IN FischThe Ethereal Abyss is one of the sub-blocations of Atlantis, where you will face one of the most difficult challenges. Unlike the released deep tests, you cannot neglect cooperate with others and complete the puzzle itself. You certainly need a partner in the etheric abyss, because each of you will have an important role. There is also a limited time to complete this puzzle.

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Get the heart of Zeuse to open the path of Atlantis in Fisch.
As a reward you will receive an opportunity to buy an incredible to SPECTER ROD and find one of the five mythological hours. If you have already found a team and are ready to start this underwater puzzle, use our instructions and tips to make it easier.
How to solve the puzzle of the etheric abyss
If you want to complete the Etheric Puzzles in Fisch, you need a partner. This underwater puzzle contains two rooms where everyone will perform separate tasks. When you find another player, get into the etheric abyss. Move to the west side of Atlantis, to Pool behind sharp rocks that look like jaws on the following coordinates: -4105, -602, 1823. Here you will have to dive and swim at the beginning of the court.
Before the challenge, buy the best diving equipment, preferably advanced diving equipment and super fins.
Put on diving equipment, swim in the pool with your partner and walk through the tunnel. Soon you will see a giant closed gate and a fork on the way that leads to two rooms. There is where You and your partner you have to go to different rooms.
In the left room you or your partner Find and press three buttons with different color symbols. These buttons are quite large, but are usually hidden in small corners and skulls. Try to notice them as quickly as possible because in addition to exhaustion of oxygen there is also a certain time limit to complete the task so if you miss you, you miss you, Both rooms will be filled with poison gas.
When a player in the left room finds three buttons, another player on the right side will need Move your hands on the clock to match the symbols Found by a teammate. Like the buttons in the room on the left, the hours in the room on the right side will have three hands that must be properly placed. It's not hard to do that; Just communicate with the clock to move your hands once and direct them to the necessary symbol.
You have to have a total Repeat it three timesAfter which the door opens in each of the rooms and leads you to a new area. There you will find the above rod Abyssal Specter and one of the five mythological hours.

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