Best Ghost CC and MODY for SIMS 4


  • The fans created their own content to improve the scary experience in SIMS 4, fixed problems and add new features.

  • Mods allows Ghost Sims to have children, teleport, stop creating random spirits, managing and realistic more efficiently.

  • Mod Ghost Hunter Career Mod adds a new career for SIMS to deal with ghosts, pay well and offer a fun, occult experience.

Even after death, the fun for the life of your SIM did not end. Now real fun can begin! Becoming a spirit is a dream or a nightmare we all share, and Sims 4 gives us a chance to live. Scary and persecution of our friends, neighbors and 600. The grandchildren are always an explosion.


The Sims 4: All the SIM death and how to cause them

We will look at all deaths in SIMS 4 and find out how to cause them to start them. For science, of course.

The expansion of life and death was completely redesigned by the spirits of Sims, which makes them more fun than ever. There are still several problems, but fortunately fans have created a lot of their own content adapted to a spectral species to be repaired or added to the afterlife.


The suppression of life needs affects all needs

Dead Sim is a carefree sim

The Ghost Powers offer focused on suppression needs and transitions from suppression needs affect all MOD Page needs in SIMS 4.
The suppression of life needs affects all the needs of the MOD from the Shinonox

This mod was created by the creator of Hallowing Shinonox to repair two spiritual forces added in the spread of life and death. Forces suppress living needs and exceed living needs that cause Ghost Sims no longer hungry, hygiene and bladder needs.

Shinonox changes this power instead of affecting all SIM needs, causing power to meet what it promises. Ghost Sims are already dead, so without needs are perfect for you if you don't want to be cared for.


Happy ghosts

A really great accessory

Red ghost SIM found in a foggy cemetery from the Happy Haunts Mod in The Sims 4.
HAPPY HAUNTS MOD from chipped

Mod Happy Haunts is a great complement to the life of any spirit of SIM, for which we should all thank the creator of the step. It adds some fun features next to some scary decorations. The main focus of this additional model is the overworking of cemeteries and how ghosts and people interact with them.

There are new moods that either make your SIM frightened or happy depending on their characteristics, new witch events. There are also some adaptation options, for example, you can now choose who is a cemetery and a new arc decoration that really adapts its cemetery.


Ghosts can have children!

Paranormal parents

Pregnant ghostly Sima stretching inside their house from ghosts can have 4 mod in SIMS.
Ghosts can have children! MOD by Polarbearsims

Have you ever wanted to continue the link of your SIM after they have already passed? Then the Polarbearsims creator has perfect content. Ghost Sims is capable of Woohoo now has a purpose.


The Sims 4: All places woohoo and where to find them

If you want to complete the challenge of Woohoo in The Sims 4, we have you covered with all the places of woohoo and where to find them.

This mod allows you to conceive any ghost SIM. This includes human sims impregnation is, and vice versa, which is great for making a challenge only for SIM, or, if you have one beloved Sim you want to have as many offspring as possible.


No new ghosts of life and death

Don't give up “Whoooo are yoooouuu?”

Sim Green Ghost SIM charged with shocked brown hair in Life & Death extension in SIMS 4.
No new life and death ghosts mod from SIMS4ME

The expansion of life and death has added a lot of new ghost compatibility to SIMS 4, as well as the good old Sims 3 times, but some problems are still present for those who don't like NPC Sims. The creator SimS4Me dealt with one of these numbers, which is the constant invasion of new random Sims NPC Ghost.

Of course, the game will fill your spirits with random NPC in advance, but it can be really unpleasant. Fortunately, this mod significantly reduces how much it is generated, allowing your own ghostly sims to focus. MOD also affects the number of celebrities that enter your city, because they also have the same problem to bomb your surroundings.


Always use a scary switch

Why did Ghost SIM cross the road?

The Ghost Powers offer focused on the scary traverse power from always using the scary side of the Traversal Toggle Mod in The Sims 4.
Always use a spooky traverse switch from Shinonox

One of the coolest and best forces added to Ghost Sims in the expansion of life and death was the ability to go through scary. Instead of a painfully walking to the place, your SIM will now be able to teleport immediately.

The only problem is that Sim Ghost can sometimes decide not to use this comfortable power. This is where this own content comes from Shinonox because it adds an easy switch that makes the SIM always used instead of slowly walking. This makes the power that is worth getting SIM closer to the city.


Release all ghosts and get a urn for

Simple repairs that make ghost management a toy

Simple urn in a luxury room with flower as part of the expansion of life and death in SIMS 4.

Sims 4 was often known for some clumsy features that fans have to repair on their own. In this case, we look at LittlemsSam to fix it. When interacting with graves or urns, it is always a chore. If you have a whole line of SIMS, you must walk slowly to send them to Netherworld.


The Sims 4: Life and Death – All Urns, included

The Urn-Y bird gets a cremated worm.

This own content adds the possibility to send up to five ghosts at the same time, which speeds up this process a lot and can remove many ghostly Simus, which you do not even know from your neighborhood forever. It also allows you to get Urn Ghost SIM from a simple menu that can be easily placed in your land.


Bind the book of life to infants, toddlers and ghosts

Repair to revive the dead

Dark hair SIM writing a book on a computer in SIMS 4.

This simple but OH-so necessary mod brings you a large Shinonox creator and its goal is to fix a stupid little supervision that affects gameplay. If the SIM reaches the tenth level in writing skills, they will be able to write a “book of life” that can be used to resurrection of the selected SIM. The problem that this mod solves is how they cannot be used on already dead spirits.

This is very strange, because in the basic game you have to prepare the book with the name of your Sima before they die to resurrect them. This is a strange choice of design, so thanks to this little change from the shinonox it is to be selected by Ghost Sims when writing a book (along with toddlers and infants).


Ghost Hunter Career

Who do you call?

Spooky Mansion Room with scary trinkets and SIM, who is afraid of the spirit of Sim with another in the background next to the spirits in the promotional image of the paranormal package SIMS 4.

For those who want to interact with updated spirits found in the Life & Death Expansion Pack package, look for nothing but adeepindigo's ghost Hunter Career Mod. Inspired by Ghost Hunter Sims 3, this adds a new career that includes a solution to scary spirits throughout the city.

This includes bypassing the surroundings and finding scary land containing cursed objects that you must clean and clean. It is not just a fun career to get your SIM to the occult world, but also pay well.

This mod requires both the expansion of urban living and paranormal packaging of things.


Ghastly ghosts

You see me now, not now!

Ghost SIM powdery mildew in the dark room from Ghastly Ghosts Mod Page in Sims 4.
Ghastly ghosts mod from chipped

Ghastly Ghosts Custom Content created Chipped creates a new challenge for Ghost SIMS: they will fight much more with basic socialization and communication, which makes ghosts more realistic.

There are also some new and redesigned features that really exclude the ghosts of Sims in their own unique way. You can even ask Ghost Sims as they died, and this results in some cheerful stories that shout with magic. The whole overwork really gives the spirits greater depth and it is a necessity if you value realism.

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