The Star Wars Jedi games have always been either intentionally or unintentionally tight-lipped in how their stories are told and how much their events would actually affect the larger IP umbrella. Cere Junda was never going to kill Darth Vader during their meeting on Jedha in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor because Darth Vader lives to the end Return of the Jedifor example, and Cal Kestis still hasn't been mentioned in mythology beyond Star Wars Jedi games. As troubling as it may be, he is a phenomenal character, completing Cal's third and final story Star Wars Jedi The game now seems appropriate, if never heard from since, and Respawn has kept things neat and orderly when it comes to character arcs, so hopefully nothing is left as a loose thread that hasn't been tied up.
If Star Wars Jedi: SurvivorThe sequel follows Cal's goal of harboring the Hidden Path on Tanalorr, it will be interesting to see what happens to Kata Akuna, Bode's daughter. Respawn certainly wouldn't have dropped a child in Cal and Merrin's lap if it didn't have some meaning for her and the relationship, maybe if Cal and Merrin were acting like guardian parents. fortunately Star Wars Jedi it doesn't make the player guess what that dynamic might look like, because it unfolds quite naturally and broadly SurvivorsPost-credits post-game exploration – A bit of narrative treatment that players might completely miss.

The final chapter of Star Wars Jedi has a ceiling to break with BD-1
The Star Wars Jedi will be busy finishing the game in the final chapter, and hopefully they won't retire Cal Kestis' beloved droid companion.
Behind the completion of the story, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor hides its most fascinating recruitment, the Stinger Mantis
Anyone who has had their fill Star Wars Jedi: Survivor by the time they're rolling the credits, they're probably missing out on a lot of satisfying and rewarding content, assuming they didn't decide to do most of it before they hit the point of no return. However, players get the new abilities and gear they need to fully execute everything in the game to the end of the story, and while exploration on huge planets like Koboh and Jedha is tempting, it's likely more rewarding once it's available. wait until players have everything they need and are no longer locked behind inaccessible passages.
Because Star Wars Jedi: SurvivorPlanets and maps are more open and also suitable for fast travel in meditation points, backtracking is not nearly as tedious as it can be in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Orderwhich also has much less substantial side content. Regardless, if players still have sidequests or exploration to pursue after beating the story, they'll have a much different experience than players who don't, as they'll be able to talk to Kata and hear her interact with Cal, Greez Dritus. and Merrin aboard the Stinger Mantis and in some docks.
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor's Post-Credits Exploration Teases Kata Akun's Future Significance
Kata is an endgame Stinger Mantis recruit who actually joins the crew for whatever adventures they go on in the game after defeating Bode and securing Tanalorr. As such, Kata will accompany players on their journeys across the galaxy and have dialogue to share as they take off or land.
This is paramount and beautiful, even though all of Kata's exchanges are optional interactions that players can completely miss out on as it gives the player much needed time to bond with Kata. That is likely SurvivorsThe upcoming sequel could have a time jump similar to the five year jumps between them A fallen order and Survivorsand Kata would realistically be completely different if she did. Survivors is likely the only time players will see her at such a young age, and as such, it's great that Cal, Merrin, and Greez can spend as much time with her as the player allocates for end-game, post-story content.
It will be interesting to see if Kata decides she has newfound, conflicted feelings about Cal cutting down her father, but she seems to have a decent head on her shoulders and may have come to terms with how far he's gone and how dangerous his father. . This could be an appropriate way for the story to continue and have her immediately accept Cal, Greez, and Merrin as her family; in any case, it would be more awkward if she joined them for however long the players explored the galaxy Survivors and bore an unbridled grudge against them.
Her conversations with the Mantis crew prove she's happy to be with them, and Cal and Merrin's private conversations about Kate make it clear that they've suddenly assigned guardian roles to each other—an appropriate page since they've recently become downright romantic. But Merrin lets them both off the hook when he says that “she's going to decide who she's going to be, no [them].”
This partly suggests that they might not have as much influence over Katy's upbringing, but it also suggests that they will take responsibility for her upbringing regardless. It's hard to see how Cal and Merrin might not feel a little responsible if Kata potentially turns to the dark side of the Force, given that she inherited Force sensitivity from her father and what Kata's role will be in the final chapter of the Force. Star Wars Jedi the series is interesting based on these optional conversations at the end of the game.