One Baldur's Gate 3 NPC shares a unique trait with Astarion

Among the eccentric party that defines Baldur's Gate 3Astarion has achieved a particularly iconic status within the RPG genre. As a vampire spawn that is often more than willing to encourage and indulge the player's dark side, the dynamic between him and more kindhearted companions Baldur's Gate 3 is an example of the moral flexibility available to the player. But when it comes to helping achieve redemption, the part of Astarion's arc that involves making a literal deal with the devil has uncanny parallels to the compelling story of a lesser-known character.

The decision to spare Orthon Yurgir, especially out of sympathy for the demon, can lead to one of the most intense clashes with Astarion as it prevents him from making a deal with Raphael. This part Baldur's Gate 3The Pale Elf's quest is repeated by Mol, one of the Tiefling children who can be rescued in Act 1. While the player can help save the souls of both of them, doing the right thing by these morally questionable characters ironically requires earning their wrath.


Baldur's Gate 3: Why Astarion Fans Should Check Out Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft

Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft has all the tools needed to create a character and campaign for fans of Astarion in Dungeons and Dragons.

Guiding Astarion along the path of redemption is one of Baldur's Gate 3's trickiest balancing acts

The fact that Astarion's approval is usually increased by evil or selfish actions, it is no surprise that he is interested in dealing with the devil Raphael. Despite the fact that the master of the House of Hope shamefully displays Astarion's body to show off his infernal scars, the vampire companion naturally agrees to kill Yurgir to have the meaning of his scars explained to him. Learn the truth about your role as a victim in the Vampire Ascendent ritual v Baldur's Gate 3 then he can start him on the path to his darkest ends, and that already requires crossing a moral line in killing Orthon.

An unexpected nuance to demonic actions

It might seem noble enough to slay a massive, menacing monster from Hell when facing Yurgir Baldur's Gate 3's Gauntlet of Shar, but is actually a loyal warrior who has been manipulated into being imprisoned in a dungeon. Thus, justice is only truly possible in this situation if the player spares Yurgir and goes against Astarion's wishes, which can lead to a rift in their relationship with him and a lasting grudge. It can be especially frustrating to be treated with contempt for trying to help him, but he is not alone in this reaction.

Seeing Mol's arc requires overcoming a similar reluctance to change

Being a guardian angel for the sharper characters of Baldur's Gate 3 can be a thankless job

As the player overcomes her initial rudeness to gain her respect and befriend her, they can understand Mola's deep sense of loyalty and benefit from her connections. After being seen playing a board game with Raphael at the Last Light Inn, she ends up kidnapped and eventually reappears in Guild Act 3. While touring the House of Hope in Baldur's Gate 3Mola's contract can then be found, suggesting that she probably survived by making a deal with the devil. However, after obtaining this contract and defeating Raphael, Mol becomes angry with the player for ruining her hopes of becoming a powerful wizard. Despite being just a child, her painful circumstances bring her to the same place of despair as Astarion, who never seems to reach full self-awareness.

Apart from Raphael's involvement, they are relatively isolated from each other Baldur's Gate 3but a sequel could allow their similarities to come to the fore. Since Astarion is just as canonically likely to become a Vampire Ascendant running the city from the shadows as he is to be redeemed, Mol's ambitions to lead the Guild's underworld could inevitably cause their paths to cross.

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