How to Hack Terminals in Fallout 4

Open world game Fallout 4 it has plenty of secrets and hidden information in store for those alert enough to find it. From unmarked banknote locations and loot hideouts to mysterious terminals in old dusty bunkers, Bethesda has done a fantastic job of hiding its lore and rare treasures.


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To get more out of the game's mystery, hacking is an essential skill. Although it's often underestimated, unlocking terminals can have a huge impact on how you fight enemies, as it allows you to control their security systems. In addition, some of the most valuable things tend to be stored behind locked magnetic doors, so having a high hacking skill is definitely an advantage.

Updated January 10, 2025 by Andrew Scariati: Trying to crack all Fallout 4 terminal passwords may seem like an insurmountable task, but we have everything you need. This guide contains the best hacking practices and how to navigate all the confusing symbols to find every Fallout 4 terminal password in seconds.

Meaning of hacking

Nick Valentine hunched over and hacking a rusty green terminal in Fallout 4

A lot of people tend to favor lockpicking over hacking, but while the wasteland is full of locks waiting to be picked, it's important not to neglect the wasteland's second crackable source: terminals.

Hacking is also required if you are interested getting all achievements/trophies, like “RobCo's Worst Nightmare” the task requires you hack 50 terminals.

Hacking can be a huge advantage for almost any character type. Many places around the Commonwealth have terminals that allow you to do this unlock new areas, control of security systemsor even activate robotic helpers fight for you

In addition, much of the history of the game and secrets are found on these terminals scattered around the world, so hacking them for more information will give you hidden knowledge and may even start secret quests for you.

Terminals can also direct you to places you can find significant preyso there is no real reason to ignore hacking.

Hacking, explained

The main character approaches the terminal with a gun in Fallout 4.

For those of you who would rather master the art of hacking Rest assured, once you understand the mechanics, it's not as complicated as it might seem.

First, find a terminal to hack. Terminals they don't all look like desktop computersso make sure you scan the environment thoroughly to find them.

Terminals can look like old school box computerstall green or gray wall units with screenor wall monitors with a keyboard attached. If you think something looks like it could be a terminal, it doesn't hurt to take a closer look.

Once you find a hacking target, make sure you have high enough skill level hack it.

All terminals in Fallout 4 require terminal passwords to 'unlock'. Your task is to deduce which word is the correct terminal password.

You can level your hacker edge in your Pip-Boy like any other benefit.

To start hacking, communicate with the terminal you want to crack. You will be presented with a screen full of nonsense.

One of the words on this screen is terminal passwordand you have to select word options to find the correct password.

At the top of the third line you will see the number of available attempts for the terminal which is updated after each failed attempt. Word choice counts as one attempt.

It will be given to you four attempts find the correct password, with each chosen word counting as one attempt.

If you fail all four attempts, you will temporarily locked out of the terminal.

Here it is no limit how many times you can hack the terminal and the minigame itself has no time limit.

With regard to some quests require you hack successfully terminal, it's a good idea to sink at least a few perk points into hacking.

There are certain advantages and strategies that can be used to quickly find a password, but your main method of determining the correct password is through analyze the word Form. This is done through examination and elimination.

Yours Intelligence level will play a huge role in your hacking experience, as each intelligence threshold changes the number of possible passwords you encounter.

Intelligence Rank

Passwords displayed



















Ten (or higher)


Password similarity explained

The appearance of the password on the terminal screen in the fallout 4.

Each word you choose in this minigame will give you a Similarity rating.

The form of the word refers to the number of letters that match the correct password.

The letter itself and the position of this letter must match the correct password increase the similarity of this word.

For example, let's say the computer has the password “COPY”. If you select the word “COLD” on the terminal, it will show a similarity score of “2” because the letters “C” and “O” are in the same place.

However, if you select a word “SELECTION,” you get a similarity rating “0.” Although “PICK” has a C in it, it is not the first letter of the word.

Using this information you will have to deduce which letters are shared between each of the words you chose, compare them to the remaining options and then make an informed guess.

Fortunately, you can cut a big chunk of this boredom selection of certain characters present in the terminal interface.

Special terminal characters

Brackets on the terminal hacking screen in Fallout 4.

Amidst the mess of characters in the terminal are character sets that can be selected to make this minigame much easier.

If you select a group of symbols enclosed in a complete set of parentheses — (), []{} or <> — the terminal will be either reset the available number of attempts or remove words that are not the correct password.

Selecting a set of parentheses does not consume any password attempts so you'll want to select these brackets whenever possible increase your chances find the correct password.


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Hacking skills and benefits

Official artwork of a hacker perk showing Pipboy a thumbs up in Fallout 4.

Hacker Perk





You can hack advanced terminals.


You can hack Expert Terminals.


You can hack Master terminals.


If you fail, you cannot be locked out of the terminal.

Hacking skill is affected Hacker advantage in Tree of Intelligence Perks. Leveling up this skill allows you to do this hack higher difficulty terminals. Each terminal in the Commonwealth is rated according to a specific difficulty level:

  • Novice

  • Modern

  • Expert

  • To handle

Terminals for beginners will be available to anyone from defaultbut access to advanced terminals or higher must be unlocked by leveling the Hacker perk.

The last level of the Hacker perk prevents you when to get locked terminal when you blow all your chances Basically you will have endless chances terminal hack, no matter what.

More hacking tools

Science Bobblehead found on a table in Fallout 4.

In addition to the Hacker advantage, two other tools can will help you strengthen your hacking skills effectively.

Hacking Aid

What does it do?

How to get

Bobblehead Science

It permanently provides an extra chance to guess the password

Find it in Vault 75.

Perk 'Close to Metal'

It provides another additional estimate; also reduces terminal lock timers by 50 percent

Get the highest possible affinity rating with Nick Valentine.

While these gadgets are extremely useful, it still won't be possible to hack your way through the hacker mini because the maximum number of attempts you can make is five, while the minimum no there are six possible solutions.

While not directly related to hacking, finding Total Hack magazines will give you control over turrets, bots, and reflectors, all three of which are required to successfully hack a terminal in some cases.

Hacking fun with Nick Valentine

Nick Valentine Rescued stares at the main character in a vault in Fallout 4

If you don't want to invest in the Hacker perk, but would still like to have easy access to the many Commonwealth terminals, an easy way to do this is to simply take Nick Valentine with you as your companion.

Nick becomes available as a companion after you save him during Fallout 4's main quest and explore the Kellogg House in Diamond City.

Valentine's Day can be asked to hack any terminal except for master-level terminals. The higher the difficulty, the higher the chance it will fail and be permanently locked.

If it locks, you will anyway you have the option of trying to hack the terminal yourself, but Nick can't try again.

Not all companions are experienced hackers and sometimes that happens reject straight away hack terminals beyond their comfort level.

for obvious reasons Dogmeat cannot hack terminals.

X6however, will approve every time you successfully hack the terminal if he is in your party.

More hacking tips

The main character in Fallout 4 hacks a terminal embedded in a brick wall.

If you're having trouble completing the hacking minigame, here are some more tips:

  • If you only have one attempt left, exit the terminal and work with it. This will restart the minigame and give you four tries again.

  • When your attempts reach two or one, start selecting bracket groups. You will either reset your attempts or some passwords will be removed, narrowing down your options significantly.

  • Ask your companion, preferably Nick Valentinehack into the terminal. Companions have a chance automatic hacking terminals for you.


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