Why Illuminate needs its own factory Strider at launch

For Helldivers 2 In order to achieve Super Earth's goal of spreading a controlled democracy, players must conquer all those who try to oppose it. Automatons and Terminids are the main threats, constant efforts of those trying to achieve their missions. While they provide engaging and enjoyable gameplay, fighting the same enemy units can end up feeling repetitive, which is why some believe the game should introduce a third faction. The Illuminate from the first Helldivers are seen as the most likely candidates thanks to extensive leaks suggesting they're on the way, but bringing in an old foe could still leave people wanting, especially veterans who have hired them before. It's going to need some things to make it a new and fresh experience, and the Automatons have a unit that can help with that.

Helldivers 2 seemingly teasing the eventual return of the Illuminate, such as the appearance of a black hole after the destruction of Meridia and rumors of an unknown faction suddenly appearing on the galactic map. If the faction makes it into the sequel, it must have a big impact on the arrival, as it has been highly anticipated. A good way to do this is to have something like an Automaton faction Factory Stridera massive unit that is as deadly as it is large. If the Illuminate had something similar, there's no doubt that the faction would stand out right from the start.


The case for and against Helldivers 2's defense campaigns are constantly available

Helldivers 2's defense missions motivate participation, but one might argue that they are better left as occasional events.

Why does the Illuminate need something like a factory Strider upon arrival

Since Illuminate is still a no-show, fans can speculate about when it will arrive and what it will bring once it arrives. Arrowhead Game Studios needs to make sure the faction makes a grand entrance, and having a Factory Strider-like unit could be a good way to help them do that. As for why this has to be something like the largest unit of Automatons, there are several reasons:

  • Introducing something this big and formidable right from the start can help make up for the long wait that faction players have had to endure, as the new unit means they have a decent unit to take down after months of preparation.
  • A large and destructive enemy is a good way to show that Illuminate is a force to be reckoned with and defines the faction as a dangerous threat right from the start.
  • If such a large unit is introduced soon, it could mean that faction players have a lot to look forward to, as it opens up possibilities for even more dangerous enemy types in the future.

Arrowhead Game Studios should strongly consider giving Illuminate to something like the Automatons' Factory Strider once the faction arrives, especially since the perks show that it can help improve gameplay while giving players more reasons to want to keep playing. Helldivers 2.

The Illuminate Unit from the first Helldivers game can match the Factory Strider

If the expected Illuminate faction has to land a threat as big as Factory Strider, they have one unit from the previous game that could help with that. If Arrowhead Game Studios chooses not to create a major new unit for the faction, they can always bring back the Great Eye. This particular Illuminate enemy type is large, durable, and powerful enough to defeat all who stand against it. It is also similar to the Factory Strider in that its presence means a continuous wave of additional units trying to stop the player as long as they stay alive. Introducing it once the faction arrives in the game is a good way to show the power of the faction and leaves the possibility that it will be more dangerous than ever, as Arrowhead Game Studios could give it a few improvements over the previous iteration.

If Helldivers 2 has any plans to spill the beans on the Illuminate faction, then it has to be in a way that gets the attention of the community. Showing up alongside a big threat like Factory Strider is a good way to do that.

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