Great Devil Fruits with terrible users in one piece

Technically, there is no such thing as a weak Devil Fruit. The potential for each of them to be trained and in some cases awakened past a certain point is always there. That said, there is absolutely such a thing as a weak Devil Fruit user.


One Piece: Every Officer Baroque Works Agent, Rated

The high-end brass of baroque works in one piece is a mix of characters and abilities, but some of them are significantly stronger than others.

While some seemingly innocuous materials like string or mochi can become deadly weapons in the hands of the right fighter, the opposite is true. Sometimes a worse user can download a devil fruit that at least has potential if nothing else. These users are usually poor fighters and their weak natural abilities can even undermine the great ones their Devil Fruits allow them to have.

5 Buggy

Failure Falling up

Buggy in one piece

  • Debut: Chapter 9 (Manga); Episode 4 (anime)
  • Devil Fruit: Bara Bara no Mi
  • Devil Fruit Class: Paramecia

Buggy is perhaps the poster child of weak pirates. His shame is often only to those he associates with, and his real strengths lie in brokering alliances and convincing others to fight for him. Even his position as a puppet in the Cross Guild, a position he had recently forced himself into, resulted in him regaining power from the real leaders by encouraging his crew members to get excited about making him Pirate King .

However, his own lack of skill as a fighter may cause him to overlook the potential that his Devil Fruit actually has. While Buggy doesn't fare too badly, with the ability to survive being cut and taken apart she still works well with her own style of pirating, a more combat oriented pirate could probably make better use of her. The extended range, the ability to survive numerous slashes, and the potential for improvisational combat can all be devastating in the hands of a more experienced fighter. Still, for Buggy the Clown, they are more apt to be classified as comedic.

4 Pierre

And the most excess Devil Fruit goes to…

Pierre mounted Gan Fall in his hyridic form, which looks like a pegasus

  • Debut: Chapter 237 (Manga); Episode 153 (Anime)
  • Devil Fruit: Uma Uma no Mi
  • Devil Fruit Class: Zoan

Pierre is not a particularly poor fighter. He is a longtime companion of Gan Fall, the god of Skypiea, and bravely accompanies his master into battle. Using his devil fruit, he can transform his body into that of a horse, which serves as a mount for Gan Fall as he rides his winged companion into battle. To the uninitiated, this might seem like a beneficial Devil Fruit for Pierre.

The only problem? Pierre was already big enough for Gan Fall to fit into his bird form. While the pegasus aesthetic that Pierre evokes can be praised, it ultimately has no effect on his own fighting style, aside from the occasional bite he can give someone in horse form. A human being or even another animal that could directly benefit from the benefits of a horse would be a better choice than a bird that can already be mounted by its master.

3 Funkfree

A sensitive sword

Funkfreed, supported Spandam and the marines confronting Franky and Robin

  • Debut: Chapter 365 (Manga); Episode 254 (Anime)
  • Devil Fruit: Zou Zou no Mi
  • Devil Fruit Class: Zoan

In its basic form, the Funkfreed is a rather large sword owned by Spandam, the former leader of Cipher Pol 9. Spandam's position in CP9 was granted to him more by nepotism than skill. He's a notoriously poor fighter, perhaps even one of, if not the worst in the series. His only means of self-defense is the same sword, which he cannot use. However, through unknown means, this blade managed to “eat” the Zoan Devil Fruit and gained sentience along with the ability to transform into an elephant.


One Piece: Any inanimate object with Devil Fruit

A complete list of every inanimate object that has “consumed” a Zoan Devil Fruit to become animate.

Unfortunately, Funkfreed is as cowardly as his owner. He may be able to catch people off guard or overpower them in a select few cases. That said, it took little effort on Franky's part to turn the sword against its owner, even when in elephant form. Some may attribute this to the Devil Fruit itself, as Zoans are said to have minds of their own. That being said, if a user comparable to Jack The Drought (who uses an ancient variant of Zou Zou no Mi) were to eat this devil fruit, he would probably become a much bigger threat than Funkfreed.

2 Gecko Moria

Carried by His Devil Fruit

Gecko Moria

  • Debut: Chapter 449 (Manga); Episode 343 (Anime)
  • Devil Fruit: Kage Kage no Mi
  • Devil Fruit Class: Paramecia

Gecko Moria is a rather scary enemy. He can manipulate the shadows of others, create a number of powerful servants, and can expand with shadows to increase his size and strength. That being said, for all his abilities and reputation, Gecko Moria is pretty poor as a pirate once his Devil Fruit is taken into account. Since his defeat at the hands of Kaid, which resulted in the death of his previous crew members, he has instead chosen to become a pirate king, specifically by relying on others. He often uses his Devil Fruit to manipulate his own shadow to fight for him, and shows much more enthusiasm for inducing others to fight for him.

His own trouble dealing with the Straw Hats in Thriller Bark led to his colleague Kuma being directed there, against Moria's wishes, to take care of the problem instead. He was eventually coldly dismissed from the Seven Sea Warriors for his incompetence. Doflamingo was blamed for his failed execution during the Summit War. Jimbei, another former warrior, noted that Moria had weakened due to his own lack of training. Recently, Moria and his crewmate Perona escaped from the clutches of the Blackbeard Pirates. It remains to be seen if Moria will try to make himself worthy of his Devil Fruit abilities.

1 Kurozumi Orochi

A wasted mythic Zoan

Kurozumi Orochi from one piece anime devil fruit

  • Debut: Chapter 927 (Manga); Episode 921 (Anime)
  • Devil Fruit: Hebi Hebi no Mi, Model: Yamata no Orochi
  • Devil Fruit Class: Mythical Zoan

Kurozumi Orochi is not a warrior first and foremost. While he does show some skill with a weapon, he is an overall inferior fighter compared to Kozuki Oden and has had propaganda created to counter this fact. He used Kaido's powers to become Shogun and instead used the beast pirates as well as his own servants to intimidate others into obeying him. Seeing no further use for the selfish shogun, Kaido beheaded him in an attempt to directly usurp his political power. That being said, Kaido failed due to the stupidly good Zoan Devil Fruit Orochi consumed. Orochi's Devil Fruit allows him to transform into the legendary Yamato no Orochi, the eight-headed serpent from Japanese mythology.


One Piece: Every Officer Baroque Works Agent, Rated

The top brass of baroque works in one piece is a mix of characters and abilities, but some of them are significantly stronger than others.

The fact that we have seven extra heads is a bit of an exaggeration, though it does reflect the character's own sneaky serpentine nature. Orochi was remarkably decapitated six times at once, with nine red scabbards. His last head (and his body along with it) died after being chopped down by Denjiro and then burned alive by Kozuki Hiyori. Although Orochi managed to drag out the event of his defeat, a truly capable fighter could have survived with at least a few more heads intact.

one piece-1999.jpg

Release date
October 20, 1999

Mayumi Tanaka , Kazuya Nakai , Akemi Okamura , Kappei Yamaguchi , Hiroaki Hirata , Ikue Ôtani , Yuriko Yamaguchi , Kazuki Yao , Chō

Eiichiro Oda

Junki Takegami, Shoji Yonemura, Hirohiko Uesaka

Number of episodes

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