Most people assume that JRPGs boast compelling and tactical turn-based combat that is rewarding once players get the hang of it. While this is true to an extent, it's also a generalization that disrespects some of the best action JRPGs with real-time combat that fans adore.

8 Best Turn-Based JRPGs for Challenging Combat, Ranked
This toughest turn-based JRPG offers punishing battles, tough bosses and deep strategies for the most dedicated players.
These titles aim to enhance the spectacle of every battle and ensure players have a great time defeating enemies in style. Sometimes these games can be so favorable to players that they can be ridiculously overpowered quickly.
Games will be scored based on how much players can get if they play their cards right.
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7
High level and powerful material can make Zack a one man army
- Released
December 13, 2022
- OpenCritic rating
A modern redesign Crisis core allowed many people to look at one of the greatest Final Fantasy spinoffs at all. The layered storyline elaborates on Zack's story, detailing how he befriended Cloud before the pair had to escape Shinra's grasp by any means necessary.
As a proud member of SOLDIER, Zack slowly hones his skills until he becomes competent enough to defeat the likes of Genesis, Sephiroth, and Angeal with his lonesome. If players complete additional missions and obtain high-level material, they can decimate most opponents. The only challenge he has to prepare for is Minerva, a superboss who takes no prisoners.
Like A Dragon: Ishin
Sakamoto Ryoma can become a whirlwind of destruction with enough grinding

- Released
February 21, 2023
- OpenCritic rating
Notice that a Yakuza the spinoff, which has not been localized for the longest time, would finally see an international release, much to the delight of many fans. Like a Dragon: Ishin recasts many roles so players can enjoy familiar faces in a story that's compelling despite its flaws.
The main character Ryoma looks similar to Kiryu and can be quite overpowered as players level up each style. With enough grinding, he can break through his limits and easily turn his enemies into mincemeat.
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot
Levels come at a ridiculous pace and even the toughest bosses can be a cake walk
- Released
January 16, 2020
- OpenCritic rating
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is a game that players love for its authenticity, even though the battles are far too easy. Once a point was reached, the levels didn't matter as the player's skill and knowledge of the game increased over time, letting them get through tough bosses without breaking a sweat.

8 Best JRPGs for Slow Exploration, Ranked
These worlds in famous JRPGs are perfect for players who enjoy slow, methodical exploration rather than just progressing through the game's main plot.
It's always weird to see a playable character that looks like they're fighting an enemy when players had no problem fighting a boss and learning it just seconds before. This disconnect between narrative and gameplay is strangely why players can feel so overwhelmed when giving bosses a piece of their mind, with Malicious Enemies being the only type of enemy that offers any sort of substantial challenge.
Final Fantasy Type-0
Class 0 students can become ridiculously powerful with a little grinding

- Released
March 17, 2015
- OpenCritic rating
Type-0 is one of the most interesting Final Fantasy spinoffs for players to try out, allowing them to control a massive cast of characters that take a while to get used to. With Breaksights and Killsights being an integral part of the real-time combat game, it's easy to see why players will gravitate towards fast attackers who can't miss these spots.
This makes it easier for players to get in Final Fantasy Type-0 and run over most enemies without breaking a sweat if their reflexes are on point. The only enemy that can really give players a hard time is Shinryu Celestia, and players should lose this fight anyway. If players take on this encounter in New Game+, then it's possible to get some payback against this powerful boss.
Yagami can easily juggle enemies and switch styles to decimate enemies
- Released
June 25, 2019
- OpenCritic rating
Playing as the protagonist on the side of the law is for a Yakuza game a Judgment will not disappoint. Yagami's personality may split fans down the middle, but his fighting expertise is something that cannot be discredited.
Players looking to upgrade and upgrade their styles can juggle enemies and render them defenseless with their unlimited skills. Combined with powerful Heat Moves, it's clear why Judgment can be incredibly cathartic for players who put in the work to make the protagonist stronger than ever before.
Orb of Odin: Leifthrasir
All five characters can eat a lot of food and easily turn the endgame bosses into a joke

- Released
June 7, 2016
- OpenCritic rating
One of the most underrated side-scrolling JRPGs for players to try, unique narrative structure Orb of Odin coupled with its interesting fights, it's clear why players love this title once they give it a chance. Each character has a set of unique abilities that can be used to destroy opponents, especially if players are careful with their food to level up.

8 Best Action JRPGs With Optional Multiplayer Modes, Ranked
These action JRPGs feature some of the most engaging optional multiplayer modes fans of the genre can enjoy.
It helps that the leveling mechanics are so unique that players won't mind hunting down and buying the resources they need to become as powerful as possible. At the end of the game, players can comfortably take out any of the final bosses without any problems, although the game can look different if the order of battles is chosen incorrectly.
Final Fantasy 15
Noctis is unstoppable if players have enough filler for his friends
- Released
November 9, 2016
- OpenCritic rating
After a long development period that worried many fans, Final Fantasy 15 ultimately fell to a divisive reception. The incomplete nature of the game wasn't appreciated despite its long time in the oven, but players didn't mind as long as they were able to enjoy one of the most beautiful open world games that still looks amazing today.
The combat can be a bit too easy at times, but players don't mind as Noctis and his pals look to be in the middle of a heated battle. Even if the player is underleveled, he should have no problems taking on demons at night if they have restoratives to spare. Meanwhile, using as many XP boosts as possible will help the party become ridiculously overpowerable in no time, letting them take on the toughest enemies in the game without breaking a sweat.
Yakuza 0
Completing Real Estate Royale and Cabaret Club Czar will turn Kiryu and Majima into living legends

- Released
January 24, 2017
- OpenCritic rating
Yakuza 0 is the perfect entry point into a series that still attracts its fair share of fans. Watching Kiryu and Majima grow from humble beginnings to become the legends that fans know is an amazing moment because the storytelling of this title is on a level all its own.
It helps that the main side activity for each character is quite compelling, showering players with rewards that allow them to improve their skills to become more competent in combat. Completing each side activity will allow players to unlock some overpowered fighting styles that can turn this title into a toy, with the money they've accumulated allowing them to upgrade Kiryu and Majima's stats to the nines.

33 JRPGs on Steam with the best battle system, ranked
There are tons of amazing JRPG experiences on Steam, and some of them feature star battles. Here are some of the best.