Review Sid Meier's Civilization 7

Since the beginning of the first title in 1991, Sid Meier's civilization The series was one of the largest names in the genre 4x. Over the years, many titles have been inspired, or they have tried, without success. Now for almost decades of content after startup Civilization Sid Meiera 6Firaxis is set to finally deliver the expectedly expected Civilization Sid Meiera 7.

Like everyone Sid Meier's civilization the name before that Civilization Sid Meiera 7 Tasks of players with the leadership of a nation in many times history in the hope that they can come to the top. This strategic turning -based experience will be immediately known to every veteran of the series, yet this iteration may feel completely new. From the division of civilizations and leaders to the narrowing of the experience to three ages, it could be one of the biggest changes in the series so far. And although it may not immediately click on players, the studio seems to have brought another fun strategic adventure on which it will probably be built for the coming years.


Types of civilization 7 could be a change in the game

Firaxis is torn by age civilization customs in civilization 7 and changes in the types of victory could report at a golden age.

Sid Meier's Civilization 7 access to leaders is an exciting change

From the other players trigger their Civilization Sid Meiera 7 Adventures will notice massive changes in the pattern. In previous titles, players would choose only one historical nation led by an iconic leader in the real world that would lead at many age history. Each civilization had its advantages and disadvantages and would often require a different strategy to handle. WITH Civilization Sid Meiera 7Civilizations still offer it, but this time the leaders are indeed separated from these nations. If it was not a big enough change, players will also lead three completely different civilizations in a single game.

When players start their game, they have to choose what historical leaders they want to play for the entire duration of the experience. Each Civilization Sid Meiera 7 The leader has his own skills and this time they are not exclusive to the leaders of nations. While there are Catherine Great and Napoleon, players can also take over the role of historical characters such as Harriet Tubman and Machiavelli. As with everyone Sid Meier's civilization The game in front of her, even more characters are waiting to add to the list via DLC.

Once players choose their historical character, they can choose what civilization they begin. Like leaders, every civilization has its own advantages and disadvantages. In addition, because the leaders have their own skills, players can mix the leaders and a match with civilization to find out what combination is the best. Fortunately, the game tells them what the best combinations would be, but they can also choose anyone they want. As they do Civilization Sid Meiera 7Three ages, will receive a new civilization with new abilities, units and miracles, which is a constantly changing experience.

While this new approach can be contrary to the past Sid Meier's civilization Titles, in fact, it makes an incredibly fun experience. This forces players to reconsider their strategy, use new miracles and units, and experiment with a variety of abilities in a single game. What is even more engaging is the fact that some civilizations are not actually unlocked if players at the previous age do not perform specific tasks such as establishing a certain number of cities or building multiples of a particular building. There are many ways to unlock these civilizations, and each unlock is thematically based on the fact that the civilization has historically worked. Fortunately, if players did not do these tasks, they still have several powerful civilizations, of which they can choose by default.

Sid Meier's Civilization 7 Ages helps immensely shake an experience

Firaxis also decided to significantly change the way in which Sid Meier's civilizationHe works for ages. This time the whole game is condensed into three very obvious ages with its own unique game mechanics. The standard game begins at the age of ancient times, a place where players first set up their civilization, met their neighbors and do everything they would expect in the first few corners. After approximately 150–200 turns, the game goes to the next age that comes in the form of a reconnaissance age,

At the exploratory age, players must branch and explore the unknown, similar to civilization in the real world. The second half of the map opens and gives players conquer new land and new civilizations to meet. They must establish new cities in these new countries and reap their exotic resources while trying to ensure that their nation remains together. Removal Civilization Sid Meiera 6The loyalty system, players are given virtually free hand to build anywhere if they can protect it.

The final age comes in the form of a modern age, which is when players really start to compete for this final victory. The age of expansion is over, this age is when they need to build their armies, fortifications of their cities, bring their resources to victory and prepare for the disastrous potential of World War II. And she said World War II, because this is the only way to earn a military victory.


The concept of civilization Sid Meiera should not face reaper

While the civilization franchise of Sid Meiera can be in advance with the seventh entrance, the spin-off Beyond Earth seems to be left to collect dust.

With the passage of all ages, the game occurs. Players keep all the cities and units that they built, and their neighbors remain the same. At that time, however, they choose a new civilization, get a brand new technique and civic trees, and all city states are replaced by new ones. This not only means that those who are lagging behind are beginning to start with more equal conditions, but also force the greatest power to reconsider and focus a little because they have new ability to play. In addition, some buildings are replaced and new miracles specific to ages are unlocked.

While starting in a fresh way may sound a little uncomfortable, players are rewarded for how well they succeeded at the previous age. Depending on how much they have achieved in this last age and to what extent they got one of the old paths of the game, they get points that they can spend on special abilities or upgrades. None of them will be unstoppable, but helps them give them a slight advantage at the next age. And if they are planning ahead, it can be exactly what a day has to win.

The age system causes a significantly different and quite entertaining experience. But it is not without his shortcomings. One of the largest comes up with exploratory age, because only civilizations that start on the same continent as a player actually benefits from the mechanic of distant countries because the game does not count the original continent as a distant country. Firaxis said they hope to change it, but from now on it could destroy it Civ 7Sub -factor. In addition, they can sometimes cause games to feel very fast, so players may want to enlarge the length of the game.

Sid Meiera 7 civilization also has a number of other changes

Civ 7 cities

Civilization Sid Meiera 7 It will also shake so many different parts of the game that some aspects can be unnoticed. To begin with, the leaders now have their own upgrades in the form of attribute system. After completing various tasks, players will be rewarded with points for six different talents: cultural, diplomatic, economic, expansion, militaristic and scientific. These trees allow players to further adapt their leaders during the game and give them mild bonuses with a variety of resources.

Along with that Warfare has gained the main upgrade Civilization Sid Meiera 7. Gone are the days when players have to move individual units, give them upgrades and build small groups of the same type. Instead, Firaxis introduced the commander for players for production. These commanders can accommodate up to six units at the same time and let them move on the map as the only unit. Once they reach the battlefield, they can unload and start destroying the enemy. If they stand in the area of ​​the commander, they can coordinate their attacks and get strong bonuses. When they cause chaos, the commander is equal and players are able to fill more technological trees points for even stronger bonuses.

If that wasn't enough, Civilization Sid Meiera 7 He has even more changes to the players he can look forward to. Municipal states have been improved, newly established cities are now starting to manage cities, diplomacy generally had a little redesign, the game has returned to its more realistic artistic style, builders are a matter of the past, there are a thing of the past. mementos and much more. While veteran players can be able to understand quite quickly, it is definitely unlike any Sid Meier's civilization a game that came earlier.

Sid Meier's Civilization 7 victory is not perfect

Civ 7 victory

Of course the main goal of any Sid Meier's civilization The game is to win. There are four different types of victories in this game that do not count the older victory, which is only awarded if one of the others is not obtained. Players should be familiar with these types of victory because they are quite similar to what came before. Culture, military, science or economic victories are waiting for claiming. Unlike previous games, however, earnings are very different.

This time the players advance to these victories through the brand new old roads. Every age has new old paths, each path is divided into several steps. When players check these steps, they are awarded old points that provide them with mild edges at the next age. In addition, the age is progressing and if the players complete their way, then they are rewarded with a special golden age related to this way.

Although it helps to break down how to win the game, the tasks with them are relatively secular and lead to some of the faint overwork of victory. For example, to win a victory in culture, players must only accommodate 15 artifacts and finish the world fair. Of course, there are many other tasks to complete the first, but if the players concentrate, it is not so hard and in the end it does not always feel like winning. This will destroy the experience and leading designer Ed Beach told Game Rant that he is likely to process the victory, but it could still cause a frantic end of the game.

Civilization Sid Meiera 7 It offers a fantastic experience for fans and genre. His tension -based loop is endlessly addictive, civilization and leaders are a pleasure to play and his research history is a look at the sight. Has several shortcomings that need to be developed, but like almost everyone Sid Meier's civilization The game in front of it is likely to be solved with future patch and DLC content. So for those veteran players who eagerly expected another entry or new players who had never touched this franchise before, it could be exactly what they were looking for.



11 February 2025

Advantages and disadvantages

  • SPIBITNG UP Leaders and Civs adds a brand new layer
  • The age system is a real standout
  • A tested experience with civilization with new twists
  • The victory needs several improvements

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