Marvel players have nothing to complain about. The game looks and runs fantastic when we are talking about the newly added fantastic four was quite well received. And leaks indicate that there are more accessories on the way with the X-Men contingent. It's a great time to be a fans of the hero shooters.

I only play Jeff in Marvel Rivals
He's just a little guy.
However, there are several characters that have some problems. It seems that Penan Parker can start the mine into the enemy starting area to kill before the match starts, and now fans think that Ult Moon Knight can be annoyed and cause dual damage.
Does Khonshu do it?
Some fans seem to have noticed that Moon Knight's ult has caused much more damage than it should. To try this theory, one redditor came to a practical extent to find out exactly what was happening. Sideways published a video and says either the description of the ULT is missing vital information, or is just annoyed to cause more damage.
“According to [NetEase] Talons in Moon Knight Ult should cause 75 damage, with a radius of 5 meters, ”they said. [area of effect] Field, one field causes 75 damage with a radius of 5 meters, as should, but there is another AOE that also causes 75 damage, but has a range closer to 10 meters- but this second AOE reaches only in the UL casting circle (but 5 meters of radius AOE can get out of the cast of a circle) ”
They continued explanation that the video showed that the shoe had caused 150 damage at the first talon, while the robot on the right brought 75 damage simultaneously. Since the shoe on the right side is nine meters away, the other talon, which is close enough to both damage, kills the shoe on the left and leaves one to the right with 25hp. The third talon kills it.
It forces them to believe that Neteas has either written the description of the wrong, or it is ult to cause further damage.