IN ISEKAI SAGA AGAKENPlayers have to fight with the power of evil using different heroes. Each has unique statistics and abilities. In addition, depending on the type of unit, they can be effective against some enemies and weaker against others. The more different characters you have, the easier it will be to win battles. And to start collecting characters from the very beginning you should use ISEKAI SAGA AGAKEN codes.

Just a few of these codes will reward you with a large number of useful resources. This includes gold, silver and familiar orders. The latter are particularly important because they are needed to convene new units.

Updated 27 January 2025, Artur Novichenko: Improve the game using the new codes listed in this manual below. And of course do not hesitate to use old codes, because they also offer great rewards. Be sure to check the new updates regularly.



Rise of Kittens Codes (January 2025)

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All the Isekai saga Awaken codes


Working Isekai saga awakened codes

  • C1D2E3F4G5 – Remove this code and get silver, gold, EXP and other rewards. (NEW)
  • B6C7D8E9F0 – Remove this code and get silver, gold, EXP and other rewards. (NEW)
  • H6I7J8K9L0 – Remove this code and get silver, gold, EXP and other rewards. (NEW)
  • B6C7D8E9F0 – Remove this code and get a famous order, 10k silver and 100 gold.
  • C1D2E3F4G5 – Remove this code and get 3 guilds, 10k silver and 100 gold.
  • Isekaivip – retaliate this code and get the famous order and 2 orders on the challenge
  • N6O7P8Q9R0 – Remove this code to get 10K silver, 100 gold and servant of the crystal
  • ISEKAI2024 – Remove this code and get 20K silver, famous order and 2 adventure renewal cards
  • ISEKAI7777 – write this code and get 100 friendships, famous order and 2 Adventure refresh tickets
  • Isekaiopen – to list this code and get 100 gold and 10 known orders
  • Isekaisaga – disconnect this code and get 5K Hero EXP and famous order
  • T6U7V8W9X0 – Remove this code to get 10K silver, 100 gold and servant of the crystal
  • G1H2I3J4K5 – turn off this code and get 10k silver, 100 gold and famous order


There are no expiration codes ISEKAI SAGA AGAKEN. We will update this article as soon as multiple codes are available.

Gaming ISEKAI SAGA AGAKEN is not much different from other representatives of idle RPG. You must fight different enemies by deploying suitable characters. Each of your units has different abilities, strengths and weaknesses. In addition, by combining characters, you can get more bonuses. Therefore, your main task is to convene heroes. And using ISEKAI SAGA AGAKEN You can get a lot of free summons.

Developers add these codes to help players to proceed. Each therefore contains many useful items and even valuable famous orders. Unfortunately, they are active for a limited time. Therefore, you should not be postponed if you do not want to miss free rewards.



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How to apply Agai Saga codes

Agai Agake Agaike Agaken Awake card

Use ISEKAI SAGA AGAKEN It is quite simple. This feature works the same as in most other mobile RPGs. So just follow these steps:


  • Follow the short tutorial until you get free will.

  • Then click on your profile photo in the upper left corner of the screen.

  • Then click Redueming Code and enter the code in the new window.

  • Finally, click OK to claim your rewards.

How to get multiple codes in Isekai Saga Awaken

Isekai Saga Awaken Characte

Be fresh ISEKAI SAGA AGAKEN Codes, you should save this article in tabs. Once developers have added new free goodies, we update this article as well as codes for other mobile games. You can also visit the official social media website of developers:

ISEKAI SAGA AGAKEN It is available on mobile devices.



The Legend of Neverland Codes (January 2025)

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