them. Rather, it's your mage who controls themAn AI for Android that acts as your companion during raids. The name Cradlecoffin refers to the chamber on the back of the mech from where the Magus controls it.
This coffin, as it is known in the game, is also Cradlecoffins weakness and that deals extra damage when hit here.
Cradlecoffins are bogs, and although they are advertised as all-weather, they are anything but. They are extremely susceptible to precipitationwhich will continue to wear down their weather resistance until it begins to eat away at your overall lifespan as well. They also cannot handle being underwater, which leads to instant destruction. Cradlecoffins are intended exclusively for surface exploration.
They also operate on battery, i.e they can't really stay out on a raid forever. Spare batteries exist, but outside of single player CIC missions they are exceptionally rare and cannot be kept. Cradlecoffins are powerful, but they're all about control. They are far from invincible and very expendable.
What parts of Cradlecoffin can be customized?
As a mech game, you'd probably expect your mech, Cradlecoffin, to have a lot of customization options to choose from. Unfortunately, this is not the case. There are six parts of the Cradlecoffin that can be customizedand only three of them are physical parts of the mecha itself. They are as follows:
- Body – This determines most of your durability and weather resistance, as well as your total load weight (output) and battery life.
- Arms – These provide more durability and determine the speed at which you reload and change weapons and other bonus skills.
- Legs – These offer more durability and determine the quickstep distance, how much Cradlecoffin overheats and other bonus skills.
- Weapon slot 1 and 2 – You always have two weapon slots available and can equip any two weapons you want.
- Excavator – This is used to mine AO crystals. Better versions allow you to mine crystals of higher purity.
Weapons also determine the types of weapons you can use. That can be Energy or live ammunition weapons exclusively, or allows the use of both types.
And that's all. There is no color matchingno picking a name for your mech or customizing weapons. It's rather limited, though maybe that's for the best. When you die, you lose every piece of gear you own, and other players can steal all of your mech's pieces. You wouldn't want to see someone else running around with your custom pieces, would you?
Customization is accessed from the Sortie menu and from there you can change your equipment and inventory. You can also click the Customize Cradle button a wider view of all your stats.
However, you have two pits in your garage to build your Cradlecoffin you cannot use the same parts at the same time create a slightly different build if you don't have duplicates.
How to increase your Cradlecoffin stats
After going into the Cradle Customization menu you will be greeted with a 3D view of your mechanic and also bars and graphs of all his stats. While the Output will already be quite high (apparently around 10,000 max), the other stats will be much lower. How do you increase these stats? simple – you get new Cradlecoffin parts.
Every piece of Cradlecoffin you can get comes with predetermined stats and at the same time these may decrease as their lifespan decreases with usethey can never go higher. Each piece is exactly as it appears and can never be altered. The only way to improve your stats is to get brand new pieces. And how do you get them? Painfully.
They only exist five ways getting new Cradlecoffin parts:
- Buy them in the Item Shop after unlocking them in Requirements. These are usually limited to green rarity.
- Creating them after unlocking them in Requirements. You are not notified of unlocked crafting recipes until the request is complete.
- To be given to them from filling out the Applications.
Earn them from Drifter PassSynduality Battle Pass.
Potentially loot them from defeated players.
You cannot randomly find parts at all and you usually get the best parts. That's the problem if you lose them, they are gone permanentlyand you'll have to settle for much weaker parts in the Item Shop. There are some great parts you can make, although they are prohibitively expensive, require rare materials, and are created in real time. So losing parts will likely result in you starting over from scratch if you haven't managed to accumulate many parts.
In most cases it is The Cradlecoffin parts you unlock later will be direct upgrades previous pieces, so their loss is all the more cruel. If there's a part you can't afford to lose, be sure to insure it. This will not return the item to you, but will return most of its monetary value.
Some rare parts like Daisyogre parts are very expensive to insure, so try not to use them until you can afford insurance.

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