Moon Knight in Marvel Rivals has three different signatures, each of which is one of his alter ego.
Netease Games plans to introduce The Thing and Human Torch in the update in the middle of the Marvel Rivals season.
Marvel Rivals contains Easter eggs, such as Moon Knight hunting Draculu thanks to Meme references that show the attention of developers to details.
AND Marvel Rivals The fan has shared social networks that Moon Knight has three signatures on his hero screen, one for each of his ego alter. Marvel Rivals It is currently in the opening weeks of Season 1: Eternal Night Falls, which added Mister Fantastic and Invisible Woman to the ever -expanding list of title. Netease Games said players can expect the Thing and Human Torch in a large update in the middle of the season.
Moon Knight is a duelist Marvel RivalsBut he also has a long history in Marvel comics and even got his own television show at Marvel Cinematic Universe. The hero's origin begins with the death of his alter of Ega Marc Spector, who is resurrected by the ancient God Khonshu to become the Avatar of the Deity. Later it turned out that Marc has a dissociative identity disorder, resulting in three different personalities: Marc Spector has a military background, Steven Grant is a billionaire and Jake Lockley is a taxi driver. All three play an essential role in the assembly of the hero Moon Knight.

Marvel Rivals can get a new SKIN free of charge for a limited period of time
Neteas Games surprises Marvel Rivals by giving them the opportunity to get a new free skin in a favorite hero shooter for a limited time.
In a recent Reddit post Hardtek__ noticed that Moon Knight has three signatures next to its name Marvel RivalsOne for each alter ego. Each playable figure has its own page under the Hero Heroes tab and each has a signature next to their name. While most contain one signature, Moon Knight has one for each of its personalities: Marc Spector, Jake Lockley and Steven Grant. In addition, they all show a different manuscript, which contributes to the idea that each personality is different from others. It's not the first time developers have entertained with signatures Marvel Rivals“Groot has a simple smiley drawn next to his name.
Moon Knight by Marvel Rivals has three signatures
Many fans feel that NETEASE GAMES paid great attention to each hero and intertwined the little -known facts and even pop -cultural references throughout the title. For example, Marvel Rivals It refers to the famous meme, where Moon Knight hunts Dracula because the villain owes him money. While it was just an internet joke before, a large part of the community rejoiced when she saw that the game recognized it and created the meme canon in its tradition.
The hero card is full of small details that players can discover. When the cursor moves above each character, it jumps out of the frame with a unique animation. If they are wearing their own costume, they appear during animation. While most attract the same pose no matter what clothes they are wearing, the fans have recently noticed Marvel RivalsScarlet Witch has a unique pose for his MCU. With so many references and details hidden throughout the game, many players feel that developers really take care of the heroes of Marvel and their history.