How to Beat Cliff (Jan 2025)

Pokemon Go The Cliff's Shadow Pokemon lineup has changed for the month of January 2025. Cliff has several Shadow monsters, each with amazing fighting skills and prowess. In order to defeat the leader of Team GO Rocket, you need to have the right meta knowledge and counterpick.

Pokemon Go The leaders of Team GO Rocket are among the strongest antagonists in the game. As for Cliff's battle list, it contains 7 shadow pokemon. Each of Cliff's Shadow Pokemon is extremely powerful and requires the right tokens, but you have to first find a leader fight him. Win against multiple Team GO Rocket Grunts and collect 6 mysterious components build a Missile radarwhich can navigates you to Cliff. This guide details Team GO Rocket's leader Cliff's Shadow Pokémon for January 2025 and the best tokens against them.


Pokemon GO: Mythical, Legendary, And Mega Raid Schedule (January 2025)

This guide details all Mythic, Legendary and Mega Raids in Pokemon GO January 2025 along with their dates, times and Shiny availability.

How to beat Cliff in Pokemon GO? (January 2025)

Defeat Cliff in Pokemon GO

Cliff has a total of 7 Shadow Pokemon and each of them is a capable fighter Pokemon Go. Battle with Cliff has 3 rounds; and Round 1 always starts with one Pokemon. The 2nd and 3rd round is unpredictable; the leader has 3 potential picks for each of these rounds. One requires extreme meta knowledge and the right tokens to win the battle.



First phase

Galarian Shadow Zigzagoon

The second phase

  • Shadow Venusaur

  • Shadow Marowak

  • Shadow Aerodactyl

The third phase

  • Shadow Tyrant

  • Shadow obstacle

  • Shadow Crobat

Phase One Cliff Counters

Cliff always starts with Galarian Shadow Zigzagoon for the first phase of the battle. It is a dark and normal type pokemon with an increased attack ability as a shadow monster.

Galarian Shadow Zigzagoon Counter

  • Type: Dark and normal
  • Weakness: Fighting, Bug and Fairy type moves
  • Resistance: Dark, Psychic and Ghost type moves

Best Galarian Shadow Cigzagoon Counter

Galarian Shadow Zigzagoon Counter

Quick attack

Charged attack


Double Kick (Combat Type)

Sacred Sword (Combat Type) (Legacy)


Force Palm (Combat Type) (Older)

Aura Sphere (Combat Type)


Counter (Combat Type)

Melee (Combat Type)

Keldeo (common form)

Low Kick (Combat Type)

Sacred Sword (Combat Type)


Counter (Combat Type)

Dynamic Strike (Combat Type)

Best Galarian Shadow Zigzagoon Shadow And Mega Counters

Galarian Shadow Zigzagoon Counter

Quick attack

Charged attack

Mega Lucario

Force Palm (Combat Type) (Older)

Aura Sphere (Combat Type)

Mega Heracross

Counter (Combat Type)

Melee (Combat Type)

Mega Blaziken

Counter (Combat Type)

Focus Blast (Combat Type)

Shadow of Conkeldurr

Counter (Combat Type)

Dynamic Strike (Combat Type)

Mega Alakazam

Counter (Combat Type)

Focus Blast (Combat Type)

Phase Two Cliff Counters

Cliff's Second Phase Counters in Pokemon GO

The second phase of the battle brings considerable uncertainty. Cliff's Pokemon selection is not constant like in the first stage, so Pokemon Go trainers must prepare for battle against the likes of Shadow Venusaur, Shadow Marowak, and Shadow Aerodactyl. In order to effectively counter these opponents, we need to analyze the meta game.

Shadow Venusaur counters

  • Type: Grass and poison
  • Weakness: Fire, Flying, Ice and Psychic type moves
  • Resistance: Electric, Fairy, Fighting, Water and Grass moves

The best Shadow Venusaur counters

Venusaur Shadow Counter

Quick attack

Charged attack


Air Slash (flying type)

Dragon Ascent (flying type)


Fire Fang (Fire Type)

Fusion Flare (Fire Type) (Legacy)


Fire Fang (Fire Type)

Fly (flying type)


Fire Spin (fire type)

Magma Storm (Fire Type) (Older)


Psycho Cut (Psychic Type)

Psystrike (Psychic Type) (Elder)

Best Shadow Venusaur Shadow A Mega Counter

Venusaur Shadow Counter

Quick attack

Charged attack

Mega Rayquaza

Air Slash (flying type)

Dragon Ascent (flying type)

Mega Y Charizard

Fire Spin (fire type)

Blast Burn (Fire Type) (Older)

Mega Salamence

Fire Fang (Fire Type)

Fly (flying type)

Shadow Salamence

Fire Fang (Fire Type)

Fly (flying type)

Shadow Heatran

Fire Spin (fire type)

Magma Storm (Fire Type) (Older)

Marowaka's Shadow Counters

  • Type: Country
  • weaknesses: Grass, Ice and Water type moves
  • Resistances: Poison, Rock and Electric moves

The best Shadow Marowak counters

Marowaka's Shadow Counters

Quick attack

Charged attack


Waterfall (water type)

Origin Pulse (Water Type) (Older)


Vine Whip (Grass Type)

Power Whip (grass type)

Dawn Wings Necrozma

Shadow Claw (Grass Type)

Moongeist Beam (Grass Type)


Leaf (grassy type)

Frenzy Plant (Grass-Type) (Older)


Leaf (grassy type)

Grass node (grass type)

Best Shadow Marowak Shadow And Mega Counters

Marowaka's Shadow Counters

Quick attack

Charged attack

Shadow of Kyogre

Waterfall (water type)

Origin Pulse (Water Type) (Older)

Mega Sceptile

Bullet Seed (grass type)

Frenzy Plant (Grass-Type) (Older)

Mega Rayquaza

Air Slash (flying type)

Dragon Ascent (flying type)

Mega Swampert

Mud shot (ground type)

Hydro Cannon (Water Type) (Legacy)

Mega Abomasnow

Leaf (grassy type)

Weather Ball (ice type)

Aerodactyl Shadow Counters

  • Type: Rock and Flying
  • weaknesses: Electric, Ice, Stone, Steel and Water moves
  • Resistances: Bug, Fire, Flying, Ground, Normal and Poison type moves

Shadow Aerodactyl's best counters

Aerodactyl Shadow Counters

Quick attack

Charged attack


Shock (electric type)

Discharge (electrical type)


Bullet Punch (Steel Type)

Meteor Grinder (Steel Type)


Charge Beam (Electric Type)

Wild Charge (Electric Type)


Waterfall (water type)

Original Pulse (Water Type)


Thunder Shock (Electric Type)

Double Iron Bash (Steel Type)

Best Shadow Aerodactyl Shadow A Mega Counter

Aerodactyl Shadow Counters

Quick attack

Charged attack

The original Kyogre

Waterfall (water type)

Original Pulse (Water Type)

Shadow Metagross

Bullet Punch (Steel Type)

Meteor Grinder (Steel Type)

Mega Swampert

Water Gun (Water Type)

Hydro Cannon (water type)

Shadow Rampardos

Smack Down (rock type)

Rock Slide (rock type)

Shadow of Kyogre

Waterfall (water type)

Original Pulse (Water Type)


Pokemon GO – All Skins Ditto (January 2025)

You can find and catch Pokemon GO Ditto and Shiny Ditto in January 2025 by following this step-by-step guide.

Phase Three Cliff Counters

Cliff's Third Phase Counters in Pokemon GO

The third phase also turns out to be a battle of predictions. Cliff has three options to choose from for the end phase: Shadow Tyranitar, Shadow Obstagoon, or Shadow Crobat. Pokemon Go trainers must carefully select tokens that can match the Team GO Rocket leader's list.

Shadow tyrannical counters

  • Type: Rock and Dark
  • weaknesses: Bug, Fairy, Fighting, Ground, Water, Steel and Grass type moves
  • Resistances: Psychic, Dark, Fire, Flying, Ghost, Normal and Poison

The best Shadow Tyranitar counters

Shadow tyrannical counters

Quick attack

Charged attack


Double Kick (Combat Type)

Sacred Sword (Combat Type)


Low Kick (Combat Type)

Sacred Sword (Combat Type)


Counter (Combat Type)

Aura Sphere (Combat Type)


Counter (Combat Type)

Dynamic Strike (Combat Type)


Counter (Combat Type)

Dynamic Strike (Combat Type)

Best Shadow Tyranitar Shadow And Mega Counters

Shadow tyrannical counters

Quick attack

Charged attack

Mega Blaziken

Counter (Combat Type)

Focus Blast (Combat Type)

Mega Heracross

Counter (Combat Type)

Melee (Combat Type)

The Shadow of Machamp

Counter (Combat Type)

Dynamic Strike (Combat Type)

Shadow of Hariyama

Counter (Combat Type)

Dynamic Strike (Combat Type)

Shadow Toxicroak

Counter (Combat Type)

Dynamic Strike (Combat Type)

Shadow Obstacle Counters

  • Type: Dark and normal
  • Weakness: Fighting, Bug and Fairy type moves
  • Resistance: Dark, Psychic and Ghost type moves

Best Shadow Obstacle Counters

Shadow Obstacle Counters

Quick attack

Charged attack


Double Kick (Combat Type)

Sacred Sword (Combat Type) (Legacy)


Force Palm (Combat Type) (Older)

Aura Sphere (Combat Type)

Keldeo (common form)

Low Kick (Combat Type)

Sacred Sword (Combat Type)


Counter (Combat Type)

Melee (Combat Type)


Counter (Combat Type)

Dynamic Strike (Combat Type)

Best Shadow Obstagoon Shadow and Mega Counters

Shadow Obstacle Counters

Quick attack

Charged attack

Mega Lucario

Force Palm (Combat Type) (Older)

Aura Sphere (Combat Type)

Mega Heracross

Counter (Combat Type)

Melee (Combat Type)

Mega Blaziken

Counter (Combat Type)

Focus Blast (Combat Type)

Shadow of Conkeldurr

Counter (Combat Type)

Dynamic Strike (Combat Type)

The Shadow of Machamp

Counter (Combat Type)

Dynamic Strike (Combat Type)

Shadow Crobat counters

  • Type: Poison and flying
  • Weakness: Electric, Ice, Psychic and Rock type moves
  • Resistance: Fairy, Ground, Poison, Bug, Combat, and Grass type moves

The best Shadow Crobat counters

Shadow Crobat counters

Quick attack

Charged attack


Psycho Cut (Psychic Type)

Psystrike (Psychic Type) (Elder)

Hoopa No strings attached

Confusion (Psychic Type)

Psychic (Psychic Type)

Dusk Mane Necrozma

Psycho Cut (Psychic Type)

Sunsteel Strike (Steel Type)


Charge Beam (Electric Type)

Fusion Bolt (Electric Type) (Legacy)


Thunder Shock (Electric Type)

Discharge (electrical type)

Best Shadow Crobat Shadow And Mega Counter

Shadow Crobat counters

Quick attack

Charged attack

Shadow Mewtwo

Psycho Cut (Psychic Type)

Psystrike (Psychic Type) (Elder)

Shadow Superior

Smack Down (rock type)

Rock Wrecker (Rock Type) (Older)

Mega Alakazam

Confusion (Psychic Type)

Psychic (Psychic Type) (Elder)

Mega Tyranitar

Smack Down (Rock Type) (Older)

Stone Edge (rock type)

Mega Latios

Zen Headbutt (Psychic Type)

Psychic (Psychic Type)

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