How to make Greek baked fish

Meals in Disney Dreamlight Valley They are evaluated from one to five stars based on how many ingredients they need. The more stars have food, the more energy it gives and the more star coins you can sell them. Five -star meals are especially great for both.


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Grecian Baked Fish is a new five -star food in Disney Dreamlight Valley. It can give you thousands of energy points, but collecting its ingredients can be a bit of a fight. This guide will show you exactly how to get everything you need to make Grecian baked fish Disney Dreamlight Valley.

Recipe for Greek baked fish in the DreamLight valley

Here's what Dreamlight Valley Fans will have to collect for Greek baked fish:

  • 1 x Crystal salt

  • 1 x Stygian Mudskipper

  • 1 x Olive

  • 1 x Ambrosia

  • 1 x Elysian grain

How to catch a stygian mudskipper

Stygian Mudskipper Fish in Disney Dreamlight Valley The Storybook Vale

Stygian Mudskipper is one of the most precious fairy -tale fish. First, fans must look for it in the right biome. This fish is Found only in the field of mythopy of Storybook Vale. So go to the fishing point and look for Golden bubblesLike other rare fish in the game. Stygian Mudskipper is hard to get, so players should bring a friend with a fishing special to be able to catch more fish in every successful attempt.

Where to find salt crystals

How to get salt crystals in the Disney Dreamlight Valley

Salt crystals are a common component Found in Biome Everafter. If you want to get them, you have to throw your fishing line into the water, but make sure you avoid waves. You could sometimes catch fish, but most of the time you pull out salt crystals. Continue to have a lot of crystals in no time.

How to get olives

Harvesting olive in DDV

Olives are also found in Mythopia biome. They grow on large olive trees and there will be eight trees in Biome (two in the Elysian fields, shadow of statues, fiery plains and Mount Olympus). Intell the trees and harvest the olive you need.

Where to buy Ambrosia & Elysian Grain

Purchase Ambrosie from Goofy's stand in the Disney Dreamlight Valley

Ambrosia and Elysian grain can be Purchased at Goofy store in mythopy. Ambrosia costs 140 coins stars and Elysian Grain is the price for 260 star coins.

Grecian Baked Fish is a high energy food DDV. Once you cook it, you can either use it to restore an incredible 5,000 energy or to sell it 2 808 star coins in the Goofy stand.

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