Few characters in Marvel Rivals fulfill a role as unique as Wolverine. He's classified as a Duelist, and that's what he is. But at the same time, he is often able to take double the damage of other Duelists and draw quite a lot of attention from the enemy team.

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While he's certainly capable of dealing a lot of damage, he almost fits a dual role between Vanguard and Duelist, keeping his ranged allies safe while up close proving why he's the best at what he does. But this can make it very difficult to play, especially if you are not familiar with it.
Wolverine Overview
Wolverine is a a big troublemaker; character that can enter seemingly out of nowhere, focus fire on the enemy behind their own front lines and drop them before their team can actually defend themselves. Ideally, Wolverine uses his movement abilities to get in from a side route and then back out, preferably towards the healing pad.
The downside is that once you do this a few times, the enemy team will start to prepare better and better for it. If you use the same tactics, it targets you the moment you appearand Wolverine's 300HP won't be enough to keep him on his feet.
Close coordination between Vanguard and Wolverine can help both ensure greater success.
Strengths |
Weaknesses |
Berserker Rage
One of Wolverine's passives, Berserker Rage, allowing him to gain rage for every attack he makes and every attack he takes. This meter fills up extremely quickly in a melee situation, and it's in your best interest to keep it as high as you can.
The higher his rage, his primary attack deals more damageand the better its healing factorwhich we'll get to a little later will work.
Basically, if you want to get the most out of Wolverine, this bar must remain as high as possible. When high, he can be one of the most effective Duelists. When it is low, it will be one of the least effective.
Wild Claw
Savage Claw is Wolverine's primary attackand what you cause the most damage. It is exactly what you expect; Wolverine uses his claws to attack the enemy in melee range.
Savage Claw is about to increase Wolverine's angerand Wolverine's Rage will increase Savage Claw's damage. However, Berserker Rage isn't Wolverine's only ability that interacts with Savage Claw.
Feral jump
Feral jump enables Wolverine jump quite a distanceand any enemy it comes into contact with is getting ready on the way ride his claws until they land. This is a very versatile ability and can be used for many different reasons.
Another effect Feral Leap is that it upgrades Savage ClawsWolverine's primary attack. This attack will be much faster and greatly improve his damage.
When to use Savage Leap
Savage Leap has many use cases. Ideally, it will used offensively. This is a great way to separate an enemy from the rest of their party, allowing you to create a 1v1 situation where you have the upper hand immediately.
You can do this to remove the Vanguard from their Strategist, you can ambush the Duelist from behind and get them out of cover; you can even take someone with you beyond the edge of the map. That's an ability rewards creativity.
You can also use this ability as escape method. As mentioned earlier, Wolverine doesn't have enough health to stay in the spotlight for very long. Getting out of a bad situation and going into some kind of recovery dramatically extend your life with Wolverineand this ability is the easiest way to get out of certain death.

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Vicious Rampage
Vicious Rampage is Wolverine's other move/attack hybrid ability and you can use this much more often than Feral Leap. Vicious Rampage allowing Wolverine to charge forwardquickly closes a small gap and deals damage to the enemy it hits.
When to use Vicious Rampage
The damage effect this provides is extremely minimal. This is largely to help Wolverine, who is completely a melee Duelist, close the gap and be able to really damage your target.
The cooldown on this ability is about four seconds, so a a great way to quickly get in and out of combat. Wolverine excels at ambush style tactics and will be his bread and butter in such a situation.
An immortal animal
Undying Animal is going to reduce the damage Wolverine takes for a short time. This effect only lasts a few seconds, so timing it right will be the difference between life and death.
When to use Undying Animal
For the most part, you want to use Undying Animal the moment you're about to start taking heavy damage. Using it too soon will be a waste; to get the most out of it, it should be use right before you ambush.
What Undying Animal won't do is keep you alive when you're already plagued by injuries. The effect isn't dramatic enough to give you anything resembling invincibility. Think of it more like increasing the chance that you will survive the fightinstead of the ability you have to activate during it.
Regenerative healing factor
Regenerative healing factor is Wolverine's second passive ability and allows him to gain a chunk of bonus health when his health drops. After a few seconds this bonus health becomes real healthtreatment for the same amount but absorbed all his rage.
Without it, Wolverine wouldn't be nearly as effective, especially when the enemy team goes down on him during an ambush. That's usually not enough health to keep him in a fight much longer, but it can give him a chance to escapeor help him win the 1v1 situation.
Last stand
Wolverine's ultimate ability is Last standand acts similarly to Feral Leap. This launches Wolverine into the air first, taking nearby enemies with him. Then he can launch in the chosen directiondealing damage to anyone it either takes with it or lands on.
When to use Last Stand
You don't want to use Last Stand when there's a chance you could die before it fully kicks in. For the most part, you will want to use it as an engagement openerjust as you are starting a new trap.
Last Stand will be the more effective the more rage you have built up; this gives it a smaller window of maximum efficiency. For best results it should be used between overflowswhile you still have some anger built up from the last attack.
Quick special
Fastball Special is Wolverine's Team-Up ability with the Hulk. If both players decide to Hulk can pick up and throw Wolverine in his direction.
This goes even further to make Wolverine a bit of a Duelist and a Vanguard. Together, Hulk and Wolverine can harass the enemy teamwith the Hulk throwing Wolverine just behind the enemy lines while the Hulk charges into the center.
Fastball Special can essentially saving Wolverine's Feral Leap. This allows him to engage the party in a similar manner without starting the long, thirteen second cooldown.

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