Kell's Fall exotic mission walkthrough

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Kell's Fall is the newest exotic mission in the Fate 2brings the player back to the Tangled Shore in search of Fikrul. Some of Scorn's toughest forces reside in an abandoned watchtower on the edge of the coast, but if you defeat them all and defeat Fikrul, you'll be rewarded with a new exotic shotgun and seasonal gear.


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Completing this mission will reward you with the Slayer's Fang, an exotic shotgun that fires reflective projectiles and provides true sight when killing. This weapon is an absolute powerhouse in the right hands, but you'll need to unlock it first. Here's a complete walkthrough for the Kell's Fall Exotic mission, covering everything from encounters to difficulty modifiers.

Kell's Fall difficulty variants

Destiny 2 Kell's Fall difficulty options

As with most exotic missions, Kell's Fall has two difficulty options: Normal and Expert. Normal is set to 1,995 Strength and only has elemental surges and threats active; no other modifiers are present. The Expert the variant spawns champions, allows reloading, and is set at 2,015 power with a -15 power delta forced. Expect enemies to hit significantly harder in this mode.

The activity objectives and puzzles are the same between the two variants.

Kell's Fall Modifiers

Power cap



Void and Strand



Professional difficulty

Power cap



Overload and unstoppable


Void and arch




Shotguns and artifact weapons

Shielded enemies

Solar and the void

Scorched Earth

Enemies throw grenades significantly more often.


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Fight the Trickster

You start Kell's Fall on the edge of the Dreaming City watchtower in the Tangled Shore, a place we haven't seen since Forsaken. When you emerge, follow the ledges to the right get to the watchtower. If you keep finding Scorn along the way, you're on the right path.

Once you are in the watchtower courtyard, cheat a baron and a small army of Scorn will ambush you. You'll need to remove about a third of the Trickster's HP to escape. The only notable mechanic here is that Trickster becomes immune shortly after it stops movingrelocation elsewhere. Whenever it stops, burn it with as much heavy ammo as possible. Once the Trickster retreats, fight your way inside the tower.

Explore the fortress

Destiny 2 Kell's Fall Pipe Organ

The first thing you notice in the fort is the massive pipe organ. It's not relevant to completing this mission, but you can enter the codes found in Kell's Fall to create bonus loot. At the beginning, you don't know any music tracks, so you can mostly ignore the instrument for now. Head up the stairs to the left and light the pan to continue.

Unlit grills appear in certain encounters, usually puzzles. You will have to light three of them to unlock a nearby door. This mechanic has no timer.

Behind the door is a narrow corridor with a massive branch growing from one end. Look behind the branch closest to you and you'll find a wall of debris that you can destroy with your weapon. Slip through the newly created opening to find a strange looking mirror. Shoot her to break the glass and reveal a path forward.

Walking through the mirror will bring you to another dimension that is a reflection of reality. You'll be greeted by a handful of Dread and Scorn enemies, nothing a decent build can't handle. Drag the linear coordinators until you reach the next mirror. Smash it and run.

Back in the core dimension, look for two nearby grills that you can activate. One usually appears near the portal while the other is up the stairs nearby. Illuminating both will open the way to the first encounter. Break the debris on the wall to the right, slide through it and follow the path until you reach a fighting pit.

Defeat the Mad Bomber

Destiny 2 Kell's Fall Fighting Pit

He is your main target for this encounter enter the mirror realm, get the Revenant Empowerment, kill the two Abominations, then kill the Mad Bomber. Adds appear around the battle ring when the encounter begins. You can choose to delete them now or start the mechanic. A mirror in the middle of the room begins to crack. Blast the glass and go inside.

Inside the Mirror Realm will be a handful of Dread enemies, in particular Revenant Essentiavariant of the Dread Weaver. Killing them will drop three motes that grant Revenant Essence. You will need ten stacks of Revenant Essence to damage immune enemies in the second realm. Once you have ten stacks, return to the material realm using the mirror at the edge of the battle ring.

Revenant Essence lasts 45 seconds. Grabbing ten stacks will remove the timer.

Now that you are armed with Revenant Empowerment, you can now damage Abomination immune enemies in the room. There are two in total, one on each side. There is no timer; take your time Killing both Abominations will spawn a Mad Bomber and more extras, so make sure you're ready before you kill the other one.

Mad Bomber works just like its Forsaken variant. This enemy will throw explosives at you and is quite aggressive. There is no immunity or buff mechanic to juggle. Grab your strongest heavy weapon and melt the boss's health bar. Killing the Mad Bomber will end the encounter.


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Find The Sanctum

Destiny 2 Kell's Fall Red Chasm Section

More revived barons are waiting for you further in the fortress. Your next stop is the shrine, which you can get to from the escape door that is in the upper right corner of the battle circle. Follow the path a bit and you should end up in a spacious cave bathed in red light. Watch the ledges and structures on the left path. Climb as high as you can, then look across the chasm to the exit of the cave.

Defeat The Mindbender

Destiny 2 Kell's Fall Sanctum Mirror

Before you start the meeting, you will want to ignite the three pans in the material realm. You can find one behind the Rally Flag and two next to the mirror in the next room. Make sure you take a good explosive DPS heavy weapon for this encounter – this is where the DPS phases are timed.

Destiny 2 Kell's Fall Sanctum Mirror Mindbender

Entering the portal takes you to the sanctuary, a spacious room in the watchtower that is guarded Mindbender. As with the Trickster from before, you'll need to take a third of the boss's HP to retreat. However, there is a catch: you have a two minute timer when you are in the mirror realm. You will have to damage the boss and escape before the timer reaches zero.

Fortunately, the exit is quite easily accessible. Once you've phased the boss, run towards the hole in the wall on the left side of the shrine. Once you slip through, a handful of Thrall will appear. Take out the Thrall and run to the opposite end of the corridor to check the Brazier in the small gap. If it is present, light it.

Destiny 2 Kell's Fall Sanctum Mirror Mindbender Exit 2

You then go back halfway down the hall and turn left to enter a small cave that is guarded by a few Hive wizards. Take them out, clear out the acolytes, then use the mirror at the end of the room to escape.

Destiny 2 Kell's Fall Sanctum Mirror Mindbender Exit 3

On the material level, you will have to light the two nearby grills to open the door. Both fireplaces should appear in the room based on our runs. Once active, return to the mirror, but No enter it. Look above for a ledge behind the mirror that you can jump to. Head inside to start the second phase of damage.

The second stage is the same as the first. Damage the boss until he's phased, then run through the escape door to reach another mirror. You'll end up back at the opening shrine with another timer. Kill the boss before time runs out complete the meeting. If you need more time, enter the mirror, reset your time and jump back.

Defeat the Trickster

Destiny 2 Kell's Fall Stairs

While not a proper encounter, this is the penultimate part of Kell's Fall. You will have to go up the spiral staircase and defeat the trickster baron from earlier. It's the same as at the beginning of the mission – wait for the Trickster to stop moving, then light it up with your abilities and heavy weaponry. You can't delete hereso take your time. The door at the top of the stairs will open once the boss is killed.

Defeat The Revenants

Destiny 2 Kell's Fall Throne

Fikrul has made the throne room his own personal fortress and it is your job to put an end to his plans. Before you start, make sure you have a good mid-range DPS weapon and a build with high durability. Grenade launchers and swords work well here.

The meeting begins with the simple addition of a clear section. Scorn packs will appear in the arena and you will have to kill them. Pay attention to the mirror just behind Fikrul's spawn. Once you've killed enough enemies, Fikrul will trigger a wipe mechanic. When you see Fikrul charging the staff, enter the mirror before it clears.

Destiny 2 Kell's Fall Fikrul Mirror Realm

Inside the Mirror Realm is a mix of Dread and Scorn enemies, incl Overload and unstoppable champions on Expert. As with the Mad Bomber, you'll have to beat it Revenant Essentia in the arena to get Revenant Empowerment. At x10, you can leave the arena and directly face one of Fikrul's machinations. If you've completed the Act 3 quest, you'll fight Fikrule in the Mirror Realm instead.

If you fight Fikrule in your version of Kell's Fall, you will have to damage the mirror to start the DPS phase. You only have a few seconds to damage him before you have to run; make it count.

The buffs you collected earlier will allow you to damage the boss. Break his shield and then use everything you have to kill them. There is no DPS window here (except for the Fikrul variant), so take your time. Play it safe, don't forget to use your Super and use your heavy weapon often to take down the boss. Completing this encounter will complete Kell's Fall and earn the Slayer's Fang Exotic Shotgun.


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