WoW has good news for players who missed the important 20th anniversary event


  • World of Warcraft players can find Alyx in Dornogal and begin a mysterious quest for the title Detective.

  • Search for the 11 missing Celebration Crates using the clues from Alyx's board in World of Warcraft.

  • Moving Alyx ensures that players can still earn the title of detective after the anniversary event.

World of Warcraft moved Alyx, the NPC in charge of the 20th anniversary celebration guest relationship mystery quests, to Dornogal where they are still accepting the missing Celebration Crates. Although the Guest Relations quest line itself is no longer available, it is provided World of Warcraft players can still claim the title of Detective – and begin the hunt for the elusive Felcycle mount – indefinitely.

20th anniversary event for World of Warcraft it came and went, taking with it all the activities, rewards and buffs that fans have been looking forward to for nearly three months. The Caverns of Time also returned to normal, and all the NPCs that inhabited the celebration site disappeared along with the decorations.


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However, one of these NPCs isn't actually gone. Alyx – an NPC who helps the player during the Guest Relations mystery lines – has moved to the hot springs northwest of Delver's Headquarters in Dornogal, leading to the Foundation Hall. With their new title of “Volunteer Events Coordinator, Amongst Others,” they've also brought along their trusty notepad that hints at the locations of Celebration Crates hidden around the world. Players who find all 11 of these hidden items can return them to Alyx in Dornogal to earn the Crate Insurance Agent, No Crate Left Behind, and Azeroth's Greatest Detective achievements—and more importantly, the Detective title, which unlocks the ability to start a mystery. it leads World of Warcraft Incognitro fans, Indecipherable Felcycle mount.

Earning the Detective title after the WoW anniversary

  • Find Alyx, a Lightforged Draenei NPC, and their trail board in Dornogal.

    • They can be found between Delver HQ and the stairs leading to the Foundation Hall.

  • Follow the clues from the notes on the board near them to find the 11 missing Celebration Crates World of Warcraft.

    • Players must be level 10 to start Celebration Crate quests, but cannot go to Dornogal until level 68.

  • Turn in six crates to get the Crate Insurance Agent and 11 crates to get No Crate Left Behind, Azeroth's Greatest Detective and the Detective title.

Players previously knew that Incognito's secret quests would be available after the anniversary event, but since the Detective title is required for Dalaran Survivor to begin the mystery in Dornogal, many assumed they would have to earn Azeroth's Greatest Detective before they finished. . Moving Alyx to Donorgal and allowing fans to drop Celebration Crates indefinitely will ensure that no player is ever completely shut out from getting this rare mount.

Unfortunately, the rest of the guest relations quests from WoW20th anniversaries are no longer available as most relied on the event floor. This means that Assistant Guest Relations Manager and I Saved the Party and All I Got Were These Louse Hats can no longer be completed and their Thinking Cap transmogs are now unavailable. It seems unlikely World of Warcraft sometimes they will bring back that particular story, though they may add alternate ways to get rewards in the future.

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