There are high hopes for the further development of Monolith Wonder Woman game, although it is still mostly shrouded in mystery. It will be the first proper, modern one Wonder Woman a video game that ideally builds the character to the relevance of Batman, who is perhaps the best-represented superhero in the gaming world, next to Spider-Man.
As fans are waiting for more news about Wonder Womanthey usually have only two sources on which to base their speculations: Batman: Arkham series and Monoliths Middle Earth duology. It is expected to inform the high-fantasy premise and action-adventure gameplay of the latter Wonder Womanand the former's more mature tone can be similarly influential, especially if both IPs are meant to exist in the same narrative universe. All of this needs to be said even though no gameplay has been revealed Wonder Womanthere are plenty of reasons to believe this will be a worthy game from a team that has already proven their excellence with previous titles. Let's hope it kicks off another equally important DC hero.

Monolith's Wonder Woman isn't an Arkhamverse game, but it should feel like one
The two are unrelated, but Batman's Arkhamverse has the opportunity to influence Wonder Woman from the Monolith in more ways than one.
After Wonder Woman, Warner Bros. needs release a Superman game
A Superman game would complete the DC Superhero Trifecta
Although DC Comics has spawned countless fantastic characters, it would be hard to argue against the idea that Superman, Batman, and Wonderwoman are its three most iconic. There are cosmic reasons for this: these characters are arguably the most competent and powerful in the DC Comics world, often occupying leadership positions. However, larger meta-narratives and thematic factors also contribute to why this trio is so enduring in culture and wider media.
Batman represents human ingenuity, resourcefulness and willpower, his mantle of “The Dark Knight” cementing him as a terrifying force for order and justice. On the other hand, Superman and Wonder Woman are aspirational characters, true superhumans who are the unattainable pinnacle of what society should strive for. They work hard but also enjoy innate gifts, making their relationship with society fundamentally different from Batman's. At the same time, Wonder Woman is steeped in the history of Themyscira, while Superman is a corn-fed, blue-blooded American, making them polar opposites in some ways.
WITH With Batman getting fantastic video game representation and Wonder Woman hopefully following suit, it should only be a matter of time before Superman gets his proper adaptation. He's one of DC's “Big Three” heroes, but more importantly, he's a unique character who could serve as a strong backbone for a stand-alone adventure and is significantly different from both. Wonder Woman and Batman: Arkham games.
Making a Superman game would be hard, but it was worth it
Superman has long posed an infamous challenge for game designers. Because when the protagonist can defeat the vast majority of physical threats with a single flick of the little finger, any semblance of game balance is pretty much thrown out the window. But TV shows, movies, and comics have been writing around this obstacle for years, so there's no reason why a video game can't do the same. It would probably just take a little ingenuity.
AND Superman In order for the game to work, it will probably have to buck most of the trends of the action-adventure genre. For example, Superman wouldn't be able to stand up to a crowd of henchmen like Spider-Man or Batman, as few human and alien threats would actually pose any kind of trouble for him. Maybe a less combative approach would work Superman game, although it would require a lot of thinking outside the box when it comes to game design. Whichever way it goes, Warner Bros. they should not avoid and Superman adaptation for too long, especially as the portfolio of superhero games continues to grow.

- Date of establishment
- October 25, 1994
- Headquarters
- Kirkland, Washington, United States of America
- Parent company
- Monolith Productions
- Known for
- Fear